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Oh No Puntland Is So Strong, Blame It On Saracen. PICS

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Shirkadda Saracen oo Lagu Eedeeyay inay ku Xadgudubtay Cunaqabateynta Hubka ee Soomaaliya (Warbixin Iyo Sawiro)

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Garoon Saracen ka sameysatay duleedka Boosaaso



Nairobi (RBC) Siddeed iyo toban bilood ka dib markii shirkadda Saracen International ay ka hawl bilawday Puntland ayaa waxaa soo baxaysa walaac laga qabo in shirkaddu ay ku lug leedahay hawlo xadgudub ku ah xayiraada hubka ee la saaray Soomaaliya sanadkii 1992.


Warbixin ay gudbiyeen Guddiga Gaarka ee Qaramada Midoobay ugu xilsaaran la socodka cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea ee la yiraahdo “UN Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG)” ayaa lagu sheegay in shirkadda Saracen International ay wado dhaqdhaqaaq khatar ku ah nabadda Soomaaliya ka dib markii ay si sharci darro ah dalka u gelisay hub aysan fasax u heysan.


Matthew Bryden oo ah xiriiriyaha Guddiga la socodka cunaqabateynta hubka ayaa bishii June 2011 u sheegay Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay in shirkadda Saracen aysan wax ogolaansho sharci ah u heysan inay shirkad amni ahaan uga shaqeyso Puntland, iyadoo warbixinta guddigu uu gudbiyey bishii June 2011 ay shaaca ka qaaday in Saracen xaalada Soomaaliya uga dareyso ka dib markii ay ku lug yeelatay hawlo halis ku ah deganaanshaha.


Shirkaddan Saracen oo hadda joogta Puntland waxay ka mid tahay shirkado gaar loo leeyahay oo ay sameysteen calooshood u shaqeystayaal Koonfur Afrikaan ah iyo kuwo Ingiriis ah. Laakiin kooxaha iska leh shirkaddan wax sharci ah kama heystaan wadamadooda, sida uu sheegayo wageyska the Independent ee laga leeyahay Koonfur Afrika. [Halkan ka akhri warbixinta wargeyska]



Saracen waxay hadda heysaa ciidanka ugu badan



Afhayeen u hadlay Guddiga Dhowrista Heshiisyada Hubka ee Koonfur Afrika (National Conventional Arms Control Committee) oo lagu magacaabo Tlali Tlali ayaa sheegay in qeybta Koonfur Afrika ee Saracen iyo kooxaha kale ee kula jira hawlgalka ay ka wadaan Soomaaliya aysan dhamaantood heysan wax ruqsad ama fasax ah oo ay tilmaamaya inay yihiin shirkad qandaraasle ah!.


Qaramada Midoobay oo aad uga walaacsa hawlgalka Saracen ayaa hadda ku raadjooga sidii ay u heli lahaayeen cadeymo dheeraad ah oo muujinaya xadgudubka Saracen ay ku hayso cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya taasoo ka hor imaaneysa qaraarada kala ah 1973 iyo 1976 ee Golaha Amaanka ay horay uga soo saareen xayiraada hubka ee Soomaaliya. Waxaana lagu wadaa in xog faahfaahsan oo arinkan ku saabsan markale loo gudbiyo Golaha Amaanka bartamaha sanadkan 2012 xilligaasi oo Guddiga Gaarka ee Cunaqabateynta Hubka Soomaaliya ay keeni doonaan warbixin sanadeedkooda. [Warbixin sanadeedkii 2011 loo gudbiyey Golaha Amaanka]


Saraakiisha CIA iyo Saracen


Marine Command Center



Hawlgalka Saracen International ee Soomaaliya ka wado waxaa hadda hogaamiya nin lagu magacaabo Lafras Luitingh kaasoo ku magacaaban agaasimaha barnaamijka. Luitingh ayaa sidoo kale ah agaasimaha shirkad lagu magacaabo “Australian African Global Investments (AAGI)” oo lafteeda dhanka logistikada u qaabilsan hawsha ay wado Saracen.


Hawsha shirkadda Saracen ka wado Soomaaliya waxaa maalgeliya rag aan magacooda la sheegin oo degan Imaaraadka Carabta.


Waxay shirkadda sidoo kale xiriir la sameysatay rag hore uga tirsanaan jiray sirdoonka Mareykanka CIA waxaana ka mid ah nin lagu magacaabo Erik Dean Prince. Erik Dean waa madaxa ugu sareeya shirkadda Blackwater oo dalalka Ciraq iyo Afghanistan kala shaqeysa ciidamada Mareykanka, laguna tuhunsan yahay in hawsheeda amaanka ay u dheer tahay hawlo basaasnimo ah. Blackwater waxay hadda ka hawlgashaa Abu Dhabi iyadoo adeegsaneysa magaca “Xe Services”. [Akhri magac bedelashada Blackwater]


Waxaa jira nin saddexaad oo ku dhexjira dhaqdhaqaaqa Saracen ee Soomaaliya kaasoo ah Michael Shanklin oo horey u ahaan jiray sarkaalkii CIA-da Mareykanka u qaabilsanaa Muqdisho.


Saracen iyo DKMG ah


Saraaakiisha Saracen qaarkood ayaa ah xubno hore oo CIA ka tirsanaan jiray



Saracen ayaa markii ugu horeysay sanadkii 2010 la ogaaday inay heshiis kula jirto DKMG ah. Heshiiskaasi oo ay gashay xukuumaddii Cumar C/rashiid Sharma’arke ayaa la sheegay inuu dhigayey tababarida ciidamada badda iyo ciidanka ilaaliya madaxtooyada Villa Soomaaliya. Waxaana ka dib ku xigay heshiika ay la gashay maamulka Puntland sanadkii 2011. Hase yeeshee bishii Febraayo 2010 ayaa xukuumadda KMG Soomaaliya shaaca ka qaaday inay ka baxday heshiiskii Saracen.


Mareykanka iyo Qaramada Midoobay ayaa labaduba muujiyey walaaca ay ka qabaan hawlaha Saracen taasoo keentay in DKMG ah ay joojiso heshiiskii ay kula jirtay. Waxayna arinta sii xoogeysatay markii qalab ciidan oo ku socday Puntland isla markaana saarnaa diyaarad u kireysan Saracen lagu qabtay garoonka diyaaradaha Hargeysa. Qalabkaasi oo ahaa dharka ciidanka, kabo iyo qalab kale oo aan la shaacin ayaala qiyaasayaa inuu in ku filan illaa 500 askari qalabeyntooda.


Inkastoo dawlada dhexe ee Soomaaliya ay joojisay heshiiska Saracen haddana Puntland ayaa weli heshiis kula jirta Saracen iyadoo hawlihii shirkadana ay sii ballaarteen. Saldhiga ugu weyn ee Saracen waxay ka dhigatay meel u dhow dekeda Boosaaso ka dib markii DKMG ah ay uga baxday heshiiska.


Hub cusub oo soo galay


Markii bishii June 2011, warbixinta Guddiga Gaarka ee cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya loo gudbiyey Golaha Amaanka, waxay Saracen sheegtay inay joojineyso dhamaan wixii hawl ah ee ay ka waday Soomaaliya, laakiin ay ilaashaneyso qalab ka yaalla Soomaaliya ayna bilaabeyso mashaariic bani’aadanimo sida dhismaha isbitaalo iyo raashiin gargaar oo la gaarsiiyo dadka ku nool dhulka miyiga ah.


Warbixinta wargeyska ayaa sheegtay in Saracen ay keentay hub cusub oo aan horey suuqyada Soomaaliya u yaalin kaasoo ay u keentay ciidamada Faroole walow horey Saracen ay u sheegtay inaysan hub keeni doonin oo kaliya ay ku ekaan doonto wixii ay horey u heysteen ciidamada maamulka Faroole.


Ilo wareed ku dhow Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegay in Saracen ay gudaha dalka soo gelisay illaa 15,000 tone oo qalab militari ah. Haddana ay gacanta ku heyso 1,500 askari oo ay tababareyso tiradaasoo saddex jeer ka badan intii ay tababartay ka hor intii aysan Qaramada Midoobay ka joojin shaqada ay ka wado Puntland.


Lixdii bilood ee ugu dambeeyay sanadkii tegey 2011, illaa toban jeer ayaa dekeda Boosaaso laga joojiyey hawlaha caadiga ee dekeda qabato sabababo lagu sheegay qalabka u dagaya Saracen darteed (Akhri warbixinta dekeda), waxaana shaki weyn laga qabaa waxa uu dhab ahaan qalabkaasi ka koobnaa wallow wasiirka maaliyada Puntland Faarax Cali Shire oo Raxanreeb weydiisay waxa ka degaya dekeda uu xilligaasi sheegay in raashiin deeq ah ay dejinayeen kaasoo illaa hadda aan la ogeyn halkuu ku dambeeyay. [Akhri hadalkii wasiirka maaliyadda]


Cabashada Galmudug


In Saracen hub soo gelineyso dalka, waxaa sii xoojiyey ka dib markii cabasho ay ka timid maamulka Galmudug oo Puntland ay deris yihiin, waxaana madaxweynaha Galmudug Maxamed Axmed Caalin uu Guddiga Gaarka ee Cunaqabateynta hubka ee Qaramada Midoobay warqad uu u diray oo ku taariikheysan 6-dii Disembar 2010 uu ku sheegay in ciidamada maamulka Faroole ay dad reer miyi ah ku laayeen miyiga gobolka Mudug. Warqada Galmudug ayaa sheegtay in rag ku hubeysan qoryaha casriga iyo gaadiidka gaashaaman degaanka Bacaadweyne ku dileen 35 ruux, 46 kalana ay dhaawaceen kuwaasoo u badnaa haween iyo carruur.


Warqada Caalin uu qoray waxay kaloo ku eedeysay in Saracen ay hub iyo talo siineyso maleeshiyo daacad u ah madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole.


Wargeyska The Independent ayaa sidoo kale warbixinta ku sheegay in qabiilada ay sida gaarka ah u beegsadeen ciidamada madaxweyne Faroole uu ka mid yahay reerka uu ka soo jeedo hogaamiyaha koox maleeshiyo ah oo ka dagaalanta buuraleyda Galgala ee gobolka Bari Sheekh Maxamed Siciid Atam.


Wararka kale ee wargeysku sheegay ayaa ah in Saracen ay ciidamo tiro badan ku daad gureysay deegaanka Qaw oo ku dhow Boosaaso. Waxayna hadda shirkada heysataa afar diyaaradood oo nooca helicopter-ka ah iyo ugu yaraan lix doonyood oo nooca dheeraaya ah.

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Walaac midkan la mid ah waxaa Qaramada Midoobay u gudbiyey hay’adda caalamiga ee duulimaadyada ee ICAO oo ka cabatay in Saracen garoon dayuuradeed oo macmal ah ka dhisatay meel u dhow garoonka Boosaaso ee Benderqaasim. Garoonkaasi oo la sheegay inay habeenkii kakacaan diyaarado helicopters ah ayaa la sheegay inuu qalqal geliyey hawlihii garoonka Boosaaso oo diyaaradaha rayidka ay ku degaan. [Muran ka dhashay garoonka Saracen]


Saracen iyo Shidaal baarista Puntland


Saracen oo qalab ka dejisay dekeda Boosaaso bishii Oktoobar 2011



Wargeyska the independent ayaa sheegaya in shirkadda Saracen waqti xaadirkan ay masuul ka tahay ciidanka ugu badan ee Soomaaliya jooga- marka laga reebo ciidamada AMISOM ee jooga Muqdisho. Waxayna Saracen ciidankan gacanta ku heyso ay wakiil uga tahay maamulka Puntland ee uu hogaamiyo C/raxmaan Faroole.


Wargeyska ayaa sheegay in sawiro laga soo qaaday ay muujinayaan ciidamada Saracen oo ku qalabeysan qoryaha fudud ee gacanta lagu qaato, qoryaha culus iyo gaadiidka gaashaaman ee hubka la saaro.


Inkastoo ciidamada ay tababareyso Saracen ay ku sheegtay inay burcad badeeda la dagaalami doonaan ayaa hadda aysan jirin wax tallaabo ah oo ay hawsha ka hortaga burcad badeeda ku leedahay sida warbixintu sheegeyso.


Warar sir ahna waxay muujinayaan in Maxamed Faroole oo ah wiil uu dhalay madaxweynaha Puntland uu si weyn ugu leeyahay hawlaha shirkadda Saracen kaasoo Saracen soo dhexgeliyey sugida amaanka goobaha laga baarayo shidaalka ee Puntland. Arintaasoo keeni karta in Saracen ayba suuq u hesho sidii ay hub fara badan u soo iibin lahayd.


Kharashka lagu maalgeliyey shirkaddan ayaa lagu qiyaasayaa $50 milyan (konton milyan doolar) saddexda sano ee hore. Sida Puntland ay sheegtayna waxay shirkada ka shaqeyn doontaa tababarida ciidamada badda laakiin wargeyska ayaa sheegayaa in Qaramada Midoobay ay qabtay tuhun ah in Puntland ay dano kale ku hoos wadato arinta ciidamada.


Akhri warbixinta wargeyska


Raxanreeb is losing credibility by the second these days.

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Private firm flouts UN embargo in Somalia


February 26 2012 at 12:34pm

By Ivor Powell


On the slippery trail of military deals


Eight months after SA-linked private military company Saracen International was fingered in a UN Security Council as the “most egregious threat” to peace and security in the failed state of Somalia, Saracen continues to run and train a private army in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.


Saracen, one of a cluster of shadowy private military contractors born from the ashes of the SA/British mercenary outfit Executive Outcomes, after nearly 18 months of military activity in the region, has yet to secure permission to operate as a security provider in a region so volatile Somalia has not had a functioning central government for upwards of 20 years.


Tlali Tlali, the spokesman for the National Conventional Arms Control Committee, confirmed that neither the SA arm of the Saracen operation, nor any of the individuals associated with the Somali adventure had applied for accreditation as legitimate security contractors.


UN Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) co-ordinator Matthew Bryden confirmed the company had failed to seek or secure authorisation from the international authority to operate as a private military contractor in Somalia after being fingered in the Monitoring Group’s June 2011 report.


We understand that the UN is in possession of compelling evidence that Saracen has continued with military training and deployment in defiance of the UN’s general arms embargo. The continuing violations of UN Resolutions 1973 and 1976 are expected to be addressed in detail in the SEMG’s forthcoming annual report at midyear.


Saracen’s operation in Somalia is headed by Executive Outcomes stalwart and – until the mercenary outfit was disbanded – holding company director, Lafras Luitingh. Luitingh is also a director of Australian African Global Investments (AAGI) the company primarily involved in logistical supply and procurement for the operation.


The Saracen operation, funded by anonymous donors in the United Arab Emirates, has also been linked to US private military contractor Erik Dean Prince, formerly head of the notorious Blackwater, now operating out of Abu Dhabi as Xe Services. A third shadowy connection uncovered in respect of the Saracen programme is to former Mogadishu CIA bureau chief Michael Shanklin.


Originally contracted under the auspices of Somalia’s fragile Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to train up an anti-piracy task force, and to take care of presidential security, Saracen has since early 2011 been exclusively contracted to the administration of Abdurahman Farole, “president” in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, and based near the Puntland port of Bossaso.


The transfer of base and allegiance followed the cancellation of the TFG contract in the wake of allegations of violations of the UN arms embargo in February 2010.


Shortly before the TFG deal was cancelled, a flight chartered by Saracen was grounded by the authorities in Somaliland – another of the semi-autonomous regions that make up the failed Somali state – and an unauthorised cargo of combat uniforms, military webbing and other materiel impounded. The cargo – enough to equip more than 500 soldiers- was vaguely detailed in the flight manifest as “safari equipment”.


At the present time, Saracen controls, on behalf of Farole, what is estimated to be the largest military presence in Somali territory with the exception of the nearly 20 000 strong Amisom peacekeeping force.


Photographs in the possession of Independent Newspapers show that its troops are equipped with state of the art hand-held light machine guns, as well as heavier machine guns mounted on turrets fitted in armoured vehicles and AK47 assault rifles.


Earlier, as highlighted in the SEMG report, Saracen’s trainers complained that weapons already available from Puntland’s armouries were inadequate, and proposed that new weapons be accessed by “other channels”.


Warned by the UN they would be closely monitored and that such imports would be in flagrant violation of the general arms embargo enforced under UN Security Council Resolutions 1973 and 1976, Saracen apparently backed down, saying they would rely on what the Farole administration could legitimately access on Somali markets.


However, sources close to the UN in Somalia told Independent Newspapers that while the UN mission had not been in a position to scrutinise all deliveries, many of the weapons in the possession of the Farole forces were not available on internal markets in Somalia.


After being fingered for “egregious violation of the arms embargo” and “representing a threat to peace and security in Somalia” in June 2011, Saracen undertook to suspend all operations, but said it would maintain a presence to secure equipment already inside Somali territory and to perform humanitarian functions like building clinics and delivering famine relief in rural areas.


However, Independent Newspapers investigations have revealed that Saracen has routinely exceeded its avowed brief, and appears to have been pursuing different and shadowy agendas.


At present the Saracen base outside Bassaso has capacity for an estimated 1 500 soldiers – three times the number of soldiers trained by the time Saracen agreed to suspend operations.


Moreover, in the course of the past year, according to sources close to the UN operation, Saracen is known to have brought 15 000 tons of materiel into Puntland in defiance of the UN arms embargo, and without the UN being in a position to execute inspections.


Other intelligence in the possession of Independent Newspapers indicates that in the second half of 2011, the Puntland port was closed off to normal control mechanisms for a period of 10 days while Saracen materiel was unloaded. It remains unclear exactly what the cargoes were.


Meanwhile, in the current frame, Saracen has deployed forces to a military command centre at Qow in the Puntland hinterland, according to sources on the ground. There is also evidence that Saracen is operating at least four helicopters in Puntland – after UN monitors blocked the unloading of two Alouettes on a vessel linked to Saracen and its shadowy associates in the early part of 2011. In addition the operation is suspected to have access to at least six ocean-going vessels as well as several inflatable attack vessels.


Funded to the tune of some $50 million (R380m) a year for an initial period of three years – the figure excludes the cost of military hardware – the avowed purpose of the Saracen operation was to train up an-anti piracy force on behalf of the Puntland administration. However, even in the June 2011 SEMG report the concern is expressed that “there were early indications that the Puntland authorities may have had alternate objectives in mind for the force”.


Some of those “alternate objectives” could be highlighted in a letter dated 6 December 2010 and addressed to the UN by the “president” of the Galmudug region of fractured Somalia. Here reference is made to a “massacre” of “innocent nomads” carried out by Puntland security forces explicitly identified as having been armed and trained by Saracen. In one of a series of actions conducted by troops in armoured vehicles equipped with heavy weapons, the Galmudug leader says 35 people were killed, and 46 wounded, many of the casualties inflicted on women and children.


While the direct involvement of Saracen in the incidents referred to has been questioned, sources close to the UN monitoring group said there were indications that Saracen could be equipping and advising militias loyal to Farole in ongoing civil conflict with Bedouin clans in the Puntland domain.


Especially targeted are clans with an allegiance to the militant religious leader Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom – who has emerged as one of the major targets of US interventions in Somalia.


Avowedly linked with the militant Al Shabaab, Atom, as well as other clan leaderships in the area are also highly resistant to the exploitation of mineral resources in their territory.


Ironically, little activity is on record or has been alleged involving anti-piracy actions on the part of Saracen.


Meanwhile the stakes have risen higher in troubled Puntland. With a concerns growing that Farole intends to secede from the fragile Somali federation, drilling has begun on two oil concessions in the territory held by Canadian mining company Africa Oil. With huge reserves already identified – and initial surveys indicating even more extensive offshore resources, Puntland is poised to become a major player in the horn of Africa.


Against this backdrop, intelligence sources indicated that Saracen’s operatives, backed by Mohamed Farole – son of and designated advisor to the president – have sought to insert themselves into an oil security operation that to date has operated with UN accreditation and in co-operation with the international authorities.


This would give Saracen a foothold in the resources-for-arms trade that characterised Executive Outcomes’ military adventures in Angola and Sierra Leone among other troublespots in the 1990s.


Contacted for comment, Luitingh said he could not speak at that moment and failed to answer calls later. - Sunday Independent

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Is it me or does that indepedent website author appear to be either a somali with his in-depth knowledge of Puntland or was he fed this nonsense by a somali to reproduce and make it appear legit that it came out of non-somali website mouth? You dont fool us puntlanders, give up hater the Puntland government will continue to progress and build up it's military capability and no amount of whining or asking non somali reporters or academics to help your cause will change that!!!


Puntland is an oil producing state, it has the right to build up its military capacity to defend it's people and resources. Get used to it because this is only just the beginning!!!

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15000 tons of the latest weaponry docked at bosaso

4 helicopters plus 2 AN26 military troop aircrafts

4 F350S that can be mounted with turrets anytime for battle and also can serve as a mine locator

120 bullet proof technicals

6 ocean-going naval capacity vessels. Plus there is another 10 mid-sized blue coloured vessels on-top of several inflatable troop boats.


Plus there is the ever so existing soviet weaponries stockpiles ranging from tanks, bms, technicals, various heavily armed trucks and other non armed troop transporters and thats what we do know plus $50 million a year funding for over 3 years just for one wing of Puntland security and thats not including military hardware. Who the hell can compete with this!!!


Plus on top all of this are the key military institutions such as carmo police academy, marine academy and the infamous base 54 and other key military bases in the state.



The best trained and armed troops anywhere in Somalia with security sectors such as PIS, PDF, PMF, SPU that only amisom can be competition and that is even debateable because amisom doesnt have air or sea capabilities which is a weakness that can be exploited if puntland went to war with amisom

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This has alot of somalis worried. Galmudug wrote an official letter to the U.N saying Puntland is arming up and its arming up big time. The hargeisa boys are having hissy fit and captured a cargo plane of military uniform and boots to soldiers. But thankfully the tfg has remained quiet on this issue and even visited the PMF at the garowe 1 conference and Farole has said the PMF program has re-started and the build up continues.


This is awesome, I am so proud and I am threatening somalis at my cafe if they talk i'll send air assets cause thats what it is a mix of helicopters and military cargo planes and world class navy vessels to their tuulo. They respond back BM baan kula dhacayna hadad wax samaysan and im laughing and thinking every soviet weaponry you have Puntland has but we also have on top of that what you can only dream off OR REAL NATIONS HAVE and yes puntland wa madaxbanan yahay aqri dastuurka!!!

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Dr_Osman;796005 wrote:
I am threatening somalis at my cafe
if they talk i'll send air assets cause thats what it is a mix of helicopters and military cargo planes and world class navy vessels to their tuulo

:D :D

Explains the nature of all the postings :D

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The Doctor has lost it, I have been warning him for weeks to stop bragging now~ lol JB & XX have retired thanks to him.

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