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Kenyan troops may pull out of Somalia this October



Saturday, March 03, 2012



Kenyan troops fighting the Al-Shabaab in Somalia may pull out in eight months, the Department of Defence announced on Saturday.

This is after the Kenya Defence Forces joined African Union troops in the war against the terrorist group, a joint military effort scheduled to end on October 31.


However, Kenyan forces may continue operating in Somalia beyond October if a peaceful situation in the lawless country will not have been realised.


“Since we were integrated into the Amisom (African Union Mission in Somalia), we are going to operate within the Amisom mandate which expires on October 31 this year.


As long as it takes


“We expect to be there for as long as that mandate is running. The mandate is peace enforcement,” said spokesman Colonel Cyrus Oguna.


KDF entered Somalia in October last year to fight the militia linked to the global Al-Qaeda terror network.


Uganda, Burundi and Djibouti have 13,000 troops fighting the Al-Shabaab in Mogadishu.


The United Nations Security Council resolution that allowed KDF’s integration into Amisom voted to increase the number of troops to 17,731.


Senior military and political leaders are scheduled to meet in Addis Ababa this week to determine the number of personnel to be deployed by the contributing countries.


“The meeting will also discuss the command structure of an expanded military strength and other logistics,” said Foreign Affairs official Lindsey Kiptenes.


They were speaking to journalists on Saturday during the weekly briefing on Operation Linda Nchi, KDF’s involvement in Somalia.


Said Col Oguna: “From October 31 onwards, our presence (in Somalia) will depend on the assessment of what will be prevailing on the ground at the time by African Union Peace and Security Council. They may determine to extend the period or otherwise.”


And, in the event enforcement ends as scheduled, he added, it would be followed by peace keeping, according to UN regulations.


“Thus the possibility of our troops remaining is quite high,” said Col Oguna.


Col Oguna said KDF carried out air strikes in Hulugho on Wednesday last week in which 11 Al-Shabaab technical vehicles were destroyed.


Source: Daily Nation

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Kikuyo boys are not made for war bad news for reer Azania few months in the lower juba makes them pull out, these kikuyos are afraid of the Somali forest and people want to led them into combat:D

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Oh no. Ghandi's little dream is done. Azania never passed Taabto, suburb of Dhoobley. Tacsi baa u taal Zack and co.


Kenya proved Musaveni's remarks right. Good news for the people and the thousands displaced by the droughts.

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As long as it takes


“We expect to be there for as long as that mandate is running. The mandate is peace enforcement,” said spokesman Colonel Cyrus Oguna.

Said Col Oguna: “From October 31 onwards, our presence (in Somalia) will depend on the assessment of what will be prevailing on the ground at the time by African Union Peace and Security Council. They may determine to extend the period or otherwise.”

lol Of course Che would love to see the kenyans pull out and the masked thugs to comeback but i am afraid that is not what is going to happen. God forbid and if the masked thugs are still there after October then the Amisom will have their mandate extended.

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Johnny B   

Kudos to the brotherly Kenyan troops , they defeated the Al-shabab/Al-qaida terrorists in the battlefield and at the same time shown the Somali people that it was never an invasion, thus, denying the terrorist propaganda a well needed fuel .


Thanks in advance for the brave Kenyan armed forces i say, both Kenya and Somalia are safer today .

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Johnny B;798507 wrote:
Kudos to the brotherly Kenyan troops , they defeated the Al-shabab/Al-qaida terrorists in the battlefield and at the same time shown the Somali people that it was never an invasion, thus, denying the terrorist propaganda a well needed fuel .


Thanks in advance for the brave Kenyan armed forces i say, both Kenya and Somalia are safer today .

Kenya couldn't come near defeating AS on a virtual world Twitter, let alone in a real life battlefield.

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Johnny B   

It is sad that all that is left to argue about for the defeated terrorists is " this and that town are yet-to-be-taken".


Wake up , Al-shabab/ Al-qaida are history and both Kenya and somalia are safer than before.

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^^ lol nothing is safe yet al shabaab is still remaining in big parts of the country ,maybe they are weakened but they are definetly not fully defeated so people stop lying to yourself and learn from history.

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Johnny B   

^^ Now, we're talking sense.

Now , let us discuss the time frame against what is left of the task .


I stand corrected if al-shabab/Al-qaida can keep causing havoc in south Somalia till October 2012. :cool:

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^under what criteria is Kenya safer and AS defeated.


As much as I like to believe AS is done, reality tells me otherwise. AS still runs the affairs in the areas Kenyan troops marched or tried to march.

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Jacpher;798513 wrote:
Kenya couldn't come near defeating AS on a virtual world Twitter, let alone in a real life battlefield.

that is true their lies such as stonning a Kenyan citizen to death was busted.

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