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Paradigm Shift in Somalia

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Xiin bro.


You write:


" I am still trying to get Dr. Ahmed's gradual advance in Islamic movement in Somalia link created and posted so we can all share it! I blv it addresses most of the issues we are discussing here in SOL! Bear with me brother!"



I am also a believer of the concept brother, but there is an exception to every rule. A mind once expanded with an idea, is difficult to shrink it back to make it conform with this gradual concept, hence the problem of grassroots variations of the islamic resistance. Some want to go all the way in insisting that Sharia will be the law of the land, while, the " Moderators" aware of the "Big Brother" pressure on their shoulders, are conciliatory and are willing to accommodate the warlord monkeys who collaborated with the enemy's invasion of Somali Sovereignty and slaughtered civilians, and continues its genocide of our brothers in the occupied western Somalian territory.


Gone are the days when 4.5 Clan division formula was the law of the land, gone also are the days of excluding Islamists from power as per foreign demands. Today, as I have predicted in this thread two years ago, the western world which dictates to our people the acceptable form of governance that they should aspire, has conceded to an Islamist representation of the government, but only as an interim strategy of dividing the resistance. What does that mean?


It means that freedom is not given, anyone willing to stay a slave, will stay a slave, slavery is an abominable crime against humanity, freedom is a Divine given right, its taken by any means necessary. Being reasonable can be risky at times, the reasonable man deals with the world as it is, hoping a gradual change, which never comes, as the slave masters are keen in prolonging the slavery, the unreasonable man insists on immediate change as a condition for any settlement with adversaries. Amazingly, if it was not for the defeat of the American backed ( inhumane Ethiopian Invasion and molestation of Somalia), by a handful of Somali resistance youth, I doubt that Sheikh Sharief or any " Moderate" Islamist would have had the chance to be invited to Djibouti conference. Its unfortunate that the very people who defeated the Ethiopian invaders are not represented in Djibouti, in there place, the collaborators of the Ethiopian Occupation are represented.


What I don't understand is, how can anyone familiar with the recent history of the barbaric Ethiopian Invasion can accept their traitor representatives in Djibouti, specially when their last town Baidoa has been taken by the resistance?


Another mind boggling question is, how can Sheikh Sharief and others running for power expect to defeat the resistance spirit that the Ethiopians failed to defeat in two years? is the Djibouti faction making the same mistake of the TFG by excluding a vital factor from the equation? ironically, once more electing a government by the influential for the Imperialists interests in the region is in the making, history repeats itself, ( من يرد الله فتنته فلن تملك له من الله شيئاً )




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Without Alshabab and the resistance, there was no need for Sheikh Sharif. In fact, one reason he will be elected President today is because of Alshabab, and not because the 'world' belives in his capacity to govern nor because they are charmed by his 'charisma' as Xinn postulates. It is becuase they want to use him against what they see as 'extremists'. Waa la adeegsanayaa.

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"It is becuase they want to use him against what they see as 'extremists'. Waa la adeegsanayaa." By Abttigiis & Tolka (Islaamka)



Wisdom of the week!




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The Somali resistance's major sin in the eyes of the sponsors of the long civil war is their redefinition of the Somali conflict from the forced clan warlordism started by Ethiopian agents back in 1991 like a forest fire, to the new redefined conflict between those who are seeking a genuine Islamic governance based on Sharia.


Today, the warlords have resorted to create a pseudo-Islamic warlord faction named Ahlul Sunna, a name which is very far from their undeclared agenda of subservience to Ethiopia.



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As predicted in this thread, Somalia may never go back to secularism, Islam became so ingrained in the Somali psych in the past 20 years that any government not sugarcoated with Islam is doomed, but, if attempts by dormant clannish fervor succeeds, which is remotely possible if majority Somalis choose so, I am afraid that we may revert back to the old gutter of clan politics with an Islamic branding that defines the current so called " TFG Government"


I hope Confucius was wrong when he said " The Superior know what is right, the Inferior know what sells"



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I wonder about the Islam supposedly 'so ingrained in the Somali pysch in the past 20 years' that chooses to focus on chopping hands and pulling teeth.


I wonder about the Islam that leads to war between 2 'Islamic' groups as we have had in Kismayo recently.


I wonder how the current TFG may be 'back to the old gutter of clan politics with an Islamic branding' but its opponents are free from any such taint.


I wonder about people who see the murky situation in Somalia as black and white, believer and non-believer, Muslim and gaal, xaq and baadil.

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Pulling teeth? well, this particular task is done at dentist clinics for removing bad teeth, not by any group that I know of in Somalia. Chopping hands is an Allah ordained chastisement, if you have any problem with this punishment for thieves you don't have a problem with any group, you may have a problem with Allah. If your argument is that its not its time, that is a plausible argument and different opinions are respected in Islam including yours.


Islamic groups are no angels, they can go wrong at times, it happened between the companions after the death of the Prophet SAWS, and it was over, only Munafiqs have rejoiced by that incident, like the one in Kismayo, and Islam survived after that incident as a state for the next 1400 years spanning from Moroccco to Indonesia.


The Democratic west are not crying to change their system although much bitter wars had taken between them that caused the death of millions of innocent souls in two world wars, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Africa, Latin America, Palestine, they have also committed heinous crimes against humanity by burning humans in the holocaust, and as recent as Abu Ghreib and Guantanamo, and that is not even in their books, yet, its seen as acceptable to many since the media which bottle feeds the public presents it on different scale. So, its no wonder when someone unwittingly echoes its venom without realizing of being a mouth piece to the opponents of Islam


You have a point in that, not all those who oppose the TFG are free from taints, we all have taints, to different degrees, different opponents are responsible of some of the overall problem, but most of the taints can be cleaned, except for major stains, the TFG has a permanent stain of treason against our faith and hence our nation, with a little pressure from you know who and a little pleasure drawn from worldly gains, its guilty of selling out the country to its age old enemy, Ethiopia.


Another point you've scored is that there are more than two colors to it in Somalia, we have gray color, or the Hypocrite politicians masquerading as normal people who are skilfully represneting those who are responsible of our 20 year old Civil war.


One Question for you though; gray is a color shade that lies between black and white, Munafiq is person who displays Islam but conceals kufr, can you explain what lies between Xaq and Baatil?



Such is Allah, your Lord in truth. So after the truth, what else can there be, save error? How then are you turned away? Surah Yunus, Verse 32.




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Nur you are kidding me bro. How can you justify suicide bombings and their use by Al-Shabab even though we all know it is xaaraam? Answer this convincingly and then i will support this group. Pick between what you think is right and what Allah says is right.

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Originally posted by Nur:


Islamic groups are no angels, they can go wrong at times, it happened between the companions after the death of the Prophet SAWS, and it was over, only Munafiqs have rejoiced by that incident, like the one in Kismayo,


One Question for you though; gray is a color shade that lies between black and white, Munafiq is person who displays Islam but conceals kufr, can you explain what lies between Xaq and Baatil?




So Al-shabab are on Xaq and TFG on Baadil and kufr?

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Disclaimer: The following answer is meant for intellectual discussion ONLY, Do not discuss it at work or at school! it can be very dangerous to your wealth, only experienced TFG officials and opposing militias are expected to understand the concepts in depth, eNuri, SOL or Nur, are in no way responsible for any misuse of the following philosophical content by novices.





Welcome to SOL Islam page, and thanks for a fresh look at controversial issue such as what is known ( depending on which side of the conflict you happen to be) either a Fidaa'ee (one who sacrifices his life for a cause) or A suicide bomber (a crazy blood thirsty terrorist).


Its said that the first casualty of a conflict is TRUTH, and when truth dies, with it dies objectivity in reporting by news media, specially when the news media happen to belong to the other side of the conflict.


For illustration, every nation in history has honored those who gave their lives as a sacrifice to protect their people from harms way, while at the same time despising the other sides heroes sacrifices for their people. Therefore, the issue is relative. To your enemies you are the bad guy no matter how much good you do, to your friends, your are the good guy no matter the bad things you do.


From the political perspective, the questions to ask therefore are: What are the ethics of a war? are these ethics agreed upon universally? is everyone playing on a plain field? which one is bad, homicide bombing or suicide bombing? why aren't we worried by homicide bombings that kill much more civilians than suicide bombing?


From the Sharia perspective, the questions to ask are: What constitutes a legitimate resistance in Islam or by the UN? what drives a man so desperate to take his own life to harm others? could it be a sign of our failure as a society to provide justice for all? if money buys power for the rich people's cause, what would a poor man spend to gain power for his cause? his own life?



As for your second question on Xaq and Baatil of Shabab and TFG, it is important that we first agree on what Xaqq means, so that we can apply it on the right group, if we disagree on what constitutes Xaqq, then it becomes a futile attempt.


So, let me ask you, what is Xaqq as you understand it?




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I understand xaq as the truth and the way of Allah.

But tell me from what perspective you argue from.

TFG, Shabab or other?

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Truth in Arabic is translated as SIDQ, akhil faadil, let me clarify that SIDQ is a subset of Xaq, but Xaq is absolute and far more encompassing than mere truth. The Quraan differentiates between the term Xaq and the term Sidq.


The way of Allah is also a subset of Xaq


Now, coming back to my question once more, what is XAQ since you have posed the term first? a thorough understanding of this term will address your subsequent question.



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Let me add few more qualifying criteria in addition to agreeing on what is Xaq;


What are the issues dividing the TFG and the opposing groups?


Where does each one stand on these issues?


Is your source of information on where each party stands neutral? or is it main Media news, Somali Websites and hearsay?



Summing it all up, we need to agree on:


1. What constitutes Xaqq?


2. Where is each of the opposing opponents stand on the Xaqq.?



Logically then, we will both know if:


1. Any party is on Xaq.

2. Neither is On Xaq




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In the true sense of the word, neither are on Xaq. Neither follow the sunnah to it's fullest form which is Xaq. And you might claim the opposition do but they are one of the misguided sects know as the Khawaarij and some Xisbul Taxriir. The TFG is not on Xaq as they don't follow the prophets way of ruling (politics).

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Baarakallahu feek akhi, a late answer, but well thought out one, I pray that Allah SWT show me, you and all of those who seek Him the Xaq.


The Prophet SAWS taught us the following Duaa:


" Allahumma arinaa al Xaqqa Xaqqan, wa arzuqnaa ittibaacuhu, wa arinaa al Baatila baatilan wa arzuqnaa Ijtinaabahu" meaning, "O Allah, show us the Xaq as "The XAQ", and help us to follow. And show us the Baatil as "The Baatil" and help us to part ways with it"


The Hadeeth tells us that:


1. Not all the people see the Xaq, Allah SWT says in Quraan about this group: " Bal aktharum laa yaclamuuna al xaqa fa hum mucriduun" meaning, most of them do not know the XAQ, so they are against it"


2. Not all of those who see the Xaq, see it as THE GENUINE XAQ , but they see it as Baatil. Allah SWT says in Quraan from the perspective of the disbelievers as they see the believers " Low kaana kheiran maa sabaquunaa ileyh" Meaning " If what these { Zealots) follow was the good, they would not have beaten us to it" .


Allah also gives another example of this group as they see the believers "Gharra Haa ulaa i diinuhum" meaning, " These folks ( believers) got carried away with their religious zeal"


Of those who see the Xaq as truly the Xaq:


3. Most of them do not follow the Xaq. Allah says about this group " Wa ammaa Thamuudu fa hadeynaahum fastaxabbul camaa calaal Huda" As for the Nation of Aad, we have guided them, but they preferred blindness (following their desires) instead of guidance.



Allah SWT said: "If you dispute on an issue, then refer it to Allah ( Quraan) and the Messenger ( Sunnah)" . So our discussion on who is on Xaq path and who is on Baatil path shall be arbitrated by the Quraan and Sunnah alone inshAllah, which is the path of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaacah (not the Sufi Group in Somalia, which strangely, you have not said anything negative about in terms of Xaq).


I agree with you brother that neither side is on the Fullest form of Xaq, but to claim that one side is misguided, which implies that the other side is guided needs some clarification. Also akhi, to accuse the opposition to be Khawarij also implies that the TFG is the legitimate Khilaafa or Waliyul amr of the believers, who anyone who disobeys their authority the Sharia considers to be OUTLAWS which literally means in the Arabic Language KHAWARIJ, a historical deviant group that is well known to have rebelled against the legitimate Khilaafa government of Uthman RAA.



Allah SWT says in Quraan: Wa laa taqfu Maaleysa laka bihi cilm" Meaning, " do not follow something that you have no knoweledge of"


Based on that verse, we need to evaluate your accusation that these groups opposing the TFG to be genuinely Khawarij, because if they are found that they are NOT Khawarij, you have just earned a sin in following something that you heard from someone else without a solid knowledge which is not allowed in Islam, because, your sight, hearing and Mind are all meant to help you see the XAQ " Inna as Samca, wal basara wal fu'aada kullu ulaa ika kaana canhu Mas uulaa".


InshAllah, let us clarify and agree on this misunderstanding first so that we can discuss the real issue of what constitutes the XAQ in depth, since it will put the discussion in perspective. So please let me know what daleel sharci ( Legal proof) that you have that makes the opposition Khawarij, and makes the Sheikh Shareef Waliyul Amr to be followed, or in the case that you believe that neither is on Xaq, then who is on XAQ? because we can't just sit and wait for Allah to change the condition in which we live to a better one without an effort.


By the way, I truly feel that you are a sincere brother who is seeking the Xaq, and you will be in my prayer that Allah:


1. Shows all of us all the Xaq.

2. Show us the Xaq, as it is, THE RAW XAQ

3. And further help us to Follow it, so that we do no follow something that we have no knowledge of. Amin



Muxibbukum Fillah



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