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Garowe: Puntland Minister Of Ports and Anti Piracy and EU Envoy Streghten Bi-Lateral Ties . PICS

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Madaxda w.dekedaha iyo la dagaalanka Burcad badeeda iyo wefdi EU ka socda oo kulmay [Cod+Sawiro]


Updated:- 1 hour ago| 0 Commnets


Wefdi ka socda qaar kamid ah wadamada bixiya deeqaha mashaariicda la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda ayaa maanta magaalada Garoowe kulan yeeshay madaxda wasaarada dekedaha, gaadiidka badda, iyo la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda ee Puntland.


Agaasimaha la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda ee Puntland Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Dirir oo markii uu kulankaasi oo gaba gaboobey kadib Saxaafadda shir u qabtay ayaa ka warbixiyey ujeedada socdaalka ay wefdigaasi Puntland kusoo gaareen.


Wuxuuna sheegay in wufuudan oo ka kala socda dalalka Denmark, Norway iyo Britain ay ka wada hadleen arimo dhowr ah, ujeedooyinka ay xiligan Puntland u yimaadeenna ay ugu muhiimsan yihiin labo arimood oo kala ah:

Sidii ay ugu kuur geli lahaayeen waxa ka qabsoomay mashaariicdii la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda ee ay dhaqaalaha ku bixiyeen.

Iyo sidii ay madaxda Puntland ula saxiixan lahaayeen heshiis ku aadan in Puntland lagu xiro laguna maxkamadeeyo kooxaha jirri badeeda ah ee laga soo qabto badaha caalamiga ah iyo kuwo Soomaaliya ku teedsan.


Dhegeyso codka Agaasimaha la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda


Wefdigan ayaa dhinaca kale inta ay Garoowe joogaan waxay kulamo gooni gooni ah la qaadan doonaan madaxda wasaarada cadaaladda iyo taliska ciidamada Booliska, iyagoo sidoo kale booqan doona qaar kamid ah xabsiyada Puntland.


Qaraar kasoo baxay golaha ammaanka ee QM oo tirsigiisu ahaa 2015 ayaa looga codsaday DKG, Puntland, iyo Somaliland inay ogolaadaan iyaga oo taageero ka helaya hay’adda UNODC in laga sameeyo deegaanada ay ka arimiyaan maxkamado gaar ah iyo xabsiyo lagu xiro Burcad badeeda.



Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf

Horseed Media










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European representatives have arrived in Somalia's autonomous state of Puntland to assess EU funded anti-piracy projects in the region, Press TV reports.


Thirty-three representatives from UK, Norway, Denmark and Netherland are visiting the city of Growe in Puntland on Monday, a Press TV correspondent reported.


According to Puntland Counter-piracy Director Abdirizak Mohamed Ahmed Ducaysane, the European delegation plans to review anti- piracy measures in the region, which cost them millions of dollars to fight Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.


However, Somali government official say that the main reason for the visit is to sign a secret oil deal between Europe and Puntland.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that any deal will be illegal and must be signed with the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), the internationally recognized government of the Republic of Somalia.


Puntland has been transformed into a notorious base used by local pirates to launch attacks on merchant vessels transiting the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean.


Somalia has been without a functioning government since 1991, when warlords overthrew former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.


Strategically located in the Horn of Africa, Somalia is one of the countries generating the highest number of refugees and internally displaced people in the world.



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My god everything Puntland does there is an oil conspiracy behind it. Ridiculous and total garbage and its need to stop. Oil is confirmed in the state and in-fact alot more then expected. Infact a working petroleum system has been found in various levels in the drilling stage and not the just the Lower Cretaceous sandstones but many different levels of source rocks are oil productive which has boosted the 17 billion onshore and 100 billion offshore to 70 billion onshore and 100 billion offshore

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The Garowe clan enclave cannot sign a deal with the EU countries its unlawful if they did the garowe clan enclave is an entity that comes under the TFG president sharifs government.

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Xaaji war meeshu clan enclave ma aha wa sideed gobol wa mamulka ugu weyn somalia marki la firiyo dad iyo dhul iyo khayraad iyo ganacsi. Your little somaliland is not even 1/3 of puntland and your saying its clan enclave, war niyahow nagala tag sheekadas meeshani opec application ayaan buuxsanayna adiguna clan enclave baad ka hadlaysa sida loo kala dheer yahay baro

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Dr_Osman;799955 wrote:
Xaji nowadays you seem to such a puntland addict, sanka miyay ka gashay shidaalka?

:D i was about to say the same thing. then again, cut him some slacks, after all, his triangular enclave is isolated, irrelevant, and economically as well as politically is behind PL.

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Dr_Osman;799961 wrote:
Xaaji war meeshu clan enclave ma aha wa sideed gobol wa mamulka ugu weyn somalia marki la firiyo dad iyo dhul iyo khayraad iyo ganacsi. Your little somaliland is not even 1/3 of puntland and your saying its clan enclave, war niyahow nagala tag sheekadas meeshani opec application ayaan buuxsanayna adiguna clan enclave baad ka hadlaysa sida loo kala dheer yahay baro

War meeshu Osmanow wa guri budhcad badeed meel yar oo uu iska salaxday ninka la yidha faroole ,, Osmanow Budhlayn wa laba gobol bari iyo nugaal iyo nus mudug wa intaas, meesha wa iska mamuul beeleed dad ka mid ah somalidu samaysteen sida galmudug iyo ximan iyo xeeb wax buuraan maha. Ganacsi maxay ah niman kaluunka dabta jooga maxa kale eeh laga ganacsada eeh meesha yaala adeer meesha dawlad beleysan ba dhisan inta waan ogalahay wa ariin wanaagsan nabada xogaha ka jirta mamuulka garowe.

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Xaji, burcadku somali ma dhacan, ee madaxweynaha wuxu seexda guri uusan lahayn waana dawladada maxad ka sugaysa shacabkaga? niyahow dib isku laabo horta guri madaxtoyo miyadan dhisan karin? fakhri ku dishe ku dhex jir guri islameed!!!


Secondly puntland wa sideed gobol jeclow ama diid!!! waana dadka ugu tiro badan somalia 1960 baanu aragnay one man one vote iyo reerki ka soo baxay taas mana ahayn adiga hadana waa loo noqonaya hadu illahi cidmo

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Cismaanow 1960 Somalidu way caafimad qabeen nin ka so jeeda mamuulka budhlayn ba hiiraan ama shabeelada hoose laga soo dooran jiray nin ka so jeeda qabri dhahare ba hargeysa lag soo dooran jiray berigaas Somalidu dad caafimad qaba bay ahayeen.


Dr osman Pudhlayn dad badan kuma noola wa dad aad u jar hada bosaaso waxa camiray maha reer bosaaso wa dad ka so jeeda bay iyo bakool Somalida kale ba camiray maha reer bosaasood wa afar xabo reer bosaaso, 8 gobol cismaanow maha, bal halka ku noqo mala sideed degmo baad sheegeysa taasi wa macquul laakin budhlayn wa 2 gobol iyo badh nugaal bari iyo woqoyiga galkacyo.

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^This Ducaysane guy is one of the most coherent smart person in Faroole's goverment. I saw him being interviewed other day and he was very impressive! He can make oday Faroole run for his life

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General Duke;800047 wrote:
He is a smart fellow. Who has done a good job as the Director General of that department.

He is from MN right? used work for Somali Community @ Brain Cole of MInneapolis?

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