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Puntland Oil Strike Coming Soon 30 Days. Shell And BP Join The OIl Race In Puntland

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Madaxda Puntland oo si aad u weyn loogu soo dhaweeyey London







Soo Saarista Shidaalka Puntland oo Guul ku Dhow

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Xuquuqda Qoraalada, sawirada iyo warbixin kasta waxay gaar u tahay (RBC Radio). Lama adeegsan karo, dib looma daabici karo, lama baahin karo ama kambayuutar laguma keydsan karo si toos ah iyo si dadban intuba, haddii aan fasax laga heysan maamulka (RBC Radio). Fadlan hana xadin



Garoowe (RBC Radio) Waxaa Dowladaha reer Galbeedka ay dadaal aad u weyn ugu jiraan in ay kaalin lixaad leh ay ku yeshaan soo saarida Kheyraadka Dabiiciga ah ee ku jiro Dalka Soomaaliya.


Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa hada waxa ayku guuleysatay in ay ka mira dhaliso helitaanka shirkado baara soona saara Shidaalka aadka u balaaran ee lagu sheegay in uu ku jiro deegaanada Puntland.


Waxaa warar lagu kalsoon karo ay sheegayaan in Dowlada Ingiriiska iyo shirkado laga leeyahay dalkaas ay wadahadalo hoose ay hada kula jiraan madaxda Puntland oo ku waqtigaan ku suga dalkaas Ingiriiska kadib iyada oo usoo gabagaboobay shir ay dowlada Ingiriiska igu qabatay qeybaha Soomaalida.


Shirkada PB Oil ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in Xodxodasho ugu jirto sidii Puntland ay heshiisyo waaweyn oo dhanka Shidaalka ula gali laheyd, waxaana warar lagu kalsoonaan karo ay sheegayaan in deegaanka Caluula ee Gobolka Bari ee Puntland ay shirkada PB Oil ay carabka ku dhufatay in marka ugu horeysa ay baaris ka bilowdo.


Wadahadala Dowlada Puntland ayaa waxaa hogaaminaya Wasiiru dowlaha iskaashiga caalamiga Cabdulqaadir Cabdi Xaashi isaga oo kulamao gooni gooni ah la yeelanayo qaar kamid ah shirkadaha aad u weyn ee ku shuquleh soo saarida Shidaalka, waxaana kamid ah shirkadahaas shirkada PB Oil oo laga leeyahay Dalkaas Ingiriiska.


Mudane Xaashi ayaa waxa uu sheegay in aad ugu hanweyn yahay tixgalin gaar ahna siinayo shirada PB Oil iyo kuwa lamid ka ah, isaga oo taas ku saleeyey in PB Oil ay leedahay khibrad aad u weyn oo ay awoodo in soo saarto Shidaalka Puntland ku jiro ee aadka u badan.


Sidoo kale Raiisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiwali Gaas ayaa ka codsadey in shirkadaha reer galbeedka ay u faaiideyn karaan Soomaaliya waxa uuna sheegay in Dalka Soomaaliya uu ku jiro shidaal iyo Ureeniyam aad u baaxad weyn.


Shirkada Afrika Oil ayaa waxa ay bilowday ceel shidaal ah oo loogu magac darey Shabeele 1 bartamihii bishii Janaayo ee Sanadkaan 2012 waxaan ay hada u muuqato shirkadii ugu horeysan oo u tafaxeydatay sidii shidaal uga soo saarilaheyd Soomaaliya waxaana dad aad ugu dhow arimaha shirkadan iyo tan Xukuumada Puntland ba ay sheegayaan in mudo ka yar 30 casho Puntland Shidaal laga soo saari doono.


Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Cabrixmaan Shiikh Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa sheegay xili uu Xariga ka jarayey Ceelka Shidaalka ee Dooxada Dharoor in Soomaali oo dhan ay u siman yihiin oo aan cidina ka qadi doonin.


Shidaalka Ceelka Shabeele 1 ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa anay ku jiraan shidaal gaaraya 4 bilyan oo fuusto oo waqtigaan xaadirka ah uu suuqyada aduunka ka joogo lacag gaareysa 500 bilyan oo doolarka mareykanka ah.


Guud ahaan Shacabka Puntland iyo Xukuumadaba ayaa aad usoo dhaweeyey in Deegaanada Puntland laga baaro lagana soo saaro Shidaal dalka lagu hormariyo.


Khabiirada shidalka ayaa waxa kale oo ay sheegayaan in deegaanada Puntland ay shidaalka ku jirta ay garayaan ilaa 10 bilyan oo fuusto iyada oo ay Puntland ay kamid noqon karto 10 dal ee shidaalka ugu badan soo saara.


Sidoo kale Khabiiradaan ayaa waxa ay kaloo sheegayaan in bada Soomaaliya dhanka Indian Ocean ay ku jirto shidaal aan yareyn taas oo soomaaliya ka dhigi karto Dalka toddobaad ee shidaalka ugu badan iyada oo Dalka Soomaliya ay dhici karto in ay ka shidaal badnaanto qaar kamid ah dalalka khaliijka.


Labada shirkadood ee laga leeyahay dalka Ingiriiska ee lagu kala magacaabo BP iyo Shell ayaa waxa hada shaaca ka qaadeen in ay hirgalineyaan mashaariic horumarineed oo ay dhulka xeebta ah ka sameyn doonaan mashaariicdaas oo ah kuwo shaqo abuuris ah.


Shirkadaha BP iyo Shell ayaan wax faahfaahin ah a bixin halka iyo waxa ay noqon doonan Mashaariicdaan ay ku sheegeen shaqo abuuris.


Dalalka sida aadka ah u rajeeynaya in Soomaliya ay shidaal ka soo saaraan ayaanaan ku koobneyn oo kaliya shiradaha laga leeyahay dalka Ingiriiska balse waxaaa iyana jira shirkado laga leeyahay wadamada USA, Shiinaha iyo Kuweyt oo muujiyey in daneynayaan in ay maalgashadaan Soomaaliya.


Dr Cabdiqani Sh Guuleed oo xubnaha aad u firfircoon ee qurbajoogta Puntland ayaa isaga oo ka faaloonaya arimaha ku hareersan Shidaalka waxa uu RBC u sheegay in Puntland ay u muuqato ama noqon karto Khaliijkii Soomaaliya waxa uu ka digay in an loo dhibin dad aan aqoon u lahey hawlaha sidaan u baxada weyn.


” In shidaal laga soo saaro anaga oo dhan ayaa dooneyna balse waxaan aad uga baqayaa in gacanta loo gasho dad aan wax aqoon ah u laheyn maareynta kheyraadka dabiiciga ah, waana ka dhacdaa dunida sadexaad in kheyraadka Dabiiciga ah ee lawadaago si khalad ah loo maamulo” ayuu yiri Dr Cabdiqadni.


Shirkii loogu qabtay qeybaha Soomaalida ayaa lagu sheegay in gudi wadajir ah oo maareyn doono dakhliyaadka Dowlada Soomaaliya ilaa hadana wax intaas ka faahfaahsan shacabka Soomaaliyeed looma soo bandhigin, laguma qexin in gudigaan uu lug ku yeelan doono maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliy hada ka jira.


Gudigaan oo lagu magacaabo Guddi Wadajir u Maareeya Maaliyadda/ Joint Financial Management Board (JFMB) ayaa warsaxaafadeedka Shirkii London ay ku micneeyey waxa shaqadiisu noqon doonto waxa uu u qornaa sidatan hoos ku qoran.


- Waxa aan carrabka ku adkeyney sida degdegga ah ee loogu baahan yahay in Soomaaliya ay awooddo in ay maalgeliso adeegyadeeda dowladda, oo ay hantideeda u adeegsato waxyaabaha dadka faa’iidada u leh, iyo sidoo kale wax ka qabashada musuq-maasuqa. Waxaan soo dhoweyney horumarka laga sameeyey dhisidda Guddi Wadajir u Maareeya Maaliyadda/ Joint Financial Management Board (JFMB) si loo kordhiyo daahfurnaanta iyo xisaabtanka ee dhinacyada soo ururinta iyo in si habboon u isticmaalidda dakhliga dowladda, iyo sidoo kale gargaarka caalamiga ah ee horumarinta, kaas oo gacan ka geysanaya xoojinta hay’adaha maareynta maaliyadda dowladda ee Soomaalida ah. Baaq ay soo saareen xubinihii u horreeyey ee JFMB waxaa uu ku qoran yahay Lifaaqa A


Ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan Dowlada Fedraalka, Somaliland, Gal Mudug iyo Ehlu Suna ay hada xusulduub ugu jiraan sidii qeyb uga heli lahaayeen Ceelka Shabeele 1 oo dhawaan la filayo in uu banaanka u soo butaaco.


Waxaa rajo aad u weyn laga qabaa in 2da bilood ee soo socda in Soomaliya shirkada waaweyn ee shidaalka ka shaqeeya in kusoo yaaci doonaan taas oo ilaa hada dalka Soomaaliya uusan laheyn xeer qeexaya sid loo qeybsanayo kheyraadka dabiiciga ah ee uu rabi ku maneystay Soomaaliya.


Madaxa Raxanreeb ee Gobolka Nugaal

X. I. Cismaan

Xafiika Raxanreeb ee Garoowe

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Britain leads dash to explore for oil in war-torn Somalia


Mark Townsend and Tariq Abdinasir, Saturday 25 February 2012 21.04 GMT

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Engineers and visitors tour an exploratory well in Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region. Photograph: Reuters


Britain is involved in a secret high-stakes dash for oil in Somalia, with the government offering humanitarian aid and security assistance in the hope of a stake in the beleaguered country's future energy industry.


Riven by two decades of conflict that have seen the emergence of a dangerous Islamic insurgency, Somalia is routinely described as the world's most comprehensively "failed" state, as well as one of its poorest. Its coastline has become a haven for pirates preying on international shipping in the Indian Ocean.


David Cameron last week hosted an international conference on Somalia, pledging more aid, financial help and measures to tackle terrorism. The summit followed a surprise visit by the foreign secretary, William Hague, to Mogadishu, the Somali capital, where he talked about "the beginnings of an opportunity'' to rebuild the country.


The Observer can reveal that, away from the public focus of last week's summit, talks are going on between British officials and Somali counterparts over exploiting oil reserves that have been explored in the arid north-eastern region of the country. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi, minister for international cooperation in Puntland, north-east Somalia – where the first oil is expected to be extracted next month – said: "We have spoken to a number of UK officials, some have offered to help us with the future management of oil revenues. They will help us build our capacity to maximise future earnings from the oil industry."


British involvement in the future Somali oil industry would be a boon for the UK economy and comes at a time when the world is increasingly concerned about the actions of Iran, the second-biggest oil producer in Opec.


Hashi, in charge of brokering deals for the region's oil reserves, also said Somalia was looking to BP as the partner they wanted to "help us explore and build our oil capacity". He added: "We need those with the necessary technical knowhow, we plan to talk to BP at the right time."


Somali prime minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali said his government had little choice but to entice western companies to Somalia by offering a slice of the country's natural resources, which include oil, gas and large reserves of uranium. "The only way we can pay [western companies] is to pay them in kind, we can pay with natural resources at the fair market value."


Britain is not the only country looking to develop Somalia's vast natural resources. Last month oil exploration began in Puntland by the Canadian company Africa Oil, the first drilling in Somalia for 21 years. Hashi, who sealed the Africa Oil deal, said the first oil was expected to be extracted within the next "20 to 30 days".


The company estimates there could be up to 4bn barrels (about $500bn worth at today's prices) in its two drilling plots. Other surveys indicate that Puntland province alone has the potential to yield 10bn barrels, placing it among the top 20 countries holding oil. Chinese and US firms are among those understood to have also voiced interest about the potential for oil now that, for the first time in 20 years, the country is safe enough to drill.


Yet it is the extent of oil deposits beneath the Indian Ocean that is most exciting Somali officials.] One said the potential was comparable to that of Kuwait, which has more than 100bn barrels of proven oil reserves. If true, the deposits would eclipse Nigeria's reserves – 37.2bn barrels – and make Somalia the seventh largest oil-rich nation.


The state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation has tried to acquire an interest in Somalia's reserves. Senior officials from the Somali transitional government are adamant that the imminent extraction of oil in Puntland next month would kickstart a scramble from the multinationals.


On Thursday, the last day of the London conference, BP and Shell unveiled an initiative to support job-creation projects in the coastal regions of Somalia. A subsidiary of Shell was thought to have acquired exploration concessions in Puntland before the descent into lawlessness in 1991.


A BP spokesman said there were "no plans" to work in Somalia and no official had recently visited the country.

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NASSIROOW, Awoowe I am waiting for the black gold to be located first. :D :D I hope the Dharoor hunt does not produce a duster. I'll be very disappointed even though the Nugaal basin is yet to be explored.

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Libaax-Sankataabte;794975 wrote:
NASSIROOW, Awoowe I am waiting for the black gold to be located first.
:D I hope the Dharoor hunt does not produce a duster. I'll be very disappointed even though the Nugaal basin is yet to be explored.

Totally agree. It will be a big time game changer. I am surprised at the high level of interest shown to the prospect of oil discovery. Somalia is no longer an irrelevant "ungoverned space".

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i've been saying for a long time puntland oil is not onshore but offshore




Now let me be the first again to repeat that somalia coastline is 3300km which puntland owns 1600km or equivalent of half, so you can imagine most of oil revenue offshore is going to Puntland.


Let me be the first to say again even if oil is found in non puntland areas it wont be as much as Puntland but a water drop comparison to Puntland, so you stand no chance to compete with Puntland as far as the oil sector is concerned due to the huge land mass and coastline it sits on and ironically its where all the oil is

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Of course it is exciting news. Puntland could possibly be the 7th largest oil reserve in the world. Whats not exciting about. Can you imagine 100 billion barrels offshore. Puntland controls 50% of the ocean-line especially in the strategic areas of the gulf of aden and northern end of the indian ocean which follows through with the yemeni basins. The prospects has made lose sleep, its a game-changer there is nothing else that can be said. Its not riyo or galgalanews its not somaliland's ictiraf way soo socota this is the real deal, ciyaar kama jiro puntland. Everything is solid, wayna socota.


Its amazing the barren land has the 7th largest oil reserves in the world and to make matters sweet bp and shell are in the oil race in puntland, waxaas maxad ka taqan adigu, u dont know whats its like since ur areas doesnt get this

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NASSIR;794978 wrote:
Totally agree. It will be a big time game changer. I am surprised at the high level of interest shown to the prospect of oil discovery. Somalia is no longer an irrelevant "ungoverned space".

how long have i been saying that Nassir my old mate??? ;)


westerners don't give charitiy for nothing in return

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