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Bosaso: Dar Al Ber Development Organisation Continue Education and Basic Services IDP Project. IDP

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Dar Al Ber and Continuing Education

Updated:- 1 day ago| Commnets


As is well known to those who know the workers and Somali affairs, the Dar Al Ber Society of the United Arab Emirates – Dubai – one of the major benefactors and sponsors to the need of humans to different levels and important:


1 – Mosque Architecture

And do the repair, for example, the Mosque of Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him in the city of Bossaso, as well as slaves Rahman mosque in the city of Bern as well as a mosque Sahaabah.


2 – Water watering

it is based on the idea of ​​delivering clean water to residents Ge areas where people can not buy the water and continue to work in this matter throughout the year.


3 – Food basket

they provide a bag of rice as well as sugar, wheat and cooking oil as well as the dates for each family which is enough material for two months on the worst-case scenario.


4 – Orphans

the Assembly give careful attention to them and humiliated on the other to build now a village of their own in the city of Bossaso and contains the city on all sides. Educational and teaching of “mosque – a center for teaching the Koran – School – Garden – Tennis – and motivator for a well to drink water, this is rarely built for orphans


5 – immediate relief and Alzkoat


This is based on that is spent on Almsthakaan Assembly has commendable regardless emergency relief in the last year about “two hundred and seventy thousand dollars If we define work of the Assembly of took this a long time, but to be in this article is to highlight the other hand, is the Assembly’s attention the issue of education of generations of different levels have appeared to her and others need boys and girls to join the peace education and this has launched the Assembly a preliminary study to try to introduce ten thousand students on the different periods after its presentation to the good.


We the journalists and we are pleased to raise our palms to pray for each of the plans for the success of this idea and this Maidf hatred and hatred for the Somali people

Our thanks go to all members of the Board of Directors of Dar Al Ber Society

We especially thank Mr. Mohammed Al Hammadi, “the President of the enterprise sector”

And God the Source of strength












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Excellent work lifting up the IDP standards in education, health, wealth, properties and livlihood projects. IDP in Puntland Live better then Locals in Mogadishu and Hargeisa. Wlc to Puntland guys and enjoy your stay

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Che, there is something occuring here that you have no clue about!!! Its called progress for not only citizens of Puntland but also newly arrived residents and IDPS

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