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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;801411 wrote:
Reer Waqooyi reeraha kala yaqaano ayaaba tahee. But Reer Waqooyi badan ayaa deganaa gobolladas pre-civil war. Ilaa hadda wey deganyihiin qaarkood, I think. Amaa kuwaas ahayd taloow.

Yes, I have met of them. The Sheick and many from the big teacher clan moved to Hargeysa.

Did you know many of the Sheicks lagu abtirsado from reerka are burried in region of Sheick?


My blood boils and I become furious when some ignorant Geeljire says we have nothing in common with Somalia.

If they only knew sbx. But one when can always teach and tell eachother. Markaa, Miskiinoow adiga ayaa iga aqoon badan eh, dadka wax u sheeg yaan laga amuusin, marka la arko qof aqoon laán heyso.

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Carafaat is so into clan that he is soliciting to know people sub-sub clan. That's what happens when you start at a younger age. I can only imagine a conversation with him. Asalaamu caleykum. Qolomaad u dhalatay? Acuudka.


MMA: Sxb you said that pic wast taken 1969? I want to see more. Put the link here please. The only Af-maay I grew up hearing was of Buur hakabo.

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We Somalis don't appreciate benefits of diversity and multi linguine a country has, the death or damage of Maay language is a death or damage of part of Somalia, I remember here in England few years ago the UK government was spending millions to save the Cornish language which is spoken by less than 300 people in Cornwell as it realized this language was dying. Also there is a UN report which says there are around 100 languages vanishing every year.


UN report

Indigenous Language / Cultural Extinctions

60 - 70% of the world's 6,000 languages are endangered and have no children speakers.1 Up to 95% may be extinct within 100 years.2 the extinction rate of languages, and often the people who speak them, is astounding. language and cultural diversity is often matched by regional biodiversity - suggesting that both language and nature are a single system of diversity. "first world" societies are replacing ancient linguistic cultural diversity with vast "mono-languages." 0.2% of all existing languages are spoken by over 50% of humanity, inhabiting upwards of 85% of the land surface of the globe. these same languages are of the cultures primarily responsible for the global extinction crisis.3

The more vunrable languages are the Jiido language, The Tunni, Af Garre and maybe Barwaani although Barwaani shares some structure with Kswahili.

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Makulaal, kuwaas qaarkood Afmaay ayaa lagu tiriyaa inkastoo xoogahoo kala duwanyihiin.


Carafaad, kuwaas kama hadleynin, dad caadi soo degay gobolladaas after '60s ka hadlaaye.


Jacfar, waa kan the link. Sawirka looks like somewhere in early '70s la qaaday. But that link suggests otherwise. I don't know.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;801436 wrote:
Makulaal, kuwaas qaarkood Afmaay ayaa lagu tiriyaa inkastoo xoogahoo kala duwanyihiin.

I don't know.

What about Af Dhabaraay, Af Kuulaay, Af Dhoondir, Af Joocaar, Af quundi, Af yakool, as far as I know, ayukana Af Maay lagu tiriyaa as they hail from Yeed to Waajid to Liibaan Zone, but similarities do occur though each one has its own distinct feature.

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Very good Nuune, this really needs to be promoted as it is part of culture and civilization, how about a yearly festival of Somali dialects.

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I feel like inaan heeso :D


Timaha quruxda liyo

Labeen lagu sabkaa

Hiddiyo dhaqankeena weeyaane


I like dhaqankeenni hore wallahi

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Ani waxaan la yabaa dadkii hore, bidaarta aad bey ugu yareyd bal eega timahooda nimankan, waagaan danbena waxaa aad u badan bidaarta gasha dhalinyarada, 20 jir, 30 jir. ma garanayo ma cuntada iyo environmentiga is badalaa mise genetic-geenaa is badalay?



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Beautiful pictures that is where i came from , grew up with this guyz. live was simple and beautiful at the same time!


Waterproof = I jst realized ileen waxaa laga waday Water-proof lol nice one.

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