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Boosaaso: Bandhig hidaha iyo dhaqanka ku saabsan oo Jaamacadda EAU ka furmay [Sawiro]

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Waxaa maatna xarunta Jaamacadda Bariga Africa ee magaalada Boosaaso ka furmay bandhig hidaha iyo dhaqanka ku saabsan oo mudo 7-maalmood ah socon doona.


Bandhigan oo ah kii ugu horeeyey ee noociisa ah ee abid ka dhaca magaalada Boosaaso ayaa waxaa sameeyey ardayda wax ka barta qaybaha kala duwan ee Jaamacadda Eest Africa University Boosaaso.


Munaasabadii bandhigan hidaha iyo dhaqanka ku saabsan lagu daah furayey oo ahayd mid si weyn loo soo agaasimey ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay boqolaal qof oo mas’uuliyiin dowlada ka tirsan, arday, iyo marti sharaf kaleba isugu jirey.


Waxaana madaxda joogtey kamid ahaa Gudoomiyaha gobolka Bari Cabdisamed Maxamed Gallan, Duqa degmada Boosaaso Xasan Cabdallah Xasan iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo Isimo, ganacsato, iyo aqoonyahanba isugu jirey.


Mas’uuliyiin tira badan ayaa madashaas ka hadlay waxayna dhamaantood ku dheeraadeen sida ay ugu faraxsan yihiin ulana dhacsan yihiin dadaalka ay ardaydu sameeyeen iyo sida ay u jecel yihiin inay dhaqankooda soo nooleeyaan.


Maamulka Jaamacadda EAU ayaa iyaguna sheegay inay ku dhiiri geliyeen ardaydooda sidi ay bandhiggan u samayn lahaayeen maadaama ay lagama maarmaan tahay in dhalinta yar yari ay dhaqanka iyo hidahooda soo jireenka ah wax ka bartaan.


Waxyaaba bandhiga maanta xarunta weyn ee Jaamacadda Bariga Africa ee Boosaaso ka furmay la keenay ayaa dhamaantood ahaa kuwo si aad ah uga yaabiyey dadkii kasoo qayb galay waxaana kamid ahaa:


Dhowr aqal Soomaali oo waaweyn kuwaasoo Jaamacadda dhexdeeda laga dhisay.

Awr raran.


Ari xeryo ku jira.

Iyo Lo’.

Sidoo kale waxaa goobta oollaa in badan oo kamid ah qalabka hidaha iyo dhaqanka oo ay kamid ahaayeen:











Iyo Masarafado.







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Students at East Africa University in the port city of Bosaso are currently holding a Somali heritage week, one of the rarest events of its kind in post-war Somalia. Traditional Somali dress, dances, food, nomadic dwellings, camels, horses, and dramatic plays are among the Somali cultural staples that are being showcased.



The city has come out in huge numbers to participate in the many activities hosted by the University’s students. Other guests at the cultural event include officials from the Puntland government such as the governor of the Bari region and the mayor of Bosaso, as well as traditional elders and representatives from the Puntland Chamber of Commerce. A large number of female hosts and representatives from the university and community were present at the events.


Last May, Puntland hosted Somalia’s first-ever all-inclusive trade show, with many Somali regional enterprises and over seven nations represented. Events like this that can bring all Somalis together for common themes are the best way forward.

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