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Xuddur, Bakool in 1969 according to the website the picture was posted on.


This is my Aabo's birthplace and I had never been to it. It looks very interesting. Afrohaas ka helay. Darn qurbahaan bidaar nagu dishay. Shuud.

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^You've got to pay a visit there widaay, grow hair like that, put the local attire and them beautiful running shoes. One of my buddies is born and raised in Xudur. Beautiful people. If I missed a thing about Somalia, it's them shoes. Qodax, geed, qurac, dhagax, bacaad, dhiiqo, orad, xarago, or shaqo, no problem. Always in shape and in style. They go down as one of the best nomad invention.

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Xudur is the heartland of Maay language and culture, their accent is the purest Maay accent, although its hard for me to understand, but the Buur accent is the easiest.

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Reer Afgooye Afmaay is the easiest. Dadka Bakool ka imaadana weyba ku kacdaa markee maqlaan Reer Afgooye oo ku hadlaayo lahjadaas. Yacni Afmaay iyo Afmaxaatiri la isku walaaqay waaye, yacni 60%-40% ratio camal.


But I don't think kan looga hadlo Xuddur in uu purest yahay. Af haddii la baaraayo miyiga ayaa la tagaa.

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I have never been to Bakool, but friends told me the Bakool Maay is the original Maay, yes from Buur to Afgooye is half half dhex walaaq, the closer you come to xamar the more you understand.


But I believe Somalis long neglected this dialect (Maay), for example you don't see Maay intellectuals and proffesors writing in Maay, if a language is not developed with its literature, poets and grammer, it will just die, and that is what I fear will happen to Maay in the next maybe few hundred years if it does not get attention from its people first, than the Government.

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I don't think it is going to die. If it dies, it will slowly die with Afmaxaatiri. Afmaxaatiri too waala haayaa, dad Ingiriis mooday ilbaxnimo ku hadalkeeda iyo kuwii Barbaartii Carabiga mooday waajibaad in lagu hadlo. Kuwaan waa kuwii dalka, kuwa qurbaha sideena camal maxaa ka sugee.


Waxaa arkeysaa dad hoggaanka haayo oo ereyo Ingiriis ku dardaraayo markee hadlaayaan. Shariifka isdhahaaye asagaa ayaa u roon laakiin maalin dhawayd qudbadiisa dhageystay ku maqlaaye ereyo Ingiriis aanan ka filaneynin, sida 'procedure.' Yaa u sheego dadka ku dhageysanaayo waa dadka gudaha ku nool.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;801339 wrote:
Maxaa waaye magacyada qabiilka aad meesha keenteen. Fadlan tirtira magacyada qabiilada.

sxb, raali noqo. reerka ayaan aad isku naqada dee. aniga ima qarsooman. :D

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MM, I disagree with you, yes afmaxaatiri is also in danger but, at least it has got its basic litreture, grammar and stracture recorded and some how developed, bury in mind poetry protects the core of a language and is what keeps a language in tact from one generation to another. The afmaxaatiri has rich source of poetry, and there is realization from Somali intellectuals to save the language and do (erey bixin) for all items, for example I saw this guy who was working on how to (erey bixi) the mobile phone and all the words related to it, for example he called the mobile phone (koor) koorta loo xiro ratiga waxay u dhigantaa mobilada aan isticmaalno, that is very good step to prevent foreign words infaltrating into a language. Also there is a growing book clubs and writers who promote in somali writings and books. But all those small but important steps are not taken by Maay speakers.

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Koor haddii Afmaxaatiri mobile laga dhigo, so Afmaay waa laga dhigi karaa. Mobile Afsoomaaliga in telefoonka gacanta loo daayaa moodaaye, marka ninkaas hadda iyo erey bixin miyaa. Ereyga 'telefoon' meesha ku jiro diidanyahay filaa.


Waa runtaa ma qorno Afmaay oo script la isku raacsanyahay ma jirto maanta, laakiin script kale duwan jiro. In la isku raaco u baahantahay. Horumarintiisa afka Soomaaliga guud ahaantiisa horumarintiisa qeyb ka tahay.


Rabi ha idmo, Afmaay script la isku raacsanyahay mar dhow lagu qoraa. Horta nabaddii dhameystiran hala helo.

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