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I was at a meher yesterday for a long time reer aan isku xaafad ahayn in pre-war Xamar wiilkooda. Walaalahey waa weynaa saaxiib la ahaa wiilka. Anyway, I was at the meher. It was a nice hall, fully decorated, unfortunately kuraastii isla markii wey buuxsameen. Line-up iyo waxaas bilowday. Xataa the groom's brother and his nephews kuraasta ka buuxsantay when they arrived late. Dadka taag taagan ku jireen darbiga safan.


My point is, why would anyone u imaanaa aroos iyo meher aan laga casuumin and especially bring their kids as well. I am sure no faarax calooshiisa baahan Toronto joogo aan ka ahayn kuwa hunguriga weyn. Why dadka meesha ugu buuxineysaa, especially haddaa aragtay inay meesha la buuxo and you are not invited. Haddaa sheeko sheeko iyo waxaas rabtid, iswaca ama meelaha kale isku arka.


It is wareer untii dadka waxee ku tashteen ma'ahee in qarash kale lasii giliyo because tobbaneeyo aan la garaneynin aanana la casuumin meesha iska soo xaadiriye. Afkoodana kaama heysanayaan, always wax lee kaa sheegayaan, especially haddee raashiinka kala go'da because iyagaaba meesha soo buux dhaafiye.


Stay away meel aan lagaa casuumin, aroos, xaflad walaa martiqaad.

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^If one is serious about something, they will make it happen. In Boston, uninvited guests are shownthe door, eventually people in the city got the picture. I think we are just afraid of doing the dirty deed turning someone away.

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MM, Reerkaa bariiskaa bathhii allaa dhaha.....Somalis and invitations don't work.If you ever getting married just be prepared to cover the extra bill..Once i was a bestman at my friends weddding in a city populated by Somalis.The cataan lady kept coming up on the stage in the middle of the wedding ceremony informing my friend the number of the guest is above what was agreed...He had to swipe his credit card to cover the extra guest expense.You just have to suck it up.Its the way our culture works

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STOIC;806274 wrote:
MM, Reerkaa bariiskaa bathhii allaa dhaha.....Somalis and invitations don't work.If you ever getting married just be prepared to cover the extra bill..Once i was a bestman at my friends weddding in a city populated by Somalis.The cataan lady kept coming up on the stage in the middle of the wedding ceremony informing my friend the number of the guest is above what was agreed...He had to swipe his credit card to cover the extra guest expense.You just have to suck it up.Its the way our culture works



Si tartiib uu qarsan mee u sheegi weysay that lady.


And yes, u sheeg Che, invitations doesn't work unless you are prepared to put toughened security men at the door.

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Invitations do not work in London either. So weddings crashers are everywhere. i think it is very embarrasing to go meel aan lagaa wacan.


the solution is simply to cater for more food, at least 60-70 extra people.

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At my wedding two of my cousins were ready with their credit cards in case we had crashers...You have to be prepared.It didn't matter we had nicely printed wedding invitation cards.Somalis don't care and we just have to live with it.....

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I do not think close relatives or friends in a wedding would actually worry about eating or seats in general;

actually in similar circumstances I'm more than happy to help and cater for guests and others who attend (mind you not of all those invited do come).


Back home, even the TV set was shared with the neighbours (let alone the distant relatives settling with you);

it is not so much "open doors" and generosity but the acquired taste for luxuries and costly weddings that is the problem in general...

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According to the unwritten rules, qof kuu soo labistey inaad irida ka celisa waa ceebtii aduunka


ps: aroosaa faqiir maaha marka credit cardka iska hor mari

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Soomaali Maxamed Sala Cala Nabi. Dadkaan aad sheegeysiin ee aad leedihiin iyaga oo aan la invite-garayn ayey iska imaanayaan, dadkaas waa Qabiilkaagii. Marka Qabiilkaaga invitation umma baahna, iyaga oo toban toban u socda waa in ay arooskaaga dalaq iska soo dhahaan...;)

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