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Abu Mansur Al Amriki: Al Shabab wants to Kill Me VIDEO

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WOW! Sheekadaan way cusub tahay. Alshabaab qaar ka mid ah ayaa qaba in Ajaanibta ka dhinac dagaalanta ay dhibaato wayn oo xagga taageerada Dadka ah u keeneen, laakiin video gaan ayaa si fiican u cadaynaya in uu khilaaf wayn jiro.


Waa isbadal lagu farxi karo.

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Do you beleive that this story is true? Have you read the Triple Agent Book, based on Dr Al-Balawi, a Young Jordanian Dr. who became a suicide bomber? If you did read that book you will question this guy's story.

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Gaacuur;805330 wrote:
WOW! Sheekadaan way cusub tahay. Alshabaab qaar ka mid ah ayaa qaba in Ajaanibta ka dhinac dagaalanta ay dhibaato wayn oo xagga taageerada Dadka ah u keeneen, laakiin video gaan ayaa si fiican u cadaynaya in uu khilaaf wayn jiro.


Waa isbadal lagu farxi karo.

It has more to do with internal power struggle than any remorse for the suffering Somali people. Ina Godane has masterfully used the foreigners to isolate and eliminate his Somali opponents and now consolidating his grip by going after key Al Shabab Foreign mercenaries in his attempt to position himself as the Osama Bin Ladin of Africa. The killings of Fazul Rehman kick started this new power struggle and is now in full swing. Its time to grab a popcorn or two and enjoy the movie! This is epic!

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Abwaan;805333 wrote:
Do you beleive that this story is true? Have you read the Triple Agent Book, based on Dr Al-Balawi, a Young Jordanian Dr. who became a suicide bomber? If you did read that book you will question this guy's story.

Can you give a summery for those of us not familiar with that story?

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Cambuulo iyo bun;805337 wrote:
Abwaan i believe they up to something if that was truth the guy would have left the country long time ago

Bro, dozens of foreign Shababists and some Somali ideologies have already been leaving Somalia for the past month and heading for Yemen. If this trend continues, pretty soon there will remain the opportunistic elements within Al Shabab and it will be much easier to deal with them.

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naah i dont believe it, this is propoganda, they wanna trick u guys and make u really believe that al shabaab is defeated then when u least expect it something big gonna happen.. heck they even managed to do a suicide attack this week in Villa somalia

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Recovering-Romantics;805334 wrote:
It has more to do with internal power struggle than any remorse for the suffering Somali people.

Sidaa ayay ila tahay, Qoraalkaan fiiri:


Al-Amriki differed with Godane over suspicious circumstances in which foreign fighters in the ranks of Al-Shabab were dying or being killed in combat, the highly-placed source said.


''We had information early today saying that two foreign fighters, Al-Misri and Salah-Udin - a German, were arrested and detained on the orders of Godane,'' the source told The Jackal News. The two fighters were inquiring from the leader of the rebels about the suspicious circumstances under which the jihadists were being dying, the source added.


And it appears that Abu-Mansur Al-Amriki was disappointed with the arrest of the two, and quit. ''He said had better things he could do for the Somali people that fighting alongside Al-Shabab,'' the fighter, whose father was Syrian-born Muslim and mother, American, said.

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Cambuulo iyo bun;805340 wrote:

naah i dont believe it, this is propoganda, they wanna trick u guys and make u really believe that al shabaab is defeated then when u least expect it something big gonna happen.. hech they even managed to do a suicide attack this week in Villa somalia

Thats highly unlikely and goes against basic logic. Al Shabab is facing multiple battles and most importantly a vicious internal war for control. The consistent assassinations of key Al Shabab foreign mercenaries is believed to widened the divide between Ina Godane and the foreigners who suspect he might have a hand. It's a real battle and the fact that key foreign mercenaries like Abu Mansur Al-Amriki is making a public video whining about his own safety shows that it's time's up within Al Shabab. That and the recent surge by Al Shabab fighters to migrate to Yemen for shelter. For those of us, who have been fundamentally opposed to these troglodytes even when they had massive public support, it is a sweet melodious moment.


With regards to the the Villa Somalia bombing, it was a very desperate act. In fact, if you have ever been to the area, you will notice that it is a very public area complete with bars and residential areas. I was there hundreds of times last month and I havent been for a minute searched or questioned. The only time you will be questioned is after you cross the checkpoint right next to National Theater. So, if you want do some criminal act, its a very soft spot. But even then, its encouraging that the security forces stopped the bomber and prevented the death of dozens of more innocent people.

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