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Sicid Samatar Wait Till November 2012 The Start Of Puntland Presidential Elections Race

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SOMALIA: Puntland bans media coverage of election campaign


Bosasso (RBC) The authorities in Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland have warned the journalists from coverage of election campaigns in the region before the election date which is due to start on January next year, Bari governor declared.


A press conference at his office in Bosasso on Tuesday, the governor of Bari region Abdisamad Mohamed Gallan said that media houses cannot interview any candidate running for the region’s presidency.


“We know the election will be held on January as campaigns of the candidates are only allowed to start in November so we cannot allow anarchy and campaigns before elections.” The governor said in the press conference.


Mr Gallan, warned the journalists and media stations broadcast any news related the Puntland election campaigns will be closed down adding that, “No media or journalist can interview a candidate or report the election process.”


The ban came a day after press release by Gen Abdullahi Said Samatar, a candidate for the coming election has criticized the Puntland president on his direct involvement in the constitution draft process.


Gen Samatar, former security minister of Puntland pointed out that the constitution draft process must be open to the public.


In a meeting in Bosasso, the bosses and the editors of media stations in Bosasso reacted the ban and suspended in return for the news from the government. Meanwhile the Mogadishu-based National Union of Somalia Journalists called for Puntland authorities to hang the ban and allow press freedom.

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Maamulka Gobolka Bari oo sheegey in aan olole Doorasho laga sameyn karin Boosaaso

March 6, 2012 - Written by Webmaster - Edited byeditor


Shir jaraa’id oo uu manta ku qabtay Xafiiskiisa Magaalada Boosaaso Gudoomiyaha Gobolka bari C/samad Maxamed Galan ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in gebi ahaanba Gobolka Bari aan lagu sameyn Karin wax olole Doorasho ah isaga oo xusay in aan weli la gaarin Waqtigii olalaha Doorashada Puntalnd


Hadalka Gudoomiyaha ayaa yimid ka dib markii Maalintii shalay Magaalada Boosaaso lagu soo dhaweeyay C/laahi Siciid Samatar oo sheegay inuu u taagan yahay xilka Madaxtinimada Puntland.


Shirka Jaraa’id ee Gudoomiye galan ayaa waxaa uu ku sheegay in xilligan ollaha uu wado Mr Samatar inay tahay mid wax u dhimeysa amaanka islamarkaasina Maamul ahaan arintaasi aysan raali ka noqon donin waxaana uu sheegay in cidii ka gudubta Amarka Maamulka ay talaabo ka qaadi doonan sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari oo manta shirka qabtay ma sheegin Xilliga la ogalaanayo olalayaasha Doorashada Madaxtinimada Puntland waxaase uu xusay in Puntland ay leedahay gudi ka shaqeeya Arimaha Doorashooyinka islamarkaasna iyaga laga sugo xilliga ay ku dhawaaqayaan Waqtiga Doorashada.


Dhinaca kale Maamulka Gobolka Bari Ayaa ka hadlay Amaanka Gobolka iyo sida loo xoojin karo isaga oo baaq wada shaqeyn u diray qeybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada waxaana uu sheegay in Maamul ahaan aysan cidna uga gaban doonin wax ka qabashada amaanka .


SBC INternational News Desk

Daalacatey :313

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^ The Holy Trinity calendar says it's time for Omar to milk the cow, so Samatar needs to be patient. Then again the Imaan had started to print the cash again which indicates he is prepared to extend the rule for himself or his little mu'adin.

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