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Has Puntland Come A Long Way

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1998 till 2012 The Government of Puntland existed, the question is how far has it come politically, economically, militarily, socially, etc. Please contribute your opinion on how far the state has come since it's inception and have you been suprised or did you expect nothing less!!! I would like to see some of SOL posters opinions regardless if their pro or anti puntland they must have an opinion regarding what this state has progressed to in the last 14 years.


What we do know is that the north-east somalia was barren land at the onset of civil war. It didnt have an effective government from 1991-1998, a good 7 years even though it was peaceful and prospering their was no unified government in the region, each area took care of itself.


However since the onset of Puntland government things changed and the question is, was is it for the better or for worse. My opinion is it was for the better and for the simple fact look at Bosaso-Garowe-Galkayo today and compare it to 1991 and see the difference. Look at the peace that has reigned in the region for pretty much the whole part of the civil war. Look at the political fruits we have brought in from domestic and international politics the oil and multi-nationals investments, security deals with dubai, PIS and CIA, none of which existed prior to Puntland, I think based on that the creation of Puntland has done more good then bad for the locals, thats if we were to honestly weigh the good and bad on a scale over a 14 year time period.

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Economic wise Puntland has done very well. Also in terms of safety and security it's not as bad as under Cade Muse or Yeey.


Military parade's look good, but I cant remember any recent succes of the security forces. They Lost in Las Anod, they lost in Galgala, lost in Galkacyo against Golgodob, lost against Pirates, etc. But everyone knew from the beginning that faroole is a man of peace and he doesnt like war nor strong security forces. He lets the Puntland Marines even build school rather then fight Pirates.


My advice to Puntland, employ folks from Bay and Bakool in the security forces. Without SSC you dont stand a chance in a confrontation

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They lost in Galgala and Gaalkacyo? What is it with you and lying? You still haven't learned from the "Puntland promotes piracy" bit and now you are spewing that?


Bosaso, Somalia, August 14, 2010
(SL Times)
– The hilly village of Galgala was captured by Puntland's armed forces after a brief engagement with a radical extremist called Mr Atom who used to control that area.

But Puntland's success s in dislodging Mr Atom from his hill top position has not ended the conflict, and Mr Atom has launched some counter attacks.

The security situation in Puntland has not improved either, and four people were wounded when a bomb was lobbed at a police station in Bosaso's Biyokulule neighborhood. Three of those injured were policemen while the fourth was a civilian.



A far more important goal has been accomplished.. A lot of people on this website are anti-Puntland not just for clan reasons but what you have accomplished in the 14 years of existence, you shouldn't ask them of their opinions, they are default.

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