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Carafaat Vs Puntland

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Jacaylbaro;802764 wrote:
more like
Pirates Vs Shabaab

more like desperate snm enclave versus Faroole. Guess who's winning. Starts with F and ends in e.

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I have nothing against Faroole, after all he is my Seedi. He has done wel for Garowe, economicly developed the region, and he has a great and hard working son. Nor do I have an issue with the mighthy clan he hails from. They have the most impressive history, most achievements and are the most innovativness in all of Somalia. Nobody cant deny how they have developed the most dry region in Somalia, to a thriving oasis. this cant be denied, we all can take example from this and express our gratitude for their progressiveness.


But I have an issue with bad policies, bad governance, piracy, clan states, mass assasinations (more then in rest of Somalia), wrong and sometimes whicked clan politics, we should denounce and distenciate ourself from this. That is why I try to convince Duke to renounce the clan divided character of Galkacto. Supper One Galkacyo, One Mudug and One Somalia. We dont have enough Somalia for more divisions.

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b-boy;802792 wrote:
I see Coeus from Somalinet goes by Carafaat on SOL:D

Somalinet maa iskala qaraaban jirteen...... :D Ar aduunka yaraan badanaa!

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Che -Guevara;802766 wrote:
Carafaat mingis Faroole la,yiraahdo ku dhacay.

Nah Carafat does not hate Faroole. He hates the people of Puntand. If it was just Faroole, that would not be a problem.

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Carafat, even if farole goes and another president comes the puntland policies are going to remain the same. Yesterday you may of hated abdullahi yusuf, tommorow cade, and now farole but know that all of them are working based on established policies such as federalism. You cannot hate a leader in puntland because no matter who rules they will be working of that foundation. So your issues is mainly policies!!!


Well sorry but our policies will not change to suit your clan's policies because lets be real thats what you want and it won't happen!!! Puntland leaders represent the people of puntland and their wishes and their answerable to the people of puntland through the parliament!!!

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Sxb, I want Unity based on Equality and Good Governance. I oppose Somaliland secession and I oppose Puntland's bad governance policies(Piracy, Galkacyo,Galgala ) and initiatives for bad governance(institutionalizing clan dominance through Federalism).

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Carafat just be a man and admit you hate these people. Piracy was never a policy of Puntland, it was a criminal group and has been dealt with. Galgala and Galkacyu were attacked by the terrorist group that has caused a great deal of suffering throughout Somalia.


Again, you are covering yourslef in smoke and it wont work. Your constant attacks on the people of Puntland and divisive talk about the Mudug, Raascasayr, Haylaan, questioning even if these important regions are part of Puntland is based on nothing but hate. However hate only consumes the person and seldom achieves anything than losing ones humanity..

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Duke, I love Puntland so much I dream of a centralized United Somalia including Puntland . So I can come visit from Xamar. No clan regions,no borders between us, so we can visit eachother everyday and everyone lives where he/she wants. I even consider a beach cottage in Hafuun, once those Pirates are removed from the Somali Sea.


But why are you for a seperated Galkacyo? And why do want Federalism so bad?Dont you trust other Somali's to share regions,countryt and a central State. Must you have sovereignity over only half of a city. :D

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