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Xaaji Xunjuf

Gaashaamo nomads clash with Ethiopian Liyo police in the Gaashaamo district with casuatlies

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The Zack;806463 wrote:
Waxaan la yaabay wasiirada Somaliland maxaa ka galay waxa ka socdo Ethiopia dhexdeeda? The Liyu police have been killing innocent Somalis for years, what is so different this time? Why is Somaliland so concerned this time?

Iska fahan..


I am sadden wherever an innocent person is killed being Mogadishu, Lasanod, Goday and currently atrocities in Gaashamo..Alle ha u naxariisto intii dhimatay..


I will add tough, what goes around comes around, the Liyu police that killed more than 25 people in Buholde, robbed and seized many of the local properties a year and so ago were from Gaashumo district and they were closely working with SL militia when they attacked Widhwidh.. Now Liyu became one clan group beats me the hell out!

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The Zack   

Khadar, :)




That doesn't make sense, all Somalis have families in Somaliland, why is this one different? Come on Xaaji, help me understand this.

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kingofkings;805719 wrote:
well said.

why does this fella act the same as somalia?? i strongly believe ''they'' are just one, the shirts differ.


inti dhimatay ALLAH haunaxariisto.

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It does make sense if the people of burco and oodweyne and ceerigaabo have direct family members in gaashaamo that they are worried about.Particularly their close family members across the border.And if they are pressuring their government to act or to condemn the atrocities committed by the Ethiopian forces than that doesn't come as a surprise does it? Not so sure see the problem if the SL government condemns the attacks on the people of gaashaamo don't we all condemn it? Lets just hope it all calms down and let the people live in peace and harmony inshallah.

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The Zack   

So it is all about clan. When sub clans related to Somaliland are abused the SL admin condemns it when the same admin ships Somali citizens to Ethiopia to be abused by the same police. Got it.


I suggest the people of Gaashaamo join the onlf to free themselves from these xabashis.

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No its not about clan its about people caring about their own people do you know how many relatives of the family members were knocking on the doors of Siilaanyo the past few days from elders business people and other people. There are no doctors in the region to treat the people even the doctors from sl were not allowed to enter the region after much talking they were allowed.


As for the ONLF i consider it a noble struggle and it deserves support but it has a long way to go to get the support of the northern people of Somali galbeed lots of dialogue and reconciliation between the different communities is needed.

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The Zack;806550 wrote:
So it is all about clan. When sub clans related to Somaliland are abused the SL admin condemns it when the same admin ships Somali citizens to Ethiopia to be abused by the same police. Got it.


I suggest the people of Gaashaamo join the onlf to free themselves from these xabashis.


Last time when Ethiopians attacked Buuhoodle, Somaliland ministers, Clan Secessionists like Xaji Xunjuf all were celebrating.



X X response to Ethiopian attack on Buhoodle.



Xaaji Xunjuf;413517 wrote:
Horta Buhoodlada wa in mar si fiican loo siifeyaa.

A_Khadar;413522 wrote:
Horaa loo yidhi habar fadhidaa lagdine la fududaa!



Xaaji Xunjuf;431610 wrote:
Careful who you mock Boy the Ethiopian Troops that led the operation liberate Buhoodle today , Were all Ethnic Somalilanders [Gaashaamo] They were not Highlanders From Ethiopia.


Buhoodle is going trough Big Changes , change will come Inshallah soon

Well the rebels are being crushed as we speak, Somaliland took over widhwidh district and Both buhoodle and widhwidh are with out electricity right now . The rebels lost over 7 people , Somaliland Army might move towards Horurfadhi , The people of Buhoodle shall not be used as human shield By these Clan fanatics


Somaliland shall prevail


Geel_jire;431620 wrote:
naclatallah !



Xaaji Xunjuf,



ethnic somilalanders ku yeh .. dulinimaada ma waxay kuu gaysay ****dh1l1f xabashi inaan noo faanisid.


man some of your stuff is hard to stomach but this is just despicable



Saalax;431598 wrote:
Che -Guevara, There is no lost love between I and Buhoodle.


Thankful, those soldiers are mainly ethnic somalis from [Gaashaamo] gobolka soomaaliida who have strong links family links with somaliland so don't be surprised.


Thankful, you don't get it, it was part of a offensive planned attacks, that somaliland will attack from the north which they did capture widhwidh and the other team from deegaanka Gaashaamo hawdka will attack from the south which they did attack buhoodle, more battles are to follow this week the terrorists like xalkotoosiiye will be crushed.




Haatu;431599 wrote:
Justice shall prevail. This blatant isirtir shall be accounted for.

A_Khadar;431590 wrote:
Laakiin Dadka reer buuhoodle way guulaysteen cidii doontaba ha soo weerartee.. Dabaal dega Xaaji Xunduf baroor baa xigi doonta..

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Taleexi;806632 wrote:
Liibaan: XX dhegihiisa, maskaxdiisa iyo farihiisu islama shaqeeyaan.


Taleexi waa runtaa, shalay Xunjuf waxa uu doodayay inuu taageersanyahay Ciidamada Liyu/Itoobiyaanka ee kasoo Jeeda Gaashaamo dagaal ee kusoo qaadeen Buuhoodle, XX iyo kuwa badan oo oo taageersan Jabhada Somaliland ayaa aad ugu farxay Xasuuqii shacabka Buuhoodle ee geesteen Ciidamada Liyu.

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wuu is badalay xaajigu ayaan u malaynayaa, oo baadilkaa iyo xaq daradaa aad ku soo qaqabatay wuu ka waantoobay. Ayaamahan isagoo tageersan Khaatumo ayaa iigu dambaysay. Aar xaajiyow wa lagu haystaaye bal mowqifkaaga cadee.

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Liibaan is again comparing apples to oranges there were border clashes between the border of SL and that of Ethiopia led by Xaglatoosiye the former rebel leader of ssc keeping the insecurity of the region intact.This is a whole different situation this is just random Liyo boolis attacking some of the regions in gaashaamo killing people. and no border dispute.Now Buhoodle is peaceful no rebels in Buhoodle xaglatoosiye left.This is the exercise of bad action and recations between the Somaliland army and their former rebels and that's seems to be solved and the region of the buhoodle district is an oasis of peace now stop comparing the incomparable.

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So xaaji who was in the wrong during the border dispute, the ppl of buuhoodle or the ethiopans? I tried defending u above, but u just made the situation worse for urself lol. Ur on ur own man.

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