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Girls I need your help !

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Soon I am going to celebrate with my wife our 10th anniversary together. I want to surprise her and buy her something she will never forget but not very expensive though as i don't have a lot of money to spend. So please what would you advice me to buy her. I know Diamond is woman's best friend but I can not afford it now.


All advice will be appreciated.:confused:

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not to be rude or anything but you were married for 10 years that is long enough to know what your wife cherishes the most - caqliga inyar ka shaqeesi..daimond is not every woman's best friend. Not really! it is all relative.

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lol. Your right Aaliya, I know lots of things she likes, but i want to surprise her with something she thought I was never capable of realizing. So I am thinking maybe there are things only women know.


At the end of the day I want her to say "How did you know I wanted this" ;)

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I wouldnt mind if people gave you some advices on a gift i mean a random gift u want to surprise your wife with ? but anniversary (horta is that halaal? ehem never mind) ? my point being it is the day you got married right? you would want to give her something personal something only you as her husband know she likes ? my advice is try to remember somewhere you used to go in the olden times when you two met or things that you bought her then? anything that reminds you of your past? or your life together? something no farxiyo in this forum would know lol..good luck huuno im sorry im babbling.

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Thnx for your try Aaliya, I'll try to rewind my brain cells and remember something she may have mentioned to like old days. But on anniversary being Halal, I don't know but I think maybe if your not doing a party or something then there is no problem. I even hear some Sheikhs these days encourage husbands to be more romantic and provide gifts to their wives.

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^ loool no walaal you got it wrong..Islam always encourages husbands to be loving and romantic- it is not just abt nowadays. Our deen never changes alhamdulilah the prophet csw was the best example for mankind and every man should try to emulate his way of life.But the question it halaal to choose one day in the year for such event? i was even told mother's day is haraam ..i actually couple of times bought stuff for my mom..she was like naa markasta ironada maalin kaliya wax ha isoo duduubine lool (so truee aint it)..

haye walaal hopefully the girls in sol would tell u something worthwhile if they can think of (rose chocolate cadar iyo daimond) kolay ma aha something personal lol

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I know this Sheikh Usuuli who comes to Universal tv he always talks about that, he once said he gave Muxaadaro in one of the Mosques in London and told his congregation to buy something for their wives and he encouraged them to follow the Sunnah of prophet Muhammed (PPUH) Who was the best romantic husband. Then one of the guys got carried away and bought a flower on the way home, When he entered home and presented it to his wife she was not amused and looked at him on the eyes and said "oo caawa maxaa lagugu soo aqriya";) The guy later complained to the shaikh and was put off by that response.;)

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lol@ caawa maxa lugug so aqriya waxan filaya awal buu aha mid naxaris daran oo waligi wax u keenin way ka yaabtay heheh..laakin inay ka dhurto bay aheed. He was trying miskiin

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but I won't expect that kind of response as I wasn't as bad as him. There was another one who presented his wife with Iron or Feero, when she opened the box she just threw it on his face as she realized it was more for his clothes ironing than a present for her.;)

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looooooooool@feero, some people call it feero...i call it kaawiyad!...anyways what kind of gift is that? axmaq weeye kaasi..guriga iron wuu usoo gadi karaa..laakin waxaas gift ma aha

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loool@Kaawiyad. Nabiyoow nin waliba afkii kugu ammaan. Kaawiyad waligey ma maqal.


I once bought her a very flashy uunsi boiler, it had lots of flashing lights and touch sensor, I thought she will blow with joy, but I realized only men like these kind of flashy stuff.

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looool@ uunsi boiler u would be no different than the dude who got the kaawiyad (between i have always called it that lol sounds good feero sounds funny and you are right qofwalba waxba la qurxoon)..why would any man think guriga alaabtiisa ayaa gift noqon karta? guriga miyeey ka xigta waxaad rabtid guriga usoo gad yadana waxkale lool


haye walaal habeen wacan. It is late at my end ...



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2. pair of earrings and If she doesn't wear them, then get her an engraved bracelet.

ooh that seems to be good choice since she loves non gold earnings.


Thanx Somalina.

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