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The World’s Next State?

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My guess was absolutely right! Before I opened it, I was guessing that it is about yet another blog's wasting space baaaaac... NG come back mate with some more. We heard and read many times about this. Same lines goes again. SL is not a peaceful place nor it's demogratic but a clan field which all its cheerleaders are from that same clan.. I see you're filling the XX and JB's task since they are busy collecting news about Gaashamo incident..

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Discrediting Stoic's shallow, one sided, and bogus political stands are actually the noble thing to do. His make belief of SL is an oasis of peace when one looks at his angle, Isa-k's clan view point then I rest my case. If he is a man with real convictions he would be rather daring and say the clan is my God and my clan by all means is doing well in that part of the world. He can even claim that SL is the best thing that ever happen to humanity but I can not tolerate his selective justice, half-baked truths if he comes here with his cantarabaqash by degrading, bashing and dehumanizing about the others' aspirations in the north e.i. Awdal, Khaatumo and Maakhir.


Whatever name you call to those who possess opposing views doesn't really matter but one thing is for certain that they indeed causing insomnia in many of your lot.


Ngonge: Can u bring anything substantive and objective to the table? this has been the norm for 20 plus years ....

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Xaaji Xunjuf;806543 wrote:
Why are people on STOIC case what did he do wrong its just his opinion respect his political beliefs.

STOIC is easy pray for us. He is a sijui. :D

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Che -Guevara;806521 wrote:
^You sound angry with bed-wetting comment. It must be brought on by something?

Perhaps Stoic was always a supporter of Somaliland, why are you surprised at bed-wetting comments when you regularly slander Somaliland and pretty much anything that isn't AL-Shabab or anti-Ethiopia.

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Che, I'm sorry for assuming your question had an underlying tone to tick me off...I have never called anyone fake.You can look at all my contributions.Yes I will always call all the unionist as Bed-wetters for they have been wetting on themselves for the last twenty years.Yes, individuals and people on this site my sometimes misinterpret my words as hateful, but they are just words.If anything they are meant to be funny.I also do call the Khatumo crew as dancehall state supporters...


Talexi, I can understand where you are coming from, you are more than welcome to challenge my opinions.I have many times adressed your angry lot about the reality on the ground on SL aspirations.Somaliland is today a region recognized for its free, fair and frequent elections.It is a region with elected representative,and inclusive citizenship (and i know you don't agree with this)..It is the political institution in place that is wining the hearts and minds of people like the above reporter.As with all other human activities, people will form their own opinions about a place.SL has provided today people from different clans (and sub-clans) the maximum opportunity to exercise their freedom within the limit of their laws (i know you don't agree with ths too).


I understand there is a tension in your region, but unfortunately for you today the nature and quality of governance in your region is determined by SL administration.If you confront and overcome your limits you might just transform yourself into a respected region like SL.Yet, although you may reasonably choose to ignore the truth, but unfortunately reality dictates differently.I do believe that SL is a functioning government today while your dancehall state is not functioning beyond the mechanics of organizing get-together parties..Revival and reform have been a dormant theme in Somali politics for the last twenty years, so i will not be surprise if i see dancehall state flag flying high in all your cities, but it takes time and patience.Just know that there is a danger in overemphasing the weakness of SL while the reality on the ground is a different ball game.It takes a bedrock of faith, and inspirational reality to reach the level of SL...

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khatumo everywhere as usual, 20 gun trotting gangsters who own the largest piece of land on earth,worse they bring in Awdal along as thou they have leash on them.They talk about clan enclave when all they pursuing is clan agenda.They greatly took part in the destruction of somalia and many of thm were agents of NSS headed by their uncle Dafle.No one will let you destroy somaliland like you did to the dream of somaliweyn,and if someone has to be subjugated for the interest of greater Slanders than that will be you.No secret about this,the field is wide open and we do what we have to do & you do what you ought to do..waa inoo garoonka.

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STOIC;806578 wrote:
.I do believe that SL is a functioning government today while your dancehall state is not functioning beyond the mechanics of organizing get-together parties..Revival and reform have been a dormant theme in Somali politics for the last twenty years, so i will not be surprise if i see dancehall state flag flying high in all your cities, but it takes time and patience.Just know that there is a danger in overemphasing the weakness of SL while the reality on the ground is a different ball game.It takes a bedrock of faith, and inspirational reality to reach the level of SL...

This is how SOIC views khaatumo


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Bunch of corrupted minds. The game is on indeed. Let us destroy each other until everyone comes to terms with reality.

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The Sage   

Mario B;806525 wrote:
IS "SL" still
old blogs so that it can get in the news loop?

I see Mario is too lazy or partisan to even bother reading the article:





Anyway, there's a reason why every week Somaliland is praised by international news outlets. It makes progress and development in a region where everyone else thinks its impossible but in spite of it, it does. People in this online community make ridiculous claims like Somaliland "pays off" these outlets or the New York Times or the Economist are "propaganda outlets" but we all know the truth: success and progress never goes unnoticed .

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