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How much of old Somalia debt should Somaliland accept in negotiations with Mogadishu?

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faarah22;798688 wrote:
a beggar who wants to pay the bill of another beggar, cajiib.


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The discussion will be of constitutional nature and shall cover many areas including the following:


1. Presidency/PM/Ministerial allocation between North and South (Rotation, elections, etc)

2. Federalism (autonomous regions, etc)

3. Federal Capital City ( Hargeisa vs. Mogadishu)

4. Name Change (Somaliland vs. Somalia)

5. Wealth Sharing (oil revenue, etc)

6. Apology to the North

7. Framework for resolving future disputes


Whatever the outcome, we hope it to be satisfactory to both sides.


JB, the debt will be dealt with by the Federal government.

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^It seems you are taking the secessionists bravado and 'importance' to heart mate.


The whole secessionist project is nothing more the clan issue. If you are going to do all that for a clan, the Somali governments problems is immense as they need to square that with every clan that has an issue.

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Libaaxa you did not listen to president Siilaanyo all talks will be based on separation not about power-sharing or Political seats lets see what the Somalia's government brings on the table. Hence why we are discussing possible the debts of Somalia and Somaliland and how to manage those.

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Abwaan;798582 wrote:
looooooool................JB...Caqli buu ciyaarayaa.........Horta in la aqoonsado soo kama horrayso?

JB, xitaa shirkii London ka dib weli ma ictiraaf baad ka hadlaysaan? Mise xoogaa gorgortanka jagooyinka ayaa la sii xoojinayaa. Amay roon tahay in Hargeysa fursadda ay maanta haysato ka faa'iideysataa? Ma maqashay murtida Soomaaliyeed ee oranaysa "markaan tabar hayey talo ma hayn, haddoon talo hayana tabar ma hayo" taas baan idiinka baqayaa inay idinku dhacdo.

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Abwaan;798739 wrote:
JB, xitaa shirkii London ka dib weli ma ictiraaf baad ka hadlaysaan? Mise xoogaa gorgortanka jagooyinka ayaa la sii xoojinayaa. Amay roon tahay in Hargeysa fursadda ay maanta haysato ka faa'iideysataa? Ma maqashay murtida Soomaaliyeed ee oranaysa "markaan tabar hayey talo ma hayn, haddoon talo hayana tabar ma hayo" taas baan idiinka baqayaa inay idinku dhacdo.

Abwaan Muhimadu waxa weye shacabka rabitanka taasina waxa weye gooni isutagaaga Somaliland u malayn mayo kurasi iyo xilal ba qancinaysa dadkaas marka ta in la ixtraamo weye mar kastaba. London waxay tidhi dawwlada somaliland iyo dawlada Somalia wa inay wada hadlan si ay uga arimaha khuseyaa mustaqbalkooda loona qeexo noocay isla jaanqaadi karan. Marka lacagti lugu laha Somalia ama Somaliland sidi loo kala hagi laha oo loo farsamayn laha wa in laga wada hadlo.

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Qandalawi;798734 wrote:
^It seems you are taking the secessionists bravado and 'importance' to heart mate.


The whole secessionist project is nothing more the clan issue. If you are going to do all that for a clan, the Somali governments problems is immense as they need to square that with every clan that has an issue.

Only your certain people consumed by somaliland.We r dealing with otha honest somalis who has no blood in their hands.You'r not significant.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;798741 wrote:
Abwaan Muhimadu waxa weye shacabka rabitanka taasina waxa weye gooni isutagaaga Somaliland u malayn mayo kurasi iyo xilal ba qancinaysa dadkaas marka ta in la ixtraamo weye mar kastaba. London waxay tidhi dawwlada somaliland iyo dawlada Somalia wa inay wada hadlan si ay uga arimaha khuseyaa mustaqbalkooda loona qeexo noocay isla jaanqaadi karan. Marka lacagti lugu laha Somalia ama Somaliland sidi loo kala hagi laha oo loo farsamayn laha wa in laga wada hadlo.

XX....shacab Soomaaliyeed oo taladooda la raacaa beryahaan ma jiraane dadka badankood cajalad baa la geliyey haddana waa laga beddeli karaa sidaan qabo...Lol@deynta...taas xil ka weyn baa idin saaran oo ah inaan dadka iyo dalka la kala gooyn nabad, barwaaqo iyo caddaaladna loo horseedo!

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^^ wax la kala gooynaya ma jirto wixi isku daray uu ba hadana kala tagay intaasun weye ma dhul ba kala go aya meesha ma bad ba u dhexeysa. Ciid wax ku shubtay ma jirto shacabku iyaga goo aansaday ogoo SNM ma rabin in lala so noqdo Somalilandti 1960 eeh laakin shacabka yidhi halala so noqdo by any means necessary

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XX...Shacabku 1991-kii waa xanaaqsanaayeen & I don't blame them waayo koox Maanafaysto la dhaho ayaa dowlad iskaga dhawaaqday iyagoon tixgelin Waqooyi iyo Koofur midna, Koofurta oo dagaal qabiil ka sii hurayey iyo dhibaatadii Dowladdii M Siyad (AUN) u geysatey oo fresh ahayd. Laakiin it is 2012 now and 20 years have passed and no recognition, gobolladii maamulka Hargeysa hoos tegeyey half iyo ka badan baa dowlado samaystay, marka ma waxaad leedahay shacabka iyo degaanku on hold haku jireen?


Oodweyne, If Hargeysa cannot telorate me saying that this is Waqooyi Galbeed and you lack that sort of maturity, how can you argue "way duushay oo ictiraafkii baa soo dhow". I am sorry but this is my Principle, maamul degaan waan aqoonsanayaa balse dowlad calan leh baa Soomaaliya ka dhex dhalanaysa oo cid dhisanaysaa oo aysan xitaa rabitaan dhab ah iyo xisaabtan ku imaan adiga iyo mid kaleba ka yeeli maayo.

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Abwaan;798802 wrote:
XX...Shacabku 1991-kii waa xanaaqsanaayeen & I don't blame them waayo koox Maanafaysto la dhaho ayaa dowlad iskaga dhawaaqday iyagoon tixgelin Waqooyi iyo Koofur midna, Koofurta oo dagaal qabiil ka sii hurayey iyo dhibaatadii Dowladdii M Siyad (AUN) u geysatey oo fresh ahayd. Laakiin it is 2012 now and 20 years have passed and no recognition, gobolladii maamulka Hargeysa hoos tegeyey half iyo ka badan baa dowlado samaystay, marka ma waxaad leedahay shacabka iyo degaanku on hold haku jireen?


Oodweyne, If Hargeysa cannot telorate me saying that this is Waqooyi Galbeed and you lack that sort of maturity, how can you argue "way duushay oo ictiraafkii baa soo dhow". I am sorry but this is my Principle, maamul degaan waan aqoonsanayaa balse dowlad calan leh baa Soomaaliya ka dhex dhalanaysa oo cid dhisanaysaa oo aysan xitaa rabitaan dhab ah iyo xisaabtan ku imaan adiga iyo mid kaleba ka yeeli maayo.


Dad ba jiray waligood ba diidana isutaga labada dal lixdanki waad ogayd inqlaabki dhacay 1961 kolkey ay Somaliland mar labaad xorowday dadki waxay is yidhaheen mar danbe jaaniiskaasi yanay idin dhaafin aqoonsi calaami Muhimad saa u weyn uga ma fadhido mar hadaan reer Somaliland laga xukumeyn meel kale thats what their priority is dalkooda gacantooda ka jira murana kama jiro waxa kale eeh la so mal maluuqo wa sheekoyin kale dadkan mamuulada sameystey eeh aad ka sheekeneysiid wa Facebook states oo comyutaro lugu dhex sameyey meel ay ka taliyaan na ma jirto. Somaliland dalkay sheegaato wa xukunta gacanteeda ayey ku jirta wa inad xaqiiqada ogatiid 2011 18 may 20 jirki Somaliland waad ogayd siday u dhacday maha wax kursi iyo sheeko gabaan ku fadhida Somaliland wa taarkhdooda identiytigooda dalkooda dadkooda dhalashadooda intasina cidi kama badali karto wala qolyaha Koonfurta Somalia ka yimi wala qolo kalee oo meel kale ka yimi. Abwaanow hadaad Somaliland so caga dhigatiid sharciga Somaliland ba ku qabta u have to understand that wax laga weydinayo ma jirto markad xuduudaha ama hawada SL so gashiid baryo maha waadna ogtahay adigu meeshan qanuun iyo sharci ba ka jira hellow this is not Somalia.

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Libaax-Sankataabte;798711 wrote:
The discussion will be of constitutional nature and shall cover many areas including the following:


1. Presidency/PM/Ministerial allocation between North and South (Rotation, elections, etc)

2. Federalism (autonomous regions, etc)

3. Federal Capital City ( Hargeisa vs. Mogadishu)

4. Name Change (Somaliland vs. Somalia)

5. Wealth Sharing (oil revenue, etc)

6. Apology to the North

7. Framework for resolving future disputes


Whatever the outcome, we hope it to be satisfactory to both sides.


JB, the debt will be dealt with by the Federal government.


Agree. And a cookie for JB and XX in the form of a referendum somewhere post 2015. Gives us time to repair the Union and steal the hearts of folks again.

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