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Xaaji Xunjuf

Tensions rise high in taleex as former sool appelate judge is killed by armed gangs

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Xaaji Xunjuf;797874 wrote:


Atam and his people were killed by you're Militia and than you bragged about it like you were killing terrorists. Sh atam is right when defending his region from the expansionist ssdf thief's who by the way murdered so many innocent civilians when they were attacking the Mountains of galgala. Faroole even went as far as approaching US military forces based in Djibouti asking the Americans to Bomb the Mountains of Galgala what a cowardly attempt i have to say so much for tolnimo and the fake crocodile tears.

So you know the truth and care more about the people than. General Ilkajiir, Garad Abdullahi Ali Ciid, Gen ALi Bayer, Fadumo Jibriil, Abdi Jamaal and the countless others who are supporting the state?




One of the elders of Haylaan shaking hands with President Puntland in Dharoor Valley......


Again, don't try to be a clever one, you can never divide the people of Puntland no matter how many times you make up false stories...

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A_Khadar;797845 wrote:
Why you interpret this when your source says something else.. Warxumo tashiilnimo miyaad intaa ka gaartay oday? What a munaafaq, AUN-na gadaal buu ka dhahayaa, sheekooyin aan shaqo isku lahayna wuu isku bedelayaa..


XX waa xaasid, dagaal iyo dhibaato ayuu la jecel yahay shacabka Khaatumo State of Somalia, hadalkiisa wax kasoo malaha ...

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