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Warrior of Light

Maa Qeela wa Qaala

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By: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen


The Shaykh was asked, "What are your guidelines

concerning usage of time, and protecting it from being wasted?"


He answered saying, "It is necessary for a student of

knowledge to protect his time from being wasted.

Time-wasting occurs in a number of ways:


1. That o­ne leaves learning and revising what o­ne

has read.

2. That o­ne sits with his friends and indulges in

vain talk which contains no benefit.

3. This is the most harmful of them upon a student of

knowledge: That he has no concern except pursuing

people's statements, [for] "maa qeela wa qaala"(What

was said and what he said), and [for] "maa hasala wa

maa yahsul" (What occurred and what is taking place),

regarding an issue of no concern to him. No doubt,

this is from a weak Islaam, as the Prophet

(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said,


"From a person's good Islaam is to leave that which

doesn't concern him."(**)


Busying o­neself with "Qeela wa qaala" (What was said

and what he said), and excessive questioning are

time-wasters. In reality it is a disease which, when

it comes into man - we ask Allaah for well-being - it

becomes his greatest concern. He may show enmity to

o­ne who does not deserve enmity, or he may ally o­ne

who doesn't deserve alliance due to concerning himself

with these issues, which busy himself away from

knowledge, with the pretext of "championing the

truth", while this is not the case.


Rather, this is pertaining to occupying o­neself with

an issue which does not concern him. If a report comes

to you, without you having pursued it or sought it,

then all people receive news but they don't busy

themselves with it, nor does it become their greatest

concern, because this occupies the student of

knowledge. It corrupts his affair, and opens for the

ummah the door of hizbiyyah (partisanship) then the

ummah will split." [1] [2]




[1] This fatwaa (Islaamic verdict) is taken from

"Kitaabul-'Ilm" of Shaykh 'Uthaymeen compiled by

Shaykh Fahd ibn Naasir ibn Ibraaheem as-Sulaymaan,

printed by Daar ath-Tharya lin-Naashir (First print

1417H/1996CE), (pp. 204-205).


[2] Collected by Imaam Ahmad(1/201) and Tirmidthee

(2318). An-Nawawee declared it Hasan in

'Riyaadhus-Saliheen' (p. 73). Ahmad Shaakir declared

it 'Saheeh' in 'AlMusnad' (1737).18

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