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The Confused Carafaat

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He means well, though out of touch with sentiment back home. Or too blinded by personal circumstances to accept the writing on the wall.


Laakiin, yaan la fogeyn. He will come around like many before him :D

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Showqi, in private they actually all get emotional about Somalinimo and why Unity is important. But in public wee is giijiyaan, ragnimo camal. But I have no shame.

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NGONGE;796052 wrote:
Showqi, you'll join kuwa cabaadaya soon enough, saaxib. Carafaat waa nin waalan.

Hadii uu nin waalan yahay, dee idinku ma dadka waalan baad isugu tagtaan? waa maxay goobashadu!

Naga daa dee niyow, aduunkii oo dhan baa arkaya in uu Carafaad kuligii corner isugu kiin geeyey..:o:o

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^^ Showqi, hadalkaaga waxay ka muuqata in aanad waliga nin waalan arkin. Hadi kale 'goobashu' ka maad hadli laheen. Waa nin waalan ban ku idhi, nala qabo yaanu baxsan warya. :D

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