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Xaaji Xunjuf

Prof Samatar Somaliland is not a region of Somalia the Somali republic was created by two states.

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“In Somaliland lagu yidhaa waxaad ka mid tihiin gobol ka mid ah soddanka gobol ee la kala sheegsheeganayo, u malaymaayo in dadka iyo madaxda Somalialnd ay yeelayaan” Pro Samatar


February 28, 2012 - Written by Admin

“In Somaliland lagu yidhaa waxaad ka mid tihiin gobol ka mid ah soddanka gobol ee la kala sheegsheeganayo, u malaymaayo in dadka iyo madaxda Somalialnd ay yeelayaan, xaqna maaha siday ila tahay, taariikhduna arrintaasi ma waafaqsana waayo taariikhda dhabta ihi waxa weeyi Somalia waxaa abuuray laba wadan oo soomali ah… “



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Somalia;796239 wrote:
I don't know, aren't you a "Republic" or something, or is it only your borders that keep changing?


Oooh snaaaap!



What are you talking about maxa baas eeh is badalay

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Somalina;796240 wrote:
kan shaqo kale ma waayo horta oo aan ahayn in wargeysyada codkiisa ka maqlo? shiish...

Maybe he is bored dee iska daa dadka qaar ba kamaradooyinka iska jecel:D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;796241 wrote:
What are you talking about maxa baas eeh is badalay

Your colonial borders man, why can't you keep up?


Somalina;796240 wrote:
kan shaqo kale ma waayo horta oo aan ahayn in wargeysyada codkiisa ka maqlo? shiish...

It's better than what others prefer.



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Man, I agree with him, can't you read? :D Wow


Let me explain it to you in simple terms.


First I say that the triangle has seceeded alluding to the fact that a certain people live their and have the desire to leave.


Then you said "to where"?


And then I said "Aren't you a Republic or something" or maybe you changed it LIKE YOUR BORDERS CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111 REFERENCING SSC ehsefskehfsefq3





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No, I meant half of SL seceeded, the secessionist triangle, that's why I had the picture


Sxb, are you broken or something? :D

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^ yarku waxan u ka sheekeneyan babaan, fahmin cid ba tagtay oo meel tagtay bu ku leeyahay markasan ku yidhi halkey tageen markasu yidhi xuduud ba la badalay, Wixisu wa kalay shimbiriyow kalay ila heesa cunihi baa ii xabeebtay eh :D

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