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Xaaji Xunjuf

Prof Samatar Somaliland is not a region of Somalia the Somali republic was created by two states.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;796253 wrote:
... markasan ku
i halkey tageen...

Xaaji iga daba dheh:


1) Waxaan iri

2) Wuxuu yiri


Af waxa lee ka baratay R'da oo Dh lagu bedelo!. :)

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Illowsho dhowaa ma UMMUL baa, marna waxaa la leeyahay "Waar ninkaan abtiyaaladii maxaa laga siiyaa" Marna waxaa la leeyahay "Dee Barafoosarkii baa Yidhi" Xaggee naloo wadaa?:)

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The professor speaks as if there was two equal states. Kabish.


The Somalia state of then was more powerful and much more influential than what was British Somaliland. The idea of Somaliweyn and the founder of the SYL were based in Mogadishu. Magadishu was the base of all Somalis from every corner of the peninsula and the British SL had no choice but to be part those people, unconditionally that is, that is exactly what happened and that's exactly what's going to happen when Mogadishu returns and Somalis of all corners embrace that. Soon to c that inshallah.

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Today in every metric the Secessionist NW and the rest of Somalia are not equals.

Even within what was British Somaliland, the unionist are a large grouping in SOOL, SANAG, CAYN and AWDAL. Howerver at times Prof Samatar comes across as a man looking for a job. When he is Mogadishu he states certain facts, when speaking to a Puntlander a different fact and so on.

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What the professor said broke no new ground.He just merely stated the FACTS. Contrary to the incessant bleating of the bed-wetting unionist the man just said how the history of the union was formed.There is little we can do for them if they keep deluding themselves to think that SL is equal to states formed on dance-halls and facebook groups.....

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The Proffesor never supported clan states or federalism as you state. And he is the biggest critic of Somaliland. He doesnt try to please clans or is a clan thinker.


But still he is pointing to a fact. Somalia is founded and is the product of a merger by The British and Italian parts, irrelevent of your opinion how a future Somalia should look like.

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The UNION never had a reverse gear lad. The Professor can state what ever he likes. Somalia today the SNM clan is even smaller in terms of power and influence than it was in 1960...Thus there is no agreement of equals and SOOL, SANAG, CAYN and AWDAL are part of and strong supporters of the union..

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^^:D :D @states formed on dance-halls and facebook groups


With respect to Khatumo State, it was formed in Taleex, a historic city in British Somaliland. Also, the bullets in Sooljoog were real, STOIC :D.

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Carafaat;796838 wrote:
The Proffesor never supported clan states or federalism as you state. And he is the biggest critic of Somaliland. He doesnt try to please clans or is a clan thinker.


But still he is pointing to a fact. Somalia is founded and is the product of a merger by The British and Italian parts, irrelevent of your opinion how a future Somalia should look like.

The Professor is not a sage who's every word is important. He is a man, like most Somali's of his generation he only translates things into his narrow interest. Also he is no real leader of any kind even in Minnesota people were fed up with his bull..

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xiinfaniin;796840 wrote:
:D @states formed on dance-halls and facebook groups


With respect to Khatumo State, it was formed in Taleex, a historic city in British Somaliland. Also, the bullets in Sooljoog were real, STOIC


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Stoic believes his clan is the only legit state in the northern regions of Somalia but reality teaches us otherwise. With regards to the professor's remarks; waa dhab inuu yahay nin karti leh laakiin timihiisu meel uma wada xiirmaan. Waa nin gedgedoon badan.

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Carafaat;796838 wrote:
The Proffesor never supported clan states or federalism as you state. And he is the biggest critic of Somaliland. He doesnt try to please clans or is a clan thinker.


But still he is pointing to a fact. Somalia is founded and is the product of a merger by The British and Italian parts, irrelevent of your opinion how a future Somalia should look like.

A big lie. He supports the clan enclave of "SL" at least in this speech.

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