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Xaaji Xunjuf

Tensions rise high in taleex as former sool appelate judge is killed by armed gangs

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Nin Lagu Dilay Magaalada Taleex-

Lasanod Online. Thursday, March 01, 2012


Taleex,(lasanod Online)- Waxaa galabta lagu dilay gudaha caasimada Maamulka Khaatumo ee Taleex.


nin magaciisu yahay Cabdirashiid Cabdillaahi Cige, ahaana nin si weyn looga yaqiin deegaanada Khaatumo.


Gacan ku dhiglihii dilay Marxuumka ayaa la sheegay inuu goobtii ka baxsaday galayna dhanka qalcadii Sayidka, halkaas oo ciidanka amaanka magaalada Taleex ay isku hor fadhiyaan isaga iyo niman taageeraya oo jifi hoose ay isku yihiin.


Dilka ninkan ayaa la sheegaya inay la xidhiidho aano hore oo ahayd mashaqadii dhuxusha ee hore uga dhacday deegaanka Soolka Sarmaanyo.


Dhanka kalena Marxuumkan maanta la dilay ayaa kamid ahaa ragii maamulka Puntland qabadeen iyagoo ku sii socda magaalada Taleex, halkaas oo maxkamad lagu saaray Garoowe kadibna la sii daayeyey isaga iyo qaar kale, wuxuuna xiligaas ku magacawnaa Maxkamada Laascaanood.


Xaaladda amaanka magaalada Taleex ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay hadda tahay mid aad u degan , Waxaana jidadka magaalada dhex maraya Ciidamada Booliska oo sugaya nabadda.


Marxuum C/rashiid ayaa sida la sheegay ahaa xubin aad u firficoon oo hormuud ka ahaa arrimaha ka socda degaanka Khaatumo.

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This man was captured by the garowe clan enclave militia he was abducted near taleex with a delegation led by mr selebaan cali koore guurti mp of sl. Apparently its an avenge killing for the close relatives of mr ali shire. Allah samir iyo imaan haka siyo inti dhimatay allah ha naxariisto.

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Rabshado Dhimasho Gaystay Oo Ka Dhacay Degmada Taleex Iyo Xaalada Amaanka Oo Ka Cakiran.


Taleex(Ramaas) Mar, 2, 2012- Wararka ka imanaya degmada Taleex ee gobolka Sool, ayaa sheegaya in rabshado colaadeed oo u dhexeeya beelo wada dega dhulkaas ay sababeen dhimashada hal qof oo rayid ah, kuwaasoo qalalaase oo ka abuuray Magaalada.




Qofka la dilay ayaa magaciisa lagu sheegay Cabdirashiid Cabdilaahi Cige oo ahaa nin si weyn looga yaqaanay Magaalada Taleex, waxaana toogtay dabley ka soo jeeda beel uu beeshiisa muran dhuleed ka dhexeeya ,iyada oo labada dhinacba ay isu hub urursanayaan oo ay qarka u saaran yihiin dagaal dhex mara mar kale.




Ninka dilka gaystay ayaa u fakaday dhanka qalcadii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan,halkaas oo ay ku ilaalinayaan ragg hubaysan oo beeshooda ahi,waxaana odayaasha dhaqanku ay iyana direen ciidamo isku dhuf ah oo soo qabta gacan ku dhiiglaha,inkastoo la is hordhiyo.




Arrintan ayaa xiisad xoog leh ka abuurtay degmada Taleex oo ah meel rabshado ka dhacaan xilliyada qaarkood, maadaama oo dadku haystaan hub faro badan,kaasoo sababa iska horimaadyo dhimasho iyo dhaawac keena,laakiin waxa aan la ogayn sida loo xalin doono colaada jirta

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Xaaji Xunjuf;797497 wrote:
This man was captured by the garowe clan enclave militia he was abducted near taleex with a delegation led by mr selebaan cali koore guurti mp of sl. Apparently its an avenge killing for the close relatives of mr ali shire. Allah samir iyo imaan haka siyo inti dhimatay allah ha naxariisto.

Why you interpret this when your source says something else.. Warxumo tashiilnimo miyaad intaa ka gaartay oday? What a munaafaq, AUN-na gadaal buu ka dhahayaa, sheekooyin aan shaqo isku lahayna wuu isku bedelayaa..


Dilka ninkan ayaa la sheegaya inay la xidhiidho aano hore oo ahayd mashaqadii dhuxusha ee hore uga dhacday deegaanka Soolka Sarmaanyo.


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Read your first news post, I am just refering to you what you posted. So stop relating with incidents that have no relation.

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AUN to the dead man and may Allah give courage to his family...


XX, forever wishing war on people. First Galkacyu and now Taleex. His track record speaks for itself.

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^^ Wishing war where and when come again duke i am not a warmonger like you who was declaring victory over Sh atam and the Maakhirates people who are supposed to be his kin

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Xaaji Xunjuf;797862 wrote:
^^ Wishing war where and when come again duke i am not a warmonger like you who was declaring victory over Sh atam and the Maakhirates people who are supposed to be his kin

lool. You need to stop there adeer, in this thread alone you made up a story to further a naked clan agenda. Were you not the man spewing threats against the people of Buuhudle when that mad dog from Burco sent his militia to attack them?


As for Attam he is part of Alqaeda like your hero Godane and such it was right to defeat him and his terror group...



Puntlanders in London, including Ilkajiir and Engineer Hamud from Rochester, Makhirian leaders...

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No where did i make up news i posted news and a man was unfortunately killed AUN to him no where did any one mentioned a war.


Atam and his people were killed by you're Militia and than you bragged about it like you were killing terrorists. Sh atam is right when defending his region from the expansionist ssdf thief's who by the way murdered so many innocent civilians when they were attacking the Mountains of galgala. Faroole even went as far as approaching US military forces based in Djibouti asking the Americans to Bomb the Mountains of Galgala what a cowardly attempt i have to say so much for tolnimo and the fake crocodile tears.

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