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Buuhoodle People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia



Kumanaan Kamida Shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa hada isugu soo baxay garoonka wayn ee magaalada Buuhoodle waxaana halkaasi ka dhacay dabaal deg aan beryahan ka dhicin magaalada Buuhoodle



Kumaanka shacbka ayaa waxa gudaha garoonka kula hadlay Madaxwaynaha Maamulka khaatumo State , Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamca Indhasheel, Wasiirka arimaha gudaha maamulka Khaatumo State Yaasiin Axmed Sulub, Cuqaal aad utirabadan sidoo kalana waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay qaybaha ka dulan ee bulshada ku dhaqan Magaalada Buuhoodle.


Madaxwayne Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac ayaa siwayn ugu hanbalyeeyay dhamaan shacabka Deeganada Khaatumo State guusha wax ku oolka ah ee usoo hoyatay waxa uuna sheegay inay tahay maalin taariikhiya.


Wasiirka arimaha gudaha maamulka khaatumo State Yaasiin Axmed Sulub ayaa isana dhankii tilmaamay inuu dareenku maanta marayo meel aad usaraysa hanbalyo baahsana udiray dhamaan shacabka Khaatumo state.


Caaqil hindi maxamed aadan oo isna halkaasi ka hadalay ayaa dhankiisa isna hanbalyo taas lamida udiray shacabka deeganada khaatumo state una hanbalyeeyay dawlada Soomaaliya sida geesinada ah ee ay uga qaadatay doorkeedii maadaama shacabka khaatumo state ay utaaganyihiin midaynta umada soomaaliyeed.


Dabaal degan ayaa waxa uu qayb kayahay dabaaldegyo xoogan oo kasoconaya dhamaan deeganada khaatumo state lagu taageerayo go aankii dawlada KMG Soomaaliya ay ku aqoonsatay Maamulka Khaatumo State.

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Eng. Maxamed stated his own individual opinion which is not reflective of the aspiration and volition of the majority of the people from Khaatumo regions. He has a personal stake in defending PL's false claims and thus hoodwink the international community.

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NASSIR;802279 wrote:
Eng. Maxamed stated his own individual opinion which is not reflective of the aspiration and volition of the majority of the people from Khaatumo regions. He has a personal stake in defending the PL's false claims and thus hoodwink the international community.

if the man did not represent the community, he would not have been there in peace.

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king of kings huha ha isku shekeen.


Nassir, well said. That man is no different than haabsade. They know that very well laakin waxay ku hadlaan ma hayaan markaasay waxan oo kale lasoo shir tagayaan


Liiban thank you huuno..Reer buuhodle are 100% behind their Khaatumo State..puntland maxay ku falayaan.Irbad dun may u galin.

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;802268 wrote:
Yes united Somalia they did not mention Somaliland the state department has nothing against Somaliland quest for recognition as long as its done through african union they made it clear through out the years.

All that changed in the London conference, they said any "independence" must come with the consent from "Villa Somalia" only then will the international community get involves, the old policy was if the AU does then the rest of the world will follow not anymore. To the international comunity, the "Somaliland" is the internal matter of Somalia. Keep misreading events, your enclave are good at it. :cool:

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Somalia here is the problem with the Puntland state you have to open up the system let every one should be allowed eat from the same cake the Garaad clan are being left out i remember they fully embraced Puntland in 1998 so ask you're self where it went wrong. Its because the System in garowe favors only one clan the elites the 3 brotherly pirates who all go by the name Mahamuud. Pl Had 3 presidents two of them were called Cabdi the other one was called Cade the lighty muse. I can understand that the majority of the garaad clan don't feel represented in Garowe and Pl neglecting their regions completely. Somalia you don't want to fight for their regions even taleexi me and him are very close related he trusts you're admin more than the folks in hargeysa out of tolnimo. So this is not working for them and they are walking another path lets see where it takes our brothers and sisters lets hope it leads them back to Hargeysa inshallah.

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Laas Caanood People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia


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Laas Caanood People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia






Buuhoodle People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia




Breakin News: Dabaal Degyo Xoogan oo ka Qarxay Magaalada Laas Caanood Laguna Soo Dhawaynayo Aqoonsiga Maamul Goboleedka Khaatumo State of Somalia [Live]



Waxaa ka soconaya magaalada laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka sool debedbax aad ubalaadhan kaas oo lagu taageerayo Aqoosiga ay dawalada Federaalka KMG Soomaliya ay siisay Maamulka Khaatumo State.


Dadwaynaha ku dhaqan magaalada laascaanood aya hada waxay socod dheerkumarayaa wadada laamiga ah ee dhexmarta magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool waxaaana dadku lulayaan calanka Jamhuuriyada soomaaliya sidoo kale waxay ku dhawaaqayaan halku dhigyo ay kamidyihiin “” Khaatumo Guuul – Soomaaliya Guul ”


Dadawyanaha ayaa shucuurtooda aan lasoo koobi karin waxayna maqraati katahay sida dadka shacabka ah ee kasoo jeeda deeganada khaatumo State ay uga soo horjeedaan kala goynta dalka soomaaliya una jecelyihiin midnimada umada Soomaaliyeed.


Dhanka kale jabhda SMN ayaa laga yaabaa inay xasuuq kula kacdo dadka shacabka ah ee sida nabadgelyada ah umuujinaya dareenkooda waxaana xusid mudan in dhawaan ay jabhadaasi dadka shacbka ah ugaysatay xasuuq baahsan.



Deegaano kale oo katirsan maamulka khaatumo State ayaa lafilayaa in saacadaha soo socda uu kabilowdaan dabaal degyadan lagu taageerayo Maamulka Khaatumo State.


Horufadhi News Online





Bulshada Reer Laascaanood Oo U Dabaal Dagay Heshiiska Ay Wada Gaadheen Dowlada Federalka Somalia Iyo Maamulka Khaatumo State


Laascaanood(Allssc): Bulshada tirada badan ee ku dhaqan gudaha magaalada Laascaanood ayaa banaanka ku muujiyay sida ay ugu faraxsan yihiin Heshiiska wada shaqayneed ee dhex martay Maamulkooda Khaatumo State iyo Dowlada Federalka ee uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Sheekh Shariif Shiikh Axmed.


Dabaaldagan oo si furan uga dhacay gudaha Laascaanood ayaa waxaan far u dhaqaajin Maleeshiyada SNM ee iyagu ku sugan gudaha magaalda Laascaanood. Shacabka Laascaanood oo dhinac iska dhigay Gabashada iyo Baqdinta ayaa si aan gabasho lahayn u xusan una wayneeyay Heshiiska halka ay si buuxda u taageereen Maamulkooda Khaatumo iyo Guulaha isdaba jooga ah ee rabi siiyay.


Waxaa ay sidoo kale Bulshada Reer Laascaanood ugu baaqeen Maleeshiyada SNM inay ka baxaan deegaankooda si shuruud la’aan ah.

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^^^ Leaving Somalia and Somaliland best decision EVER...... craaazzzzzzzzyyyyyyy !! your eyes you are the future of Somalia/ Somaliland and you all need help...qabil qabil qabil, proganda, propaganda... lets agree to disagree and move on..the reality is what is happening on the ground..


Sheriff and somalia nothing without A.U.

Puntland = Hot AIR and GAS


Khatumites, should join there brothers in Somaliland and develop together, we are a multiparty democracy for god sack Qabil waa laga tagay...furthermore your claim over exclusive rights to Sool is illigitimate Sool is shared i.e. Caynabo and Oog. Buhoodle is Shared, Sanag is shared. Therefore logic dictates we should work together to develop instead of destroying each other...

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Buuhoodle People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia



Banaan Baxyo Iyo Damaashaadyo Kor Loogu Qaadayo Aqoonsigii , Ansixinta Maamul Goboleedka Khaatumo State of Somalia, Iyo Hishiis Taariikhiga ahaa ee Dowlada Somaaliya TFG Iyo Khaatumo State



Buuhoodle: Dabaal Degyo Iyo Damaashaad Balaadhan oo Lagu Soo Dhawaaynayo Aqoonsiga Maamul Goboleedka Khatumo State Of Somalia oo Ka Soconaya Buuhoodle Iyo Dhmaan Deeganada Khaatumo State


Dabaal Dagyada Kor Loogu Qaadayo Waynaynta aamulka Khatumo Ayaa Kasoconaya Guud Ahaan Deegaamada Khatumo Waxaana Maanta Ka Dhacay Magaalada Buuhoodle Ee Xarunta G/ Cayn Dabaal Dagyo Iyo Damaashaadyo Lagu waynaynayo Ku Dhawaaqista Maamulka Khatumo


Taas Oo Ay Ka Qayb Qaadanayeen Dhamaan Bulsha Waynta Deegaamada Khatumo Iyo Qaar Kamida Madaxda Maamulka Khatumo Oo Uu Kamid Yahay Madax Wayne Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac Indho Sheel Iyo Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Ee Maamulka Khatumo Mudane Yaasiin Axmed Sulub Iyo Dhamaan Madaxda Maamulka Khatumo


Daawo Sawiro Goor Dhawna Waxaad Daawan Doontaan Vedio Ku Saabsan Dabaal Daga


Waashabakada Wararka Allcayn Somaliya


By Najiib Cabdi Wali Cabdi Xiis Najiib Americo









Madax Weyne KuXigeenka Khaatumo State IndhoSheel oo Khudbad Aaad u Qiimo Badan Ka Jeediyey Banaan Bixii Weynaa ee Magaalada Buuhoodle. March 5, 2012






















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XUDUN People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia



Magaalada Xudun: DabaalDegyo Iyo Banaan Bax Lagu Taageerayo Hishiiskii Wada Shaqaynta Dowlada Federalka Somalia Iyo Maamul Goboleedka Khaatumo State Of Somalia Oo Ruxay Magaalada Xudun


Laascaanood(Allssc): Waxaa maanta ka dhacay magaalada Xudun, bananabax balaadhan oo lagu taageerayo aqoonsiga ay siisay dawlada Somalia..maamulka khaatumo State of Somalia.


Bananabaxan ayaa waxa kasoo qaybgalay dhamaan dad waynaha ku nool deegaanda hoos yimaada magaalada xudun, waxa hal kaa lagu soo ban dhiagay ciyaaro dhaqameed iyo heeso wadaniya oo ay qaadayaan dadwayanaha Xudun.


Deeganada ay ka dhaceen bananabaxyada ay kamid ahaayeen ee lagu taageerayay maamulka khaatumo Awrboogays, Sarmaanyo, Lafa wayne, Hohol.dhamaan waxa deegaanadan laga xusay aqoonsiga ay aqoonsatay dowlada soomaaliaya maamulka khaatumo state of somalia.


Banaanbaxyadan lagu qabtay deegaanada Khaatumo ayaa maanta ka duwanaa banaanbaxyadii hore ee laqaban jiray, iyagoo maanta shacabka Khaatumo gaadhay guul iyo wax ka maqnaa mudo 21 sano ah.

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^^^ liban your objective should be educating those little girls in the picture...instead of khatumo you should be educating about the world and about intellect and how she can walk from buhoodle to th djibouti border no problem...of society, community and brotherhood... ilahay Somaliland haa idin gayo walahi...Its a mutlitribal state...:cool:


Ha ka hadina dadkeena, walahi you will lose out.

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BOOCAME People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia



Banaanbax Lagu Taageerayo Khaatumo State Oo Ka Dhacay Boocame-(Video)-


Boocae,(lasanod Online)- Banaanbax lagu taageerayo go'aankii Dawladda Somalia ku aqoonsatay maamulka khaatumo ayaa ka dhacay magaalada Boocame.


Banaanbaxan oo ay soo agaasimeen qaybaha kala duwan ee ururada bulshada iyo kooxda awooda badan ee "Guuto Koowaad", waxayna halkaas kusoo ban dhigeen ciyaaro dhanka hidada iyo dhaqanka.


Banaanbaxan waxa ka hadlay odayaasha iyo dhalinyarada Boocame, waxaana uu ahaa kii ugu balaadhnaa ee ee dhawaanahan ka dhaca deegaanada Khaatumo State, iyadoo shacabka deegaanadaas ay muujiyeen shucuurtooda sida ay ugu faraxsan yihiin go'aankii geesinimada lahaa ee madaxwaynaha Somaliya uu ku aqoonsaday maamulka khaatumo state of Somalia. Hoos ka daawo..

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WIDHWIDH People Celebrating The Recognition of Khaatumo State by Federal Government of Somalia and Hon. Sheikh Shariif President of Somalia



Shacabka Widhwidh oo si aan kala hadh lahayn ugu dabaal dagay Aqoonsiga Khaatumo State ( Sawiro Iyo Maqal Muuqaal)


Widhwidh(Allssc): Waxaa kadhacay magaalada widh widh oo katirsan gobolka Cayn dabaal deg aad ubalaadhan oo aan horay uga dhicin halkaasi waxaana dhamaan shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada widh widh ay isugu soo baxeen Fagaarayaasha magaalada widh widh.


Waxaana dadkan oo shucuurtooda aa u kacsanayd ay ku dhawaaqayeen Halku dhigyo ay kamidyi Khaatumo Guul sidoo kalana dhamaan dadkii ka hadlay madaashaasi ayaa siwayn ugu mahad celiyey Madaxda Dawlada Soomaaliya.


Dhinaca kale waxaa intii munaasibadan socotay waxaa xilkii uu ka hayey Maamul ku sheega Somaliland iska casilay C/risaaq Mursal Jaamac Xoosh (Guray) oo ugu magacaabnaa Isuduwaha Wasaarad kusheega dibudejinta & dib udhiska Gobolka Cayn.


waxa uuna masuulkani qayb kanoqonayaa dadka kadhiidhinaya Caqli xumada Jabhada Siilaanyo Jaahwareeriyey taas oo imika u muuqata mid gabalkeedu sii dhacayo.


Dabaal degyadan ayaa ka dhacayey dhamaan deeganada Khaatumo State iyo daafaha caalamkaba.





















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Mario B;802284 wrote:
All that changed in the London conference, they said any "independence" must come with the consent from "
Villa Somalia
" only then will the international community get involves, the old policy was if the AU does then the rest of the world will follow
not anymore
. To the international comunity, the "Somaliland" is the internal matter of
. Keep misreading events, your enclave are good at it. :cool:

There will be talks with Somalia with this current TFG or the government after that even though villa Somalia is a mess and there are Ugandans every where and mahiga is claiming Islamists took over Villa Somalia. The international community will be present when Somaliland and Somalia talk about their future relations as the London conference Communique stated. Somaliland and Somalia are two separate Countries we will see how the talks go and the out come i am hearing Somaliland is passing a new law regarding the future dialogue with Somalia.Even if talks fail with Somalia dialogue will happen another time of our era perhaps in a few years time fine with Somaliland. Somaliland just increased its defense budget, Somaliland cannot be threatened from the outside and that's a well known fact.

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Somalia;802263 wrote:
States can have constitutions.


I know states can have constitutions and you don't need to refer to wikipedia, kaliya waxaad eegtaa Dastuurka Cusub oo qeexaya shuruudaha laga rabo Dastuurada loo samaynayo Maamul Goboleedyada, waxaad ka fiirisaa Qodobka 141aad, Faqradiisa 1aad oo dhahaysa:

The constitutions of regional states shall be compatible with the Federal constitution, including the founding principles

iyo Qodobka 142aad, Faqradiisa 1aad oo dhahaysa:


Regional states shall consult with the federal government in planning the structure and process for making their constitution

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