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maya Mukulaaloow, wadaadaan nahey aniga yio Showqi, waa horey aheyd markaan muraayad dhigi jirney gabdhaha lugahooda

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Mukulaalow;802831 wrote:
Ar wadaadaa iska ba'ay.

Qaaliga SOL ee arimaha qudbo-sirta (Sheekh Nuune) iyo Xerow Showqi meel ha uga dhicin Yaa Mukulaalow. Waad ogtahay wadaadada ducadoodu wey kacdaa, habaarkooduna ehem, ehem...

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Somalina;802855 wrote:
Aqriska miyaa idin dhibaayaa? maxaad halkan ka qabaneysaan? yaa idin yeerey, mise "girls" ayaad is moodaan?

Waa Wadaadadii oo Mukulaalow iyo Marwadiisa u duceynaya. Tusbax dheer iyo Calculator ayaanu wadanaa...:P

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:D :D :D


Wixiina waa qashqashaad (yeah XX, it's q), wax kor soo kordhiya ama kaneeco idinka iyo tusbaxeena banaanka ha idinku cunto.

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Taleexi did you hear the bac madoow incident on marfish. this guy who was coming late every night and his wife was angry with him for coming late from the marfish day in day out. Next day she said to him if you do it again that's it, "way inoo kala dhamaatay". But he ignored her and went to the marfish as usual. After mid night he got his jacket and went home knowing he will have a tough night with his missus. As he came closer to the door he spotted a black bag which his wife put it there intending him to put it into the area bin for morning collection. But the poor guy thought that was it, she had enough and threw his belongings inside the black bag. He grabbed it and though a while where should he stay overnight. He decided to go back to the marfish and be with his friends. They cheered him and welcomed him back and he started chewing again. few minutes later the room started smelling bad, every one said started saying, its not me, not me, then all fingers started to point at the new arrival. They looked at his "Black bag belongings" and then oooooooh, nappies, rotten food, sh1t, the whole lot just filled the room. They kicked him out with his garbage. he came home and started to be a good boy.;)

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I concur w/Juxa. If you got kids, then you stay w/them and book her a night @hotel w/spa etc. Sometimes she needs to be alone w/out you nor the Then the next day..maybe the whole family. But at least give her a well-spent day OFF.

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Raula, ha lugoyn wiilka, hotel and spa on her own wax soconaya ma ahan, waaba calculator with out battery sheekadaas.



Taleexi and Showqi, waa u jeedaan ninkaan Yaanyuuroow waaba noo booteenaayaa, bacda madow barako iney ku jirto maba oga, waaba break,



Marka sxbkeen waa inuu qaataa taladeena and buy her a calculator, waliba mid financial ah, oo button walba leh magac budget ah.

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