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Puntland oo lacago gaar ah soo daabacanaysa

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Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday inay soo daabacanayso lacago Shilin Soomaali ah oo lagu bedeli doono lacagta hadda dalka laga isticmaalo.


Wasiirka maaliyadda ee Puntland Faarax Cali Shire oo maanta magaalada Garoowe Saxaafadda shir ugu qabtay ayaa arintan shaaciyey.


Wuxuuna intaas ku daray in sababta xiligan kusoo beegtay in Puntland ay lacago gaar ah yeelato ay tahay kadib markii uu hoos u dhacay qiimaha lacagta hada la isticmaalo ee shilin Soomaaliga.


Wasiirka maaliyadda ee Puntland wuxuu tilmaamay in lacagta la soo daabacayo ay dalka imaan doonto bishan socoto gudeheeda.


Waa markii ugu horeysey oo ay Puntland shaaciso inay yeelan doonto lacag u gaar ah, waxayna lacagta lasoo dabacayaa ka koobnaan doontaa.


1,000 Sh.s

2,000 Sh.s

5,000 Sh.s

10,000 Sh.s

20,000 Sh.s


Horay waxaa u joojiyey isticmaalka lacagta shilin Soomaaliga maamulka Somaliland ee ka jira gobolada waqooyi galbeed ee Soomaaliya.


Sawirada iyo codka shirka Saxaafadeed ee wasiirka naga fisha goor dhow.




Horseed Media

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It is only proper since the future economy of the country is in PL's hands. :D


With that said, this is so wrong.

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Somalia;800314 wrote:
It is only proper since the future economy of the country is in PL's hands.


With that said, this is so wrong.

no brother. this is long over due. i think and i'm 100 percent sure Minister Shire would agree, the problem PL faces in terms of economically is the lack of ability to regulate its regional currency. imagine the power that Shire and future Ministers of Finance will have once they can manipulate the Monterrey system of PL. all in all, this is a great day and a good indication that PL is going in the right direction. Guul and Gobonimo PL.

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Garowe(Pi) Wasaarada Maaliyada Puntland ayaa maanta shaacisey in lacagaha cashuuraha lagu qaadi dolono dolar ahaan boqolkiiba kontan , Wasaaradu waxay kaloo sheegtey in Puntland keeni doonto lacag cusub oo lagu badali doono lacagta hada la isticmaali ee duqowday.


Wasiirka Maaliyada Puntland Farax Cali Shire oo maanta shir jaraa’id qabtay ayaa sheegey in lacagta cusub ay imaan doonto bishan maarso, wuxuu kaloo Wasiirku sheegey in ay Dowladu la tacaali doonto gacan ku haynta qiimaha Dolarka oo hada hadba hoos u dhaca ama kor u kaca.


Wasiirka Maaliyada Puntland Faarax Cali Shire aayaa maanta soo saarey wareegto arintaa ku saabsan, hoos ka akhriso wareegtadii.




Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Ministry of Finance


Xafiiska Wasiirka W/Maaliyadda


Ref: W/WM/DPL/244/2012 Garowe, March, 8, 2012




Ku: Agaasimayaasha Guud ee Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Bosaso.

Ku: Xisaabiyaha Guud ee Dawladda Puntland Bosaso.

Ku: Agaasimaha Waaxda Furdooyinka ee W/Maaliyadda Bosaso.

Ku: Agaasimaha Waaxda Cashuuraha Berriga ee W/Maaliyadda Bosaso.

Ku: Xisaabiyeyaasha Gobolada ee W/Maaliyadda Rugtoda.

Ku: Hogaanka Ilaalinta Cashuuraha (Turbotaariyo) Rugtoda.

Og: Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska iyo Asluubta ee Puntland Garowe.

Og: Hantidhawrka Guud ee Dawladda Puntland Garowe.

Og: Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Garowe.


Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Dawladda Puntland


Markuu Arkay : Dastuurka Dawladda Puntland

Markuu Arkay : Sarifka Doolarka oo Hoos u dhac ku yimid

Markuu Arkay : Shillinka Soomliga oo yaraaday ayna keentay iyadoo

Aan muddo wax lacag Soomaali ah la soo daabicin

Markuu Arkay : In Miisaniyada Dawladda ay ku saleysan tahay Sh.So

Markuu Arkay : Baahida loo qabo in wax laga bedelo Lacagaha lagu qaado Cashuuraha Dawladda

Markuu Arkay : Cabashada Ganacsatada iyo Dadweynaha

Markuu La-tashaday : Maasuuliyiinta ay arrintani khusayso




In Cashuurta Dawladda Boqolkiiba kontan (50%) lagu qaado Doolar. Boqolkiiba kontan ka kalena (50%) lagu qaado Sh.Soomaali, ilaa amar dambe Dawladdu ka soo saarto, heerka qiimaha sarifka Cashuurta Dawladda lagu qabto waa sidiisii hore (Dollar Exchange Rate).


Haddaba, waxaa dhammaan Masuuliyiinta ay Wareegtani sida tooska iyo ogeysiinta ugu socoto lagu wargelinayaa in la hirgeliyo laga bilaabo 10, March, 2012.


Fullin wacan


Mr. Faarax Cali Jaamac

Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda


Ministry of Finance, Puntland Sate

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Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta 08, March 2012 lacag cusub oo dalka la keenayo oo badali doonta tan hatan suuqayada taal iyo weliba qaabka loola tacaalayo hoos u dhaca ku yimid qiimaha sarifka Doolarka.


Wasiirka maaliyada Puntland Faarax Cali Shire oo maanta shir saxaafadeed ku qabtey xafiiskiisa Garowe ayaa sheegay in ay go’aamiyeen in canshuuraha dowladda 50% lagu qaadi doono Doolar halka 50% kale lagu qaadi doono shilinka Somaliga sidii horey caadig ahayd.


Waxa uu raaciyey in bishan gudaheeda lacag shilin Somali ah dalka la keeni dooni oo iskugu jirta qiimayaal kala duwan,waxana uu tibaaaxey Faarax Cali Shire in laga aruurin doono suuqyada kumanaanka la isticmaalo haatan.


Kulan wareedkan ayaa waxa ku weheliyey wasiir ku xigeenka maaliyada Puntland Cabdi Ibraahim Warsame Qowdhan iyo maamulayaasha bankiyada Bossaso ,Garowe iyo weliba xisaabiyaha guud ee Puntland.

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this is not new money. this is fake money, just continuation of Cade musse project. this puntland mafia is not better than the moqdisho mafia in 90's

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Duufaan;800372 wrote:
this is not new money. this is fake money, just continuation of Cade musse project. this puntland mafia is not better than the moqdisho mafia in 90's

don't comment on matter of which you know nothing about. this is a good step and it's long over due.

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what? so people like you are now experts. using color printing and paper imported India. Last time everyone bought machine and was printing and we known what happened. Puntland do not have it is own central Bank, this work is for central bank of somalia.

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Duufaan;800374 wrote:
what? so people like you are now experts. using color printing and paper imported India. Last time everyone bought machine and was printing and we known what happened. Puntland do not have it is own central Bank, this work is for central bank of somalia.

you mean the the same government that only spent 1 M out of 59 M dollars earmarked for famine recovery? What happened to the rest of that money? moving on, you don't expect for PL to wait for ineffective government while its economy is dealing with rapid changes to the Somali Shilings do you? 20 yrs is enough time for people to make up their mind. anyway, since your opinion will not change the reality on the ground, the move that minster of finance, Shire, announced this morning will not only help PL manage its economy, but also give investors and people the confident to invest and protect their hard earned wealth. Therefore, since the decision is already made, i don't see the value of continuing this debate. Peace.

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GAROWE, Somalia Mar 8 2012 (Garowe Online) – Puntland Minister of Finance Farah Ali Shire held a press conference on Thursday to discuss the fluctuation in Shilling and announce a the continuation of the tax system, Radio Garowe reports.


The Somali Shilling has seen major movement in recent weeks although it has strengthened against the US dollar it has been unstable. The Somali Shilling which was trading Wednesday at 24,000 Shillings to 1 US dollar has hit 19,000 Shillings Thursday morning.


Minster Farah explained some of the reasons of the fluctuation recently. “There are a lot issues that need further studying but the fluctuation is partly due to lack of printing of new Shilling Somali and the increased GDP and living standards of the country. That has caused currency exchange traders to hold on to their Somali Shilling waiting to trade it for US dollar,” said Minister Farah.


Minister Farah said that the service of Sahal which allows you to pay for items by using your mobile phone has attributed to the fluctuation in Shilling a point Minister of Commerce Hassan Farah Jama stated on Tuesday. “Sahal service has added to this fluctuation because of the use of US dollar over Somali Shilling," said Minister Farah.

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you mean the the same government that only spent 1 M out of 59 M dollars earmarked for famine recovery? What happened to the rest of that money? moving on, you don't expect for PL to wait for ineffective government while its economy is dealing with rapid changes to the Somali Shilings do you? 20 yrs is enough time for people to make up their mind. anyway, since your opinion will not change the reality on the ground, the move that minster of finance, Shire, announced this morning will not only help PL manage its economy, but also give investors and people the confident to invest and protect their hard earned wealth. Therefore, since the decision is already made, i don't see the value of continuing this debate. Peace.[/quote


that 59 m revenue mostly were from taxes moqsish port and airport as it reported. where is boosaaso port taxes!. printing fake money so poor cannot feed their children!. next day you will be here talking about federal government and constitution

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Somalia: U.S. Assistance to the Transitional Federal Government


March 07, 2012


Taken Question

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC


Question Taken at the March 5, 2012 Daily Press Briefing

March 6, 2012


Question: Please provide a response to reports that the Somali Government spent only $1 million on social services last year, but received $58 million in aid. Will this affect US aid to Somalia going forward?


Answer: We have seen Mr. Fartaag’s report and the previous ones he has prepared. We have also seen the Transitional Federal Government’s (TFG) rebuttals to allegations made in the audits. We continue to engage with the TFG as it works to improve the transparency and accountability of its finances.


Read the complete story at the US Department of State



Copyright © 2012

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Duufaan;800381 wrote:
you mean the the same government that only spent 1 M out of 59 M dollars earmarked for famine recovery? What happened to the rest of that money? moving on, you don't expect for PL to wait for ineffective government while its economy is dealing with rapid changes to the Somali Shilings do you? 20 yrs is enough time for people to make up their mind. anyway, since your opinion will not change the reality on the ground, the move that minster of finance, Shire, announced this morning will not only help PL manage its economy, but also give investors and people the confident to invest and protect their hard earned wealth. Therefore, since the decision is already made, i don't see the value of continuing this debate. Peace.

that 59 m revenue mostly were from taxes moqsish port and airport as it reported. where is boosaaso port taxes!. printing fake money so poor cannot feed their children!. next day you will be here talking about federal government and constitution

again, stop talking about matters you know nothing of. fadlan stop embarrassing yourself.

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Wasiirka maaliyada Puntland oo sheegay in lacago cusub lasoo daabacayo {Dhegayso}

March 8, 2012 // Warar Somaali

Wasiirka maaliyadda ee dowladda Puntland Faarax Cali Shirre ayaa ka dhawaajiyay inlasoo daabici doono lacago cusub oo oo uu sheegay in wax looga qaban doono hoos u dhaca ku yimid qiimaha lacagta doolarka ee suuqyada Puntland.


Hoos u dhac guud oo ku yimid qiimaha doolarka ee suuqyada Puntland ayaa saameeyay dadwayanaha danyarta ah iyo kuwa eheladoodu ay lacagaha uga soo diraan dibadda,kadib markii aysan wada wax isbedel ah uusan ku imaan qiimaha cuntada.


Wasiirka maaliyadda Dr Faarax Cali Shirre waxaa uu sheegay dowladda oo ku daadalaysa xakamaynta hoos u dhaca dhaqaalle ee ku yimid lacagta doolarka in lasoo daabici doono lacago cusub oo ay hormuud ka noqon doonto samaynteeda dowladda faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Dadwaynaha ayaa waxaa uu ugu baaqay inay xisaabaad ama accounto ay ku yeeshaan bankiga dhexe ee Puntland si lacagahooda loogu badalo lacagaha cusub ee lasoo daabaci doono.


Dowlada Puntland ayaa horay uga soo horjeestay lacagaha cusub ee sh.somaaliga oo ay horay u shaacisay inay daabici doonto xukuumadii Cumar Cabdirashiid uu hogaaminayay,Puntland ayaa xiligaasi wada shaqaynta u jartay dowladii xiligaasi oo khilaaf siyaasadeed oo aad u xun uu kala dhexeeyay.


Lacagaha lasoo daabacayo ayuu sheegay wasiirka maaliyadda inay ka koobnaan doonto.


1000 Sh.s

2000 Sh.s

5000 Sh.s

10000 Sh.s

20000 Sh.s


Dhagayso Shirka jara’id ee wasiirka



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