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If Faroole wasnt good enough for Puntland, then he isnt good enough for Somalia

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General Duke, I have your quotes condeming Faroole. And other quotes admitting you were wrong on Shariifka. So dont dare to start your little chearleaders act here. :D

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You can quote me all you like lad, I have not heard or read President of Puntland declaration that he was running for Somalia seat. I will add that Faroole would be a fine Federal President & Puntland needs someone like Abdulkadir Ali Hashi, Ilkajiir, or Juxa at this stage. But do go on...

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General Duke;796048 wrote:
You can quote me all you like lad, I have not heard or read President of Puntland declaration that he was running for Somalia seat. I will add that Faroole would be a fine Federal President & Puntland needs someone like Abdulkadir Ali Hashi, Ilkajiir, or Juxa at this stage. But do go on...

I knew it. :D


So tell us why Faroole isnt good for Puntland and why that makes him good for Somalia. I can think of one important argument, that he is a man of peace, never waged war in Puntland and that Somalia needs Peace not more Wars. consider that us a tip. :D



P.S. I do like Faroole and I think he would do quite well in Somalia, and he would do well in Muqdishu just like he did well in Garowe.

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Carafaat;796051 wrote:
I knew it.


So tell us why Faroole isnt good for Puntland and why that makes him good for Somalia. I can think of one important argument, that he is a man of peace, never waged war in Puntland and that Somalia needs Peace not more Wars. consider that us a tip.



P.S. I do like Faroole and I think he would do quite well in Somalia, and he would do well in Muqdishu just like he did well in Garowe.

Lool. You just answered your own question. We both agree then and it's on the record. Next topic.

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Adeer, I have supported Faroole from the begin. But it would be akhward you, LST, XIinfaniin and all other Punties condeming him and denouncing him and at the same time supporting him for Somalia. Dont know if that would convince Muqdisho folks.

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Carafaat;796058 wrote:
Adeer, I have supported Faroole from the begin. But it would be akhward you, LST, XIinfaniin and all other Punties condeming him and denouncing him and at the same time supporting him for Somalia. Dont know if that would convince Muqdisho folks.

Maybe you can help "the Mogadishu folks" on behalf of Faroole, since you have been a great supporter of his from the beginning?

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When the oil starts flowing, the southerns will have to consider a Puntlander to get a piece of the pie I would assume, so Farole would be a great first candidate.

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In which year will Oil Production Start ya Uchi, this year? And when are there elections(before august 2012, this year). Oil fever iga dheh. :D

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Carafaat;796065 wrote:
In which year will Oil Production Start ya Uchi, this year? And when are there elections(before august 2012, this year). Oil fever iga dheh.

Doesn't matter when it will start, it matters that it is there.

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We will find out soon when the spudding is complete~ Unfortunately Range is delaying the process(Not sure why) they should have spudded the nugaal area by now too.

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Carafaatoow, awoowe from all the information I have, Faroole actually thinks a post at the federal government is a demotion for him. He can always change his mind, but as of today, he is not interested in running for office in Mogadishu.


Having said that, I believe Puntland needs a new style of governance. Faroole has laid out the footing for the next generation of leaders to accomplish great things. Despite few Al-shabaab related security setbacks, the man delivered more for the State institutions than all previous leaders combined. He will forever be remembered for his hardwork, tenacity and focus oriented leadership. The few unflattering speeches here and there are immaterial in the grand scheme of things.

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Qanyare has a better chance at the presidency than aunt Furoola. :D


Carafaat aunt Furoola maxaad u daba socotaa horta?, qiimo ayaad u yeeleysaa markaad ka badbadiso ee qarasta naga yareey bal.

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Somalina;796183 wrote:
Qanyare has a better chance at the presidency than aunt Furoola.


Carafaat aunt Furoola maxaad u daba socotaa horta?, qiimo ayaad u yeeleysaa markaad ka badbadiso ee qarasta naga yareey bal.


Faroole ma habar yar baa :D

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Faroole indeed delivered more for the folks on the ground that previous leaders on the ground. But Puntland's governance system is based on traditional clan structures rather then the populare direct structure. Where previous leaders kept clan leaders satisfied and appeased them, Faroole ignored them and he does not seem popular with the elites of the clans. Many Islaan's, Garaads, Baashi's and Ugaas have condemned Farole on clan related issue's. Even here on SOL.

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I would say faroole would run the country far better than the one we have now in office in Mogadisho but southerners would rather have an incompetent president of theirs than a fine leader from the north east.


Remember the whole frame work which the TFG is using today was formulated by the Former President Abdullahi Yusuf and during his tenure we remember how much cry used to come from the mogadishu folks, accusing him using ethiopian armies, amisom and etc. If they would have stopped bittching and mourning this country would have been on it's feet long ago.



PS: All of a sudden you hardly see anyone complaining about the ethiopian forces in Baladweyn and in Baidoba!

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