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Mahiga”Puntland haddii aysan jiri lahayn Maanta talaabada siyaasadeed ee la gaaray lama gaareen.”

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London(Pi) Xafladii ay Jaaliyada Puntland ee London usameeyeen Waftigii Puntland uga qayb galay shirkii London ayaa waxaa marti u ahaa Danjiraha Qaramada Midoobay arimaha Soomaaliya u qaabilsan Augostine Mahiga, wuxuuna Xaflada ka jeediyey khudbad dheer.




Agustina Mahiga” Puntland Waxay Role Model u tahay Soomaaliya” Ambashatoor Mahiga “ Waxaan soo marnay jid aad u dheer , oo aanu dhammaanteen ka wada shaqaynay, Waxaan hambalyo u jeedinayaa dowlada Puntland iyo shacabka Puntland oo suurtageliyey wixii wanaag ahaa oo soómaali oo dhan ay heshay, Puntland haddii aysan jiri lahayn Maanta talaabada siyaasadeed ee la gaaray lama gaareen. Talabooyinkii siyaasadeed ee Garoowe1 iyo Garoowe2 waxay suutageliyeen shirka London, waxaana idiin sheegayaa hadalka uu ku hadlay Cameron ee ahaa (Dowlada Federaalka ma dhaafi karto waqtigeeda), anagu waxaan go’aankaas ku soo gaarnay Shirarkii Garoowe1 iyo Garoowe2, oo waxwalba horaan usoo dhamaynay , wax dhamaysan ayaa lala yimi London, Puntland hadaysan jirin lama gareen wax heshiis ah , waana guul ay keeneen shacabka Puntland iyo Dowlada Puntland oo iska kaashaday degenaanshaha deegaanada Puntland. Waxaan kaloo ku farax sanahay Work shop-ka ay qabteen Jaaliyadaha Puntland Diaspora oo 2 bilood kahor igu marti qaaday inaan ka soo qayb galo shirkooda oo ay uga hadlayeen horrumarinta Puntland dhanka siyaasada , Waxbarashada, Dhaqaalaha, Nabadgelyada iyo Dimoqraadiyada”. Inkasta oo Xaflada waxyaalo badan laga hadlay haddana waxaan ku dadaalnay oo kaliya inaan soo qaadano hadaladii gaarka ahaa oo kooban ee ay meeshaas ka sheegeen masuuliyiintii ka soo qayb galay


Sawiradii xaflada oo ay kasoo Qaybgaleen Ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya, iyo Waftigii Puntland uga qayb galay shirkii London oo uu hogaaminayo Madaxweyne Faroole, hada ayaan gacanta ku haynaa oo soo gudbinaynaa, Waxaa Xaflada iskusoo dubaridey PDF-Uk, waxaa Marti u ahaa PDF USA, PDF CANADA IYO PDF DENMARK.

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I'm sorry? I heard the UN Envoy to Somalia, (who by the way comes directly under the UN Secretary General) saying that 'without Puntland Somali politics would never have reached this stage'.


Man, what is he telling the UN Secretary General then :eek:

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Carafaat;795632 wrote:
Somalia would have been peacefull without Puntland miggling in Somalia.

Puntland is part of Somalia & has worked for a better Somalia. Garowe 1&2 are a testament to this fact.

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The Zack   

Somalia, let it go ninyahow. This is so embrassing. Love all Somalia, and stop trying to prove that some parts of the country are greater than others. Ohio VS Florida? Who effing cares! VIVA SOmalia!

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The Zack   

Somalia;795817 wrote:
Man, I am not saying anything, I am letting people speak, I am letting 20 years speak.


What are you letting speak?

You are making yourself look like a fool. It is 2012, move on!

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How, how do I look like a fool for showing an article of the UN Envoy to Somalia saying and I quote 'Without Puntland's existence Somali politics would never have reached this stage today'?


Man, you should fix your part of Somalia instead of crying :(

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The Zack   

I wasn"t specifically referring to this thread but your over all contribution to this forum. Meesha dad waaweyn baa akhristo, regardless of how this stuff make you feel, it is making you look like tuulo-minded fool. Talo umba aheyd, carry on..

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Hah, my threads, of course, now it makes sense. No, I will continue to post them.


I will make one tomorrow giving a tribute to Abdi Iley, no doubt, only a few men have vision in that area and he is one of them. :)

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