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Seekh Xasan Dahir Aways

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After the defeat of AIAI Aweys played a key role in setting up a system of courts according to the shari'a by local businessmen desperate for order, becoming its spiritual head. The Courts brought relative stability to areas under its control, after years of turmoil. The Courts' notion of order was strict, including stonings for serious crimes such as rape and murder. At first it only controlled the area of north Mogadishu, but it gained support from many Somali's following the random violence committed by the warlords who controlled southern Mogadishu. Beginning 2004, eleven of these courts folded into an umbrella organization, the Islamic Courts Union, which fielded a formidable militia. A UN report in early 2006 stated that Aweys was receiving military support from Eritrea, as part of the ongoing conflict between it and Ethiopia, though Eritrea denies the claim.[2]


Following the Union's victory in Mogadishu in June 2006, Aweys rose to be the head of the shura committee, replacing Sharif Sheik Ahmed.[16] The Courts' second-in-command Sheikh Abdulakdir Ali stated day-to-day matters would be handled by Sharif Sheikh Ahmed's executive committee.[4][17]


On July 21, 2006, Hassan Aweys, in a radio broadcast, urged holy war on Ethiopian troops stationed in Baidoa to support the UN-backed government of Somalia.[18]


On November 17, 2006, the Sheik spoke to Shabelle Radio about the formation of a Greater Somalia, uniting the Somali people scattered across the Horn of Africa. He stated, "We will leave no stone unturned to integrate our Somali brothers in Kenya and Ethiopia and restore their freedom to live with their ancestors in Somalia.".[19] He is wanted by interpol for terrorism charges and there is reward of US$5,000,000 on him and his family


Regional concern had been heightened since November 2, 2006, when the US Embassy in Nairobi issued a terrorist warning of suicide attack threats in Kenya and Ethiopia.[20]


On December 19, 2006, he received medical treatment in Egypt just before the beginning of the war against the UN-backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and Ethiopian troops.[21]


On December 21, 2006, as the fighting intensified with Ethiopia, he took a flight to an undisclosed location with Yusuf Mohammed Siad Inda'ade, and rather than news of medical treatment, it was said he was on the hajj.[22]


On December 27, 2006, Aweys, along with a group of several hundred fighters from the Hizbul Shabaab wing of the ICU fled Mogadishu, presumably to the former AIAI base at Ras Kamboni.[23] On December 31, 2006, he vowed to fight on, and called for others to create an insurgency against the government. Meanwhile, a heavily armed column of government and Ethiopian troops advanced from Mogadishu through Lower Shabelle towards Kismayo. They reached Bulo Marer (Kurtun Warrey district) and were heading to Baravo.[24]


In January 2007, his whereabouts remained generally unknown, but it was believed he was ailing.


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Eng.Cadde;801625 wrote:
Bal eega SNMkaan ,By Supporting and Sympathizing with Terrorists and anarchists he thinks somaliland will get somewhere.get a grip,walalaheen AMISOM iyo Ethiopia will put an end to terrorist groups and Somaliland will be ruled From Mogadishu wether you like it or not.

what made me laugh was walalaheen Ethiopia and Amison will put an end to the terrorist group... seriously dadkan duni kale ayay ku chiraan walee...Somalilandna saxib maa burundian baad uso diri dontaa..?




Funny people, no wonder why waxba lama wadagi karno...we are in to different levels. :cool:

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Sheekh Xasan Daahir iyo Sheekh Nuur Macalin Cabdi Raxmaan Oo Caawa Muxaadaro Qiima badan jeediyay.(Dhagayso)


Thursday, 15 March 2012 19:03


Hits: 804






amiirnuur.comNadwo diini ah ayaa caawa lagu qabtay degmada Lafoole ee wilaayada Shabeelaha Hoose waxaana muxaadarooyin muhiim ah ka jeediyay culimaa’udiin caan ah.


Masjidka weyne ee Ceelasha Biyaha waxaa soo xaadiray kumanaan katirsan shacabka muslimiinta si ay u dhegaystaan Muxaadarada culimada.


Sheekh Nuur Macalin Cabdi Raxmaan oo kamid ah culimada Soomaaliyeed ayaa si qiira leh uga hadlay tacadiyada ay gaalada iyo murtadiinta ah ugeysanayaan muqadasaadka islaamka.


Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo kamid ah madaxda mujaahidiinta ayaa ka taariikheeyay heerarka uusoo maray cadaawada ay gaaladu islaamka u qabto.


Allaha dhowree Sheekha Mujaahidka ah ee Xasan Daahir ayaa sheegay in umadda Soomaaliyeed ay sharaf u tahay in ay ladagaalamaan oo ay iska celiyaan dowlado badan oo Afrikaan Kirishtan ah kuwaasi oo diidan iftiinka islaamka ee Bariga Afrika.


Nadwadan ayaa caawa lagu qabtay duleedka Lafoole ayaa kusoo aadaysa xilli shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee Muslimka ah ku baraarugeen iska caabinta cadawgooda oo ay garabsiinayaan mujaahidiinta.


Halkaan ka Dhagayso Nadwadii Alqur'aan yaa Ahlal Qur'aan


AmiirNuur Media

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