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Sharia Law, Are we Ready For IT?

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Originally posted by WaTerLily:


Jawahir, I think JB is one of thsoe ppl who have rejected the Islamic faith and seeks spiritual fulfilment elswhere. [/QB]

Subxanallah, is thats the case the poor soul will be in my prayers. Somebody needs to disillusion him, you will never find spiritual fullfillment outside of Islam.


P.S Waterlily I agree with you it all starts from the heart (i.e an individuals intentions) and Inshallah will then subsequently spread to their actions. My name is JAMILAH and not Jawahir.

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I can easily cite the common misapplication of democracy to highlight why it’s not the right solution for Somalia.


Nur and others,


I think Somalia is a perfect model for the establishment of a khilafa state, the people are 99% Muslim and would welcome a righteous leadership.


We shouldn't question if we're ready for it, rather if we're working towards it. Once you take the shahaada and submit to Islam makes you ready for khilafa by design.


The establishment of khilafa starts with the individual and families and that results in an Islamic society, which will eventually influence the politics.

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Blessed sister,


being 99% Muslim, but what is Muslim though? becuase your name is Muhammad or Aisha or your forefathers are muslim doesn't make u ready for shariah. I don't think we are ready for shariah, true we are Muslims but there is no jamaat ul islamiya -first condition for shariah to be established like in Madinah. A Madinah first, then a Khalifah. Thus how do establish Madinah in this century?


My answer: Jihad, against our selfs & against the kufars and hypocrites.



Nur brother, my response would be what is best for my interest as the landlord, we are bani adam we look out for our own ends.


But my brother in Islam, Allah is Most Merciful and Islam is Al-Raxmah, human beings don’t forget or forgive, But Allah is Most Great and Most Kind to His slaves.

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Blessed Soul Wrote:


I think Somalia is a perfect model for the establishment of a khilafa state, the people are 99% Muslim and would welcome a righteous leadership


So, Blessed, Who would be our Khalifa? ( Caliph) we have the best leaders representing the 99% Muslim population, among us who are our Warlords, I am sure killing few souls here and there is not that bad, Which warlord for the Title of Amirul Muminiin?




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As news of the fleeing of warlords hit the screens, the Islamic courts are at cross roads of what to declare, what to do, priorities and the sensitive issue of how to deal with a world bottle fed lies about Islamic Sharia by ignorant politicians and faithless individuals.


Lets revive the discussion on this interesting issue at a time of dire need for direction.




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To keep the Sharia issue on the front burner ( Sharia is becoming too hot to handle), I am reposting a response to Mr. Zardar, British Muslim of Asian decent who, like many others is throwing his two cents worth of blaming the victim. This is not to say that Muslims are blameless for their own predicament, they are indeed a party to the mess, but the context of the issue is heavily tilted toward a western perspective, not Muslim, if we have to preserve Islam naturally without synthetic principles, like the rainforests, we have to preserve the Sharia from smear campaign, its arguable at best if indeed the Electric seat and the Chemical killing for a serial rapist is more humane than stoning, or if chopping the hand of a thief is better for a community than sending him to a prison to be with hardened criminals, only to emerge back with vengence determined to do worse crime thean before, not mentioning the tax payers who have to foot the bill of $ 40,000 per inmate/year.



Here was my partial response to Mr. Zardars article ( adressing only an aspect of many issues he discussed at length)



A great read, in the mind of Prof Zardar.


The Prof has made some good observation, his intentions seem to be for the good of our faith, his opinion is open for interpretation though.



Does Islam has to be "Reworked again"


A problem that affects Muslims who were born in non Muslim majority countries is the adoption of the thinkng of their host countries.


Being born in UK, and briefly working in Saudi, with all its good and bad aspects like any other country, the Prof. draws a mental picture, with an Islamic paint brush on a Western canvas .


There is no doubt that Muslim ummah is in sick condition, in many aspects, I agree with the Prof on that, however, their "sickness" is drawn from their collective defficieny in the application of the Sharia, not from there failure to modernise the Sharia, because, the Sharia is not grown in vaccuum, it must be applied on real cases and accepted by the adherents of the faith, it is the dynamic interpretation of the devine teachings in the Quraan and the Sunnah. But unlike Christianity which never developed a similar code, the Sharia which literally means the law, is the collection of the Devine rulings and the Prophetic directives in cases related to the interaction of the faithful with their lives, business and personal relationship, thus, the legislator is Allah SWT through His Prophet. So, in Islam, we have Jurists ( Fuqaha) but not legislators, as that was done with by Allah SWT.


The moral of the Sharia is Preservation of:


1. Faith

2. Life

3. Property

4. Family, decendants ( NASL)

5. Mind



These never change, any development in Sharia that threatens the above is against the moral of the Deen, thus unacceptable.


The author claims that Sharia is not devine, so, its can be changed at will to fit our needs. This is gross over simplication: Allah SWT says in Quraan: " Thumma jacalnaaka calaa Shariicatin minal amri fattabichaa, wa laa tattabic ahwaa a alladheena laa yaclamuun " meaning " Thus we ordered you ( O Muhammad) to follow a law, so follow it, and do not follow the desires of those who know not "


So it is true that the Sharia as a code, it is not a God ( devine) but it is a law from God, which mustr be adhered to and followed.


As life progresses it becomes complicated, and I agree that we as Muslims must always find a solution in the Sharia, the tricky part here were the Prof takes a nose dive is that when the Sharia and our interests diverge, which one should be held constant and which one should be changed? unlike the American constitution that endured over 200 years without a major change, the Sharia, the oldest applied code in the history of humanity, is sound and kicking, what id needs is our modification of our lifestyles to adapt to the sharia, not the otehr way around, Alcohol will never be made halaal, and premarital sex will never be accepted, nor Soddomy marraiages like the modern society has come to accept.


I understand the frustration of generations of Muslims who grew up in the west, being torn between the yearning of the good life in the west on one hand, and the testing demands islam as a faith demands from the faithful.


From time immomorial, Moses and his followers suffered injustices and redicule, so was Jesus and Muhammad, if the life of this world and its enjoyment alone is the call of our faith, then I would have to agree with the prof. on his logic of modernization of the Sharia, if on the otherhand, we condider this life as the first half of a game, than, rules are rules, playing here means paying there and vice versa, Islam ( austere submission to God ) is not fun here, but it leads to eternal happiness in the hereafter, I know of no scripture, Torah, Gospel or Quraan that negates that statement.



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Xiin Bro Eid Mubaarak


Sorry for taking this long to answer your question, I have just realized it now.


You write:


"I always apposed armed dacwah in the house of Islam, but I thought the intractable political and security circumstances in Mogadishu warrant some exceptions. In the light of your analysis however I realize the wind behind your argument, and till I do more research on this issue I have to control my personal desires for a speedy reestablishment of shariicah in Mogadishu. Perfection should not be the goal, I still hold, but we shouldn’t lower the quality bar in favor of expediency, I concur.


So we are not ready for it yet, I agree. But what shoud we do in the meantime, I ask?


PS: To continue this discussion I will come back for the questions you posed."





The ICU movement since their melting-away thinly in Somali populace, has transformed and restructured itself into a legitimate resistance movement, as long as they exist, they will be the winners inshAllah ( with all their shortcomings and lack of experience). If they ever succeed in driving the Ethiopian enemy out of Somalia, then, a consensus building phase will be required to pave the way to a fruitful and agreable arrangement in which Sharia can be re-introduced with flavors ( like strawberry milk).


By flavors, I dont mean a deviation from the Sunnah, but the delivery of the content while introducing it to a modern thought consumer, a feat that calls for a combination of Aql, with Naql ( Reason with Scripture), so that we avoid the predicament of the compannions who gave the wrong literal fatwa that caused the death of a fellow companion, which angered the Prophet SAWS saying " Qataluuh, qaatalahum/Qatalahum Allahu"


Today, its high time for a marriage between reason and scriptures when it comes the application of the Sharia, a task that can best be met by an enlightened body of Ulema, well versed in contemprary issues as well as a deep knowledge of the Usuul and Maqaasidul Sharia.




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There is no Mercy neither Grace of God in Sheria Law. How then can Allah be considered as mercyful or gracious?


When the one you love deeply is caught in one of those things that is supposed to be killed, would you then desire Mercy, that, that someone can be forgiven or judgement and send someone to Hell?


And then we are supposed to believe that Allah is as well forgiving.Why can't that one be forgiven then?Did Allah not know that, that individual would have commit that kind of sin? and if He knew and if He loves His creation that he desires that all should not go to hell, why then sheria law which no one can TRULY keep it?


After someone is punished under sheria law would he/her be permited by Allah to enter heaven?

Let the TRUTH be known there is no MERCY in sheria law and if sheria law is in Islam, then there is no true Forgiveness neither Mercy in Islam.


""Let us not be religious, lets face the TRUTH""

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King Koya


You write:


There is no Mercy neither Grace of God in Sheria Law. How then can Allah be considered as mercyful or gracious?






Allah can be considered mercyful or gracious by TOLERATING a slave of his to claim Allah begot a son, that Allah is three, yet one, that Allah allowed humans to commit any sin, including the holocaust (committed by Cristians against Jews) the worst single crime in history with the blessing of the German Church.



Sharia Law is only tough on criminals, not law abiding citizens, is a matter of sacrifice, but as Christians, you believe Allah sacrificed his own son to save criminals. Imagine if I ask you to kill your own son, so Hitler can be saved and forgiven?




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Nur, some would say the biggest single or collective crime was commited against the indegenous people of South America by European Christians. The figures for that genocide are unknown, but it runs into the hundreds of millions!

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Shariah is in place in Saudi Arabia. Go and immigrate to it. I dare you! No you are all to happy to dream about Shariah when you are fed and housed by the white man.

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The sharia in place in Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Islam. It was invented by two families to rule over the arabs. Unfortunately they brainwashed few somalis by teaching them their version of Islam and now these are calling for sharia law in Somalia and causing more violence. Are we ready for sharia? No Somalia is not ready for sharia cause the Saudi trained "sheikhs" will not allow them to follow the sharia unless it is their version.

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Ciid Mubaarak to you yaa Nur!


I am glad you revived this thread. Many things have transpired since our discussion in this thread. Chief among momentous events that took place since our last discussion are the crippling setback that was exacted on Courts movements, the American sponsored invasion in Somalia by our historic enemy, the emergence of Al shabaab militants, and the mass, forced exodus of Mogadishu population. Without emotional fanfare, we are, or Somalia is, at a historic crossroads. A failed leadership is on the helm of the affairs of every region. Division, separatism, mistrusts between major Somali clans, and lack of adequate awareness are among Somalia’s prevailing realities. When I examine these challenges, and study those who set out to address them in whatever fashion they come, I feel these problems are insurmountable! Then again I realize there is wisdom in everything that Allah does or devices. And that restores my hope!


Disagreement is harmful yaa Nur when it relates to doctrinal issues as Qur’an teaches. But it represents, disagreement does, a sign of divine mercy or opportunity for diversity when it happens in the field of jurisprudence. That’s the traditional understanding of the disagreement hadith! I cite that because I want you think hard on what I am about to say! Ignore the doc-ka-yeeris yaa sheikh Nur, and concentrate on the points I am about to raise IA.


Courts, as they were before the American invasion, are no longer. Al shabaabs youths have no solution for our chronic problems. Tfg is a tool whose time has expired: hopeless. Other Somali entities outside of the troubled south are politically captive and confined. Somali Diaspora->ha sheegin! I call these things facts. They are FACTS yaa Nur. If the goal is to save Somalia and whatever is left of its people and resources, those facts dash any hope that’s based on the aforementioned entities/concepts. They tame today’s popular clichés and political/religious slogans, and reduce then the empty rhetoric they are. Gone are words/phrases such as government, Jihaad, sovereignty, stability, liberation, etc. ICU did not melt away---they were done away. They did not transform---they were caught of guard and unprepared. In the big scheme of things, and when narrowly speaking of the atrocities in Mogadishu, Ethiopia is irrelevant (it’s quite relevant in the wider Somali conflict though, mind you)----America, with its large armed fleets on our coasts, and it’s F16 sorts flying overhead in our airspace all organized to protect its hired boys in Xamar, is relevant yaa Nur. It’s a reality, and it needs to be accounted in any genuine strategy to address the Somali conflict. It’s no longer scandal to say the fight in the Bakara market and suuqa xoolaha is analogous to a programmer who labors to fix and debug one line of code, not knowing that the whole program is broken and even if he finally succeeds to compile that portion of the code, the rest will still be remained riddled with bugs---bugs that may perhaps require rewriting the whole thing! Allah will undoubtedly reward good intentions. But when you remove this fog of emotion obstructing most of us to see clearly, you would realize that desperate fighting against a resourceful rival like America truly is ineffectual, and futile. The cost of fighting in Mogadishu proved quite colossal. Clearly our people got forced to flee. Their properties got destroyed. To what end? To defeat Ethiopia in Xamar? Then what? Who’s going to defeat her in Boosaaso, or Hargeysa if one believes their influence on those areas is more intrenched? Or to defeat America, whose financial and milatery backing is clearly the sole differentiator in this fight? Are the present means nearly adequate, by any estimation, to defeat it? Is it to defeat tfg? If yes, is it worth it?


Is there any consideration given the impact such confrontation bound to have on innocent masses when done in urban areas? Does the cost outweigh the benefit?


I don’t want to labor on critiquing tfg. It’s fair to say, absence of any plans from the powers that be, history will show how ***** and treacherous its leader were in their belief that they could rule Somalia from the top of Ethiopian tanks.



I am done critiquing on the current approaches to end the Somali conflict! Now, here are some thoughts on the solution, as I see it.


Forget about shariicah for now. Shariicah is a means to please Allah. It requires stability and security. We have none! The goal should preserve two things: the land and its people---Somalia and Somalis. You can only talk about shariicah if you have a jurisdiction over a country/state and a consenting constituency! You got to work to get those two first yaa Nur! We are war ravaged. Our best minds are drained and out. We are invaded by able powers. And we are divided! We are no position to regain what we lost by fighting. The only avenue open for us is to reconcile and seriously attempt to bridge our deference. Our thinking, financial power must be mobilized toward that end. There is a reason why the rasuul played meek 13 years in Mecca. It was because he and his disciples were weak, and no position to defend what was rightfully theirs. He knew pride and bravery alone was not sufficient to serve the purpose for which he was sent: to save his people. Any parallel between that history and ours yaa Nur?



Before I leave this page, let’s underline one thing. Ethiopia is the enemy, and we should strategize and device plans to undermine her in the region. Not because we hate her or despise her, but our interests are genuinely and diametrically opposed!


No Courts alone! No shabaabs alone. No Asmara group alone. No tfg alone. No Somaliland alone. No Puntland alone. Rather the sum of all of these, or perhaps some revision of them, should be the engine to revive Somalia…

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Quick Responses


Geel Jire Bro.


If we go that far back in history, we will have more worse crimes against many peoples ruled by colonialists, ou dont have to go as far as latin America, Africa is close example of attrocities if you have the time and heart.



Peace Now


Sharia Law is Devine, its from Alah not from Saudis, nor any other nation that claims it, what differentiates true application of Sharia from wannabees is the end result. Historically it was applied and Islam became a leader of humanity, simply, it was Tawheed and Sharia at work, once our understanding of those two diminished, we found ourselves in the back seat of humanity. Those who champion Democracy as the alternative will quickly tell you that USA under Bush administration is not a good example of Democracy, so there you have it.


By the way, the white man does not feed anyone except his folks, Allah feeds people, the white man happened to be resourceful enough to steal resources from sleeping nations ( Duwal Naaymah).




I agree, Somalia is not ready for Sharia as long as most people worship their tribes as a God instead of Allah. The day when Somalis join hands as brothers in Islam, that is the day when Sharia can be introduced.




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