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Constitutional Anarchy ( Coming Soon ) A Preview

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i -Nuri Coming attractions !


Constitutional Anarchy


A New Constitution to legalize Anarchy, the first in the world.


Minster of Defense of Somalia's war arsenal:


WMD ( Weapons of Mass Destruction- TRIBALISM as a WMD, Should guarantee Somalias permanenet seat in UN Security Council


Minister Of Commerce upcoming campaign:


Brand Managemnet of Anarchy, let us export Anarchy with a logo that reads Anarchy Made In Somalia .


Minister Of National Security National Plan:


The Anarchist help Desk: For Destruction press 1, For looting Press 2, Murder-for-Hire press 4.



Minister Of Foreign Affairs:


Applied Anarchy For Hire Service offered to foregin nations who need results




2005 i-Nuri Subliminals @ Somaliaonline

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Congratulaions Nomads


Our Anarchist Government of the Warlords by the Warlords for the Warlords is firmly in place, Men who have blood in their hands are running the country for equally bloody patrons whose thirst fr spilling blood exceeded 650,000 Civilians and counting in Iraq alone.


Death is becoming cheap, life is getting expensive to maintain, and as a result, your dream to meet your maker may be closer than you think, trigger happy warlords executing orders of their masters are loose on the land, to maim, kill, steal, rape any target that they can write off as "Al Qaedah" just use the magic word and presto, any crime against humanity becomes halaal, by Mullah Bush.


Anarchy never had a better freind thn Bush and Condi, they have sent a fleet of ships initially commissioned to fight the Soviets in the Indian Ocean, so their new assignment is to catch 3 wanted men, and on the way, remove an entire peaceful governmmet, install crooks as government, kill hundreds of civilians, and thousands of goats and camels, (specially bearded goats) to catch teh bad guys, but the bad guys are said to have survived the 10 Million Dollar four days attacks and the 200 Million Dollar change of governments, bill that was paid under the generous terror Bill (without Congress supervision).


Coincidentally, American Oil companies confirm that Somalia sits on the largest Oil reserves in Africa, which calls for the liberation of the poor people of Somalia.



Cag Bakayle


The Anarchist!

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