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David Cameroon: the problems in Somalia can only be solved by the Somali people

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Saalax;793674 wrote:
Not in this speech i posted. You can search Puntland if you want you won't find it in the link.

No, not in that speech, I am speaking in his FINAL SPEECH.


What is it with you? I told you SEVERAL times that it was the last speech.


@Qaranki, Puntland never views it as a success to be placed alongside the secessionists, it views the secessionists being placed alongside any other autonomous state like Galmudug as a success.


Uufff, what an insult.

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Qaranki;793683 wrote:
It's funny Puntland views it as a success when it is placed alongside Somaliland in anything, whereas Somaliland views it as an insult.


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saxib..ask yourself why they call themselves punt land...hahaha...they use an english word land to describe themselves even though they have no history within the british empire or even of english language, puntland walahi waa iska somaliland wanabe...there entire existence is based on coping Somaliland. thats it. If somaliland says it will wipe its As** puntland will follow suit and say the same thing. The land of punt as recorded by the queen of egypt Hashepsuit was no where near bosaso or garowe, it was between zeilla and erigavo a.k.a. the Onsi trees of erigavo. i.e. Somaliland. talk about infringement, fake history, copy cat, lakin dont worry as the saying goes, whats not built on sterdy feet tend to collapes and inshallah this pirate criminal enterprise will be its own demise. :cool: as is proving the case thus far. to bring this demise closer to hand i would perfer war but they to scared to attack as they keep running back into Garowe every time. :cool:

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