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Daawo shir jaraa’id oo Ra’iisal wasaare Gaas u qabtay Saxaafada Aduunka maalin ka hor shirkii London

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London(Pi) maalin ka hor shirkii london(22,02,2012) ayaa Ra’iisal wasaare Gaas saxaafada Caalamka u qabtay shir jaraa’id oo khaasa, Hadalada Ra’iisal wasaaraha waxaa ka mid ah “Shidaalka Soomaaliya waa iisoo carfayaa” daawo Video-ga oo xiiso badan.


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"Dr. c/wali Moh’ed cali gaas allaw ku daaa nin isagoo kale wali kumanan arag saaxada siyaasada somalia aqoon iyo daacadnimo iyo garaad kiisoo dheer iyo hufnaan iyo caqli illahey u dhaliyay. intaba wa isku helay illahey ha’u ziyaadsho Aamiin wabillahi tawfiiq." source (Puntlandi)

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kingofkings;795478 wrote:
"Dr. c/wali Moh’ed cali gaas allaw ku daaa nin isagoo kale wali kumanan arag saaxada siyaasada somalia aqoon iyo daacadnimo iyo garaad kiisoo dheer iyo hufnaan iyo caqli illahey u dhaliyay. intaba wa isku helay illahey ha’u ziyaadsho Aamiin wabillahi tawfiiq." source (Puntlandi)

couldn't have said any better. :D

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