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Puntland Education Policy

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Garoowe : (APL) : Kulan kan oo ahaa Mid looga Arinsanayey siyaasadda iyo Qorshaha Waxbarashada Puntland ,ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay Madaxda Sare ee wasaaradda waxbarashada Puntland ,Hay,adaha Calamiga ee ka shaqeeeya waxbarashada puntland,iyo Qaar ka mida Bulshada .


Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland Maxamed Cabdi wahaab ayaa sheegay ahmiyada Barnaamijka oo uu Xusay in Labada Maalmood laga Doodidoono , Siyaasadda Waxbashada iyo Qorshaha Shanta Sano ee Soo socota Waxbarashada,


Maxamed ayaa shaagay in Siyaasadda La diyaariyey Sanadkii 2005 iminkana ay wasaaradu go,aansatay sidii loo Xoojin lahaa loona Horumarin lahaa,




Wasiirka Waxbarashada puntland Cabdi Faarax siciid (juxaa) oo si Rasmi ah u Furay kulanka ayaa sheegay in ay wasaaradiisu Wado Tiro koob ku saabsan Xog uruurin lagu ogaanayo Iskuuladda laga Wado Deegaanadda Puntland ayna Gacn buuxda ka Geysatay Hay,adda UNICEF , Wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Xogtaasi ay soo xarootay 80% iyadoo kala ah noocyada iyo Goobaha Waxbasho sida,


• 458 waa iskuuladda Hoose Dhexe ee puntland,


• 53 Dugsiyadda Sare ee puntland


• 28 Xarumaha lagu Barto Farsamada Gacanta


• 223 Goobaha Waxbashada Dadban


• 8 Jaamacadaha ku Yaal puntland


• 6 kuleejyada ay ardaydu ku Xaraysanyihiin,


• 776 Waa isugayn Xarumaha Waxbarashada puntland,


• 55.6 % Ardayda Waa Wiilal,


• 44.4% waa Gabdho


• 133,000 Guud ahaan Tirada Ardayda


• 4000,Macalin


Celceliska Tirada Dugsiyada Gobolada ayuu sheegay wasiirku in ay kala Tahay Marka laga eego Boqolayda ay Tahay , Sool 5% , Cayn 5% ,Sanaag 9% , Mudug19 ,Nugaal 20% , Karkaar 11% , Bari 31%, ayna Dhimantahay 15% iyadoo uu sheegay in ay Tahay Xog uruurin Dhab ah oo Lagu Kalsoonyahay,




Wasiirka ayaa Xusay in wasaaradiisu ay Xooga Saarayso in lagu Saleeyey Saldhigna ay u Tahay Waxbarashadu Dastuurka , Diinta iyo Dhaqanka Dalka iyadoo la Xoojinayo Afka Hooyo ee Soomaaliga.


Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland ayaa Mudooyinkan Danbe Waday Dardargelin ku aadan Sare u Qaadida Tayada Waxbashada Puntland.







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In today’s world, a comprehensive education policy is the difference between prosperity and deep-rooted poverty. While it is difficult to state or for that matter articulate a concise definition of what is a good educational policy due to various competing ideologies and schools of thought, however, it is possible to list some of the key components that a successful educational policy should contain.


For example, like all good policies, the immediate impact of good educational policy should be either an overhaul of school system or amending existing school policies. Thus, the purpose of the policy becomes improving the school system. With that being said, for the past ten years the school system of Puntland, if we can call those loosely held-together schools a system, operated not only on an autonomous basis, but also taught curricula that was incompatible with traditional Somali methods (i.e., introducing Middle Eastern and North African school curriculum in Puntland).


Our students were being taught a language that was not their own, a history that was alien to them, and even worse, most of the students could not spot their state or their country on a map. Thankfully, about three years ago, a man named Abdi Farrah, or more commonly known as ‘Juha’, introduced the first school system in Puntland, and as a result Puntland enjoys the only comprehensive school system in the country.


During his brief three years in office, Mr. Juha, the Minister of Education for the federal state of Puntland in Somalia, implemented a comprehensive school policy whereby today the students of Puntland are able to enjoy a school system that enables them to attend 458 middle schools, 53 high schools, 28 vocational school, and have access to 4,000 highly trained teachers. More importantly, these schools for the first time in their existence share one curriculum that comes from the government of Puntland.


The process of creating an educational policy for the Puntland state became plausible after much deliberation, as fought for per Juha.


In order to improve the school system, we immediately decided to retrain our teachers as part of our commitment to provide better education that meets the need of our students.


The result of training school teachers was the creation of the first school for teachers in the country after the last government collapsed over 20 years ago. Located in Garowe, the Teachers’ Education College trains and graduates over a dozen highly qualified teachers each year, and these teachers go on to teach in Puntland and other parts of the country.


While the current educational policy of Puntland has matured, it still has a long way to go before we can judge whether it has either failed and consequently require a new policy or whether it has succeeded and our students get the benefit of a school system that provides them with education and the chance for a better future.


At the current stage of the educational policy in Puntland, the minister and his team have accomplished an institution that at the moment is functioning and will yield for Puntland society a class of students that will usher in a highly skilled workforce, better living standards, and hopefully a society that is able to meet its human capital needs.


Sugule Abdi, Contributor

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Garowe,Mar 10 -Shir lagu jaan goynayo siyaasadda waxbarshada ee Puntland ayaa maanta ka furmay magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda Puntland.


Shirka ayaa inta uu socdo waxaa dib u eegis lagu sameeynayaa siyaasadda waxbarshada ee Puntland oo la dejiyay sanadkii 2005-tii iyo qorshayaasha wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland shanta sano ee soo socoto.


Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland Maxamed C/wahaab oo furitaanka shirka ka hadlay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay,shirkan inuu yahay shirweyne lasoo qabanqaabiyay islamarkaana ay ka qaybqaadanayaan culimada iyo aqoonyahanada kale ee deegaanada Puntland.


Waxaa uu sheegay qorshahan inuu soo maray heerar kale duwan sidoo kalena turxaan bixin inay kusoo sameeyeen aqoonyahano kale duwan oo katirsan wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland.


Shirka maanta furmay ayaa waxaa la filayaa inuu socdo muddo laba maalmood,waxaana la filayaa gabagabadiisa in laga soo saaro nuxur lagu horumarin doono wasaaradda waxbarshada Puntland.

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Garoowe:-Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland ayaa waxay wadaa qorshe ay ku doonayso in ay ku samayso Siyaasadda Waxbarashada Puntland (Puntland Policy Education), waxaana iminka u fadhiya samaynteeda dad aqoon iyo waayo aragnimo u leh.


Maxamed Cali Faarax Agaasimewaaxeedka Mashaariicda iyo Tababarka ee Wasaaradda ayaa Puntlandpost uga warbixiyay habka loo samaynayo Siyaasada Waxbarashada, waxaana uu sheegay in ugu horayn Shaqaalaha Wasaaradda la kulansiiyay ayna ka tala bixiyeen habka loo samayn karo, dabadeedna magaalada Garoowe lagu kulan siiyay Shaqaalaha gobolada Nugaal, Sool iyo Mudug, islamarkasna magaalada Boosaso lagu kulan siiyay shaqaalaha gobolada Bari, Sanaag iyo Karkaar, ujeedada kulamadan ay ahayd talo bixin iyo in dadka ay ka timaado Siyaasadda Waxbarashada si loo ogaaday in ay tahay wax dadku ay leeyihiin.


Intasa kadib ayuu sheegay in la kulan siiyay 100 qof oo isugujira Madaxda Wasaaradda, Xildhibaano, Culimo, hay’adaha ku shaqada leh Waxbarashada iyo Shaqsiyaad, waxaana uu dhammaan dadkan ku macneeyay in ay yihiin Labeenta Waxbarashada Puntland, waxaana uu sheegay dood dheer kadib in ay ka soo baxday in la helo Siyaasad Waxbarasho oo go’aamisa hagtana Waxbarashada Puntland oo leh nidaam (System) wanaagsan, taas oo shaqaysa 5-ta sano ee sosocota 2012-16.


Arimaha Xooga la saarayo:


In Luuqada Soomaaliga noqoto midda kowaad ee wax lagu barto, islamarkaasna uusan gudbayn qofkii ku dhaca maadada Af-somaliga, Luuqada Carabigana ay noqoto midda 2-aad.


In Carabiga iyo Diinka ay noqdaan kuwo muhiim ah oo Ardaygii ku dhacana uusan gudbayn.


Mr. Maxamed, waxa uu sheegay in dhawaan qoraal (Draft) ah la soo saari doono, dabadeedna Af-somali lagu turjumi doono, markaas kadibna la soo saari doono Siyaasada Waxbarasho ee Puntland oo rasmi ah.


Siyaasadda Waxbarashada Puntland (Puntland Education Policy) ayaa wax-wayn ka badali doonta hanaanka Waxbarashada Puntland, waxayna tahay arinta xiisaha leh ee sida wayn ay saamaynta ugu yeelan doonto Waxbarashada oo dhan oo Wasaaraddu hagi doonto, iyada oo meesha ka baxayso hay’adaha oo iminka garwadeen ka ah.

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