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Xaaji Xunjuf

Prof Samatar Somaliland is not a region of Somalia the Somali republic was created by two states.

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Somalia;796252 wrote:
No, I meant half of SL seceeded, the secessionist triangle, that's why I had the picture


Sxb, are you broken or something?

Seceded to where I hope you are not talking about the fictional facebook states Bashiir goth was referring two last month.

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Read what I wrote, it isn't even late, you started chewing already.


You seceded, to where? It's a good question, no one recognizes you so you have seceded to wait for it.. no where! Damn, the joke even got funnier than I wanted.


For 20 years you've been in political purgatory. Lool :D

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The good professor has been going in circles over the issue of SL secession.He has finally acquiesce with his own feelings.He has sent mixed signals for so long.One can only marvel of how this came about..hehe

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Somalia was founded by two State's, regions, or call it even colonial remains. Even today you can see two main political force fields with diffrent political domestic conflicts, Somaliland_Khatuma_Makhir_Awdal and the Puntland_Galgaduud_Hiiran_Moqadishu_Al shabaab held area's domestic field.


In terms of Federalism. Only these two have historic legitimacy or so jireen. The Professor is right and Hiilqaran has a true nationalistic vieuw.

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Somalia;796258 wrote:
Read what I wrote, it isn't even late, you started chewing already.


You seceded, to where? It's a good question, no one recognizes you so you have seceded to wait for it.. no where! Damn, the joke even got funnier than I wanted.


For 20 years you've been in political purgatory. Lool


^^ First of all i did not secede i merely dissolved a union there is a difference son but i am wondering who seceded in Somaliland where are they where can we find them please don't tell me they are on the internet the Xaaji doesn't take cyber states to serious.The pirate enclave a regional clan state that can barely keep a subclan together in their enclave who by the way have a hard time ruling a city divided into 3 entities.


Somalidu waxay ku mah mahan doqoni Waxay tahey bay dadka kale mooda.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;796281 wrote:
^^ First of all i did not secede i merely dissolved a union there is a difference son but i am wondering who seceded in Somaliland where are they where can we find them please don't tell me they are on the internet the Xaaji doesn't take cyber states to serious.The pirate enclave a regional clan state that can barely keep a subclan together in their enclave who by the way have a hard time ruling a city divided into 3 entities.


Somalidu waxay ku mah mahan doqoni Waxay tahey bay dadka kale mooda.

You didn't dissolve nothing. There was no article stating you had a right to dissolve. The US have those, we did not, so you seceded in a triangular form. :eek:


Erigabo is ruled by 2 entities. Parts of Togdheer isn't under your authority and the entire Eastern regions are not under your control. Even places like Xudun, the heart of Sool is not under your control.


So I wouldn't talk while living in a glass house. You are the ones living in a clan state but project the feelings you have about yourself onto others, classic defense mechanism.



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Somalia can you tell me what entity rules ceerigaabo where that administration is located can you even atleast show me some one in the city who waves anything but the SL flag.I don't understand doesn't you're admin clam parts of sool why don't they control it or did you're enclave stop claiming sool region as a whole:D With the declaration of independence of Somaliland in 1991 automatically the union was dissolved you just don't want to hear it just because one side doesn't agree with it, it doesn't mean it isn't dissolved:D Somalia faroole has a hard time keeping the subclan together with baargaal heading their own direction and Pl west state heading their own separate way, i wont count on the maakhir folks they are organizing themselves right away and in the mean time Somaliland ministers freely roam in eastern sanaag badhan and dhahar while the garowe clan enclave so called governor cries from Bosaaso :D

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The amount of smileys you post illustrates how frustrated you are by the truth I delivered.


Erigabo is divided into two entities, but one overshadows the other lets call him "peace-loving" individual rather than weakling, I can't deny that.


Now, addressing your "declaration of independence", nothing gave you the right to dissolve, as I stated before when you entered there was no union, there was one entity, if you leave then it becomes a secession, not a dissolution.


As for Bargaal, in your previous message you said "please don't tell me they are on the internet the Xaaji doesn't take cyber states to serious.", so I won't. And your ministers "roam" the eastern parts because of their clan affiliation and that is ironic since you call Puntland a clan state. :)


We shouldn't even compare, you are the one pretending to be a country, you have the same grip Karzai has in his country, damn.

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The Sage   

^^^ Everyone knows that Erigavo is under the full control of Somaliland, it's been flying the flag for 20 years. SL has several government offices operating in the city, has a large amount of troops stationed there and held numerous elections there. I don't even know why you even try to contest that fact. Unless you can show clear evidence of some other admin operating there then don't make these wild claims.

On the other hand Galkayo is a divided city in the truest sense as three administrations operate within the city.

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Thats why Mps are being gunned down in baargaal so much for internet states never knew internet states could kill MPs?


Again i ask you where is that entity in ceerigaabo can you tell me show me one source even some sort of administration in ceerigabo which is notthe somaliland one.


Galkacyo is divided into two cities there is a greenline and galkacyo is also the capital city of galmudug


Somalia, Somaliland controls all the six capital of the six regions Somaliland consists of.


Somaliland and Somalia uni-faction referendum Somalilanders didn't even vote for the uni-faction referendum. So how is it even valid the Somalilanders than officially dissolved the union in 1991. So mr from the garowe clan enclave you're territory shrinked the past 5 years and atam is even moving closer to Bosaaso hunting down the clanish troops of faroole.

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“In Somaliland lagu yidhaa waxaad ka mid tihiin gobol ka mid ah soddanka gobol ee la kala sheegsheeganayo, u malaymaayo in dadka iyo madaxda Somalialnd ay yeelayaan” Pro Samatar

Like it would safe his face ..... too late loser :D

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