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List of Contractors Bidding on Somalia

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Since the groundbreaking Turkish visit to Somalia during the famine, and beforehand with the oil exploration in Puntland years prior, many foreign contractors and firms have made their way to war-torn Somalia to take part in the nation’s rebuilding. Unlike other African nations which have been monopolized by one foreign power, like Angola’s relationship with China or France’s near-colonization of the Sahel, many nations ranging from mid-tier Turkey and Brazil to global powers like the United States and China have taken a renewed interest in Somalia recently. Below is a list of companies taking interest and bidding on contracts, some are even involved on the ground and have been for years.



SKA (Logistics, UAE)


Turkish Airlines (Aviation, Turkey)


Saracen International (Security, South Africa)


Dong Ah (Industrial, South Korea)


SK Energy (Oil & Gas, South Korea)


Ophir Energy (Oil & Gas, UK)


Range Resources (Oil & Gas, Australia)


Red Emperor Resources (Oil & Gas, Australia)


Africa Oil (Oil & Gas, Canada)


Horn Petroleum (Oil & Gas, Canada)


CNOOC (Oil & Gas, China)


Vale (Mining, Brazil)


…and others still coming.


Hirsi Fiqi, Editor

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