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Che -Guevara

Politics in Somalia

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Three have briefcases while the Jihadi guy is carrying a gun. So the connection must be killing. There are committed to killing. So the Shabab and foreign Jihadi guy are interconnected with the gun.

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Faroole has proven to be a an astute player of the game. The Garowe 1 and 2 are now more important to the Djibouti process and the Kampala accord going forward.

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War Abdiwali astura oo daraja ha kasii xumeeniina. Silence is the best option and let others do the defending. Take example of Farmaajo folks.


Where is Gabbal?

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Oodweyne;797331 wrote:


Some time I feel like asking that LST that should set-up, a particularly online-school in here of SOL for fee; so that all of the teeming chancers could pay their shilling at the door, and, then, I will be glad to school them in the fine art of debating logically.


But, I guest, him (i.e., LST)
being a money-grabbing pirate, one could not be sure that the loot from these ninnies will be reaching my account, any time soon
, indeed..

:D :D. well played sir.


Mujaahid, horta inankan yaree Carafaar, inadeeroow ma la soo hubisay inuu Burco iyo dhulkii barakaysnaa ka yimid? Waar ninkaa adigaan kuu diray ee bal iga soo hubi. I don't want to believe Jacaybaro iyo beentiisa, but ninka Carafaar waan ka shakiyey. :D :D

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Abti Oodweyneh,


Indeed you would be the ideal Master teacher of debating. Unfortuantly the Somali debate is to often clouded by hot tempered folks, dogma's, spinners, stereotyping and personal disqualifications.


It's so difficult to debate when one accuses you for all kind of things. The funiest was when someone accused me of being a Unionist, because of my abtiyaal(the Lions of SL). :D


Any advice abti, how to debate with Somali folks on content?

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I like Amin Amir for his creativity but sometimes I think he is taking part for prolonging the suffering of our nation by mocking and ridiculing the leaders we have (whether we like them or not), Amin is a very influential and he should use his status for addressing how to build on what we have not slander, this kind of cartoon just creates more cynicism among the unruly nation.

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The secessionists must be mad Godane depicted as in a basket for some crazy suicidal Afghani mullah. Amin Amir managed to bring out SOL's in the closet secessionists for Godane.

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Libaax-Sankataabte;797343 wrote:
:D. well played sir.


Mujaahid, horta inankan yaree Carafaar, inadeeroow ma la soo hubisay inuu Burco iyo dhulkii barakaysnaa ka yimid? Waar ninkaa adigaan kuu diray ee bal iga soo hubi. I don't want to believe Jacaybaro iyo beentiisa, but ninka Carafaar waan ka shakiyey.

Xaalku wuxuu marayaa "Isqambuus qoladaa? qaadirkeenna ka yaabe ma anigaa nin qarsoon ah"?:)


Abdul;797510 wrote:
Whats disturbing is some people actually getting comfort from this cartoon!

Soo adduunyo wareertay ma ahan, oo ceebtii lagu faano!

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Xaaji Xunjuf;797274 wrote:
^Equaling east African head of states with a pirate leader is indeed blasphemy.

Loooooooooooooooooooooool, what is blasphemy? Waar waxanu diin ma ahan wa iska siyaasad, no wonder the secessionists politics to them is like 'Aqeedah', halkaas weeye meesha lagaga tagay, meeshiinaas nagu siisuga.


As for the image, no one is having comfort or looking too much into it but you, after all its only a cartoon. And Faroole did not do anything wrong as he did not kill, threatened or attacked any group or city nor does he believe in bullets or guns, he's only playing politics. And that's commendable, at least in my opinion.

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