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TFG appoints Doxada Shabelle leader as Governor of Hiiraan

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Abdifatah Hassan Afrah, new Hiiraan Govorner addressing media in Beledweyne


Hiiraan Online

Ahmed Abdisamad

Sunday, March 11, 2012




Somalia’s president Sharif Shiekh Ahmed appointed new administration for the strategic central region of Somalia,Hiiraan.

After days of consultations with section of MPs and intellectuals from the region, Somali government announced the new administration at a ceremony held in Mogadishu.


The new appointed governer of Hiiraan is Abdifatah Hassan Afrah who was the leader of local administration known as Dohada Shabelle and controls most of *Beledweyne with the assistance of* Ethiopian troops.


Talking to Hiiraan Online, the new governor hailed president Sharif’s move to appoint him promising to carry out* his duties competently.


Four other governor deputies were also appointed, while the city mayor post was given to Osman Barre Mohamed.


The ceremony was attended by government ministers,members of parliament,intellectuals and traditionals leaders of Hiiraan.


Since Hiiraan was captured from Alshabab late 31 December 2011 , Somalia’s government was promising to form an administration for the region to avoid power vacuum.


Residents in Beledweyne say Normal life is returning in the city after years of Alshabab control but security situation is still precarious.

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Duke, when will the TFG appoint one Mudug Governor and one Galkacyo Mayor.


If Beletweyn can have one Mayor surely Galkacyo can.

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This move by the TFG will be temporary until the whole region is liberated and the people chose who will lead them. They were trying to avoid a vacume. We shall wait and see how the other stakeholders respond.

Carafat the governor of Mudug appointed by the state that controls the region the day visited Jariban district, where he met NATO officials in Garacad. He then went over to Goldogob district where he met elders and leaders and opened a new customs office in Darusalaam. Governor Tigay is doing a good job thus far. The people of Mudug are fighting a war against Al Qaeda and will win it soon insha Allah.

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So the Puntland Governor is called Tigay. How about the Galmudug Governor and the Galmudug Mayor of Galkacyo? What are their names?


Will the TFG also appoint temperorly ONE Mayor and ONE governor for Mudug, tell there are elections? Or you oppose this and keep supporting sub-clan appointed cousins.

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The state that controls the region? what region is that? lol....



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Mario B   

Carafaat;802469 wrote:
So the Puntland Governor is called Tigay. How about the Galmudug Governor and the Galmudug Mayor of Galkacyo? What are their names?


Will the TFG also appoint temperorly ONE Mayor and ONE governor for Mudug, tell there are elections? Or you oppose this and keep supporting sub-clan appointed cousins.

I like the way the General spinned his way out of answering the question. :D

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I am not sure how the people of Hiiraan will react to the appointment of this man. However Sharif will appoint a mayor or Governor of Galkacyu and Mudug when he appoints one for Hargaysa, Burco, Berbera and Erigavo.

Also let's not kid ourselves your sub clans used to claim that they were the lost children of the Queen of England. The Puntland population want to rule their regions as part of Somalia without covering Galmudug areas.

We don't claim their land nor wish to rule them. That's civilized don't you think?

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But Duke Burco, Erigavo, Hargeysa, Borama, Berbera have all ONE Mayor who is elected and one City that is elected. Galkacyo has 2 clan Myors, one working for Caalin and another for northern Galkacyo.


Even Faroole asked Int community for Amisom troops cause he cant visit Galkacyo.

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Galkacyu has a mayor and Mudug has a governor who represent the State of Puntland Somalia. Just like vleveru other major City and town in Puntland. Your confusion with regards to Galmudug and Southern Mudug is understandable. You see your sub clan covets and is sending militias to towns like Buuhudle because your tight on land. While Puntland State does not even claim South Mudug and dies not want to rule other people's land.


No one in Puntland wants to rule or claim Hobyo district or Xarafheere district or Baraxlay. Those areas have never been part of Puntland, never.

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But how can you have two Mayors in one city? One for Puntland and for Galmudug? 2 security forces, cant be good for security? Or stopping all those assasinations.

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Carafaat;802715 wrote:
But how can you have two Mayors in one city? One for Puntland and for Galmudug? 2 security forces, cant be good for security? Or stopping all those assasinations.

There are two mayors in Kansas City, one For the state of Masouri the other state of Kansas. So has Soux City Iowa.'

Galkacyu straddles two States Puntland and the emerging Galmudug.


Nothing complicated about it, there are clear demarcations and as stated before there is no beef between the peopleand the admins are part of the Garowe principle signatories. The assassins are Al Qaeda and they target both communities of he city. You also got haters who at very opportunity work hard to divide and create enmity within the people.'you are one of those. Though a weak and ineffectual one, a hater never the less.

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Duke, Somalia is not the Federal United States of America and Galkacyo is no twin City. We are Somali's, we have no borders.

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Carafaat;802728 wrote:
Duke, Somalia is not the Federal United States of America and Galkacyo is no twin City. We are Somali's, we have no borders.

I think you misunderstood what is meant by the Twin Cities. Somalia is a federal republic regardless of your any emotional issues you may have. The country has clear borders, however what we are talking about is admin and what works. The Galkacyu that you keep chasing has grown tremendously in the war years and today has great institutions relative to other parts of Somalia. The fact that the Galmudug community is working to build it and the Puntland side is working to build bodes well for it's future.

The two admins will compete and work to make their sides the best side. This will make he city a grand affair.

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Puntland side and Galmudug side, what a nonsense adeer. yes, you can have diffrent clans in one city, but how on earth can you have diffrent governance and administrative systems in one city. Imagine that you have diffrent local laws, police forces. What if one commit something which is regarded as a crime and goes to the other part. what jurisdiction does one fall under.

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