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Somalia: Khaatumo State and TFG-Somaliland Talks

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What Boqor Cismaan wants to see is one political platform for northern people in the ex-British Somaliland, an idea that leaders of the two major, pre-independence political parties of northern Somalia ( Somali National League and United Somali Party ) failed to articulate to face one major party in the South ( Somali Youth League ) after the union of the two provinces created the Republic of Somalia on July 1 1960 .

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^Carafaat the world does not revolve around the wants of reer waqooyi galbeed? One time they want to secede and now that they know that idea is farfetched some of them are entertaining the idea of 50/50 when it comes their political power-share with the south. I am sorry sxb the somalidiid folks have put reer khaatumo through so much. Khaatumites can not even fathom having anything to do with reer waqooyi galbeed. The so called Somaliland admin are killing the khaatumites in buhodle and laascaanod as we are speaking. How can one even think of one political platform in the north in the light of the facts? Not plausible. Reer Khaatumo would never support such political power-sharing proposal with reer waqooyi galbeed. Khaatumo State received the recognition and the support of the Somali President Shiekh Sharif, and the support of their citizens. They have a legitimate mamul, whom they will focus on regaining the control of their regions and developing it. I suggest reer waqooyi galbeed similarly stick to their province and they will get their fair share in the Somali central government.


Somalia, the writer of this article was being objective. If you followed any of this man's articles which I have, he was never a supporter of the SSC cause. But, he came a long way and now supports reer Khaatumo and understands why reer khaatumo have lost faith in puntland. This man is a puntlander like youself (or at least you are claiming to be one). I suggest you think things through and realize that reer puntland and reer Khaatumo can live in Harmony if they respect one another.

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