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SOL: Watch the London Conference LIVE

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Somalia;793564 wrote:





:D:D Garowe conference not inclusive abdicawar is messing up he says we want to make it more inclusive:D

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So far, he mention aid policy(development fund allocated for the recovering zones), security policy to support and increase AMISOM, and anti piracy policy (trial for pirates in Seychelles and will imprison them in SL and PL). All the political processes are left for the Somalis to sort them out.

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AU Chairman: We have devided Somalia into four sections for the purposes of the AMISOM missions: 1.Mog 2.Baidoa (2,700 Burundian troops) 3.Kismaayo and 4.Galcacyo(?). very interesting.

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Gheelle.T;793569 wrote:
So far, he mention aid policy(development fund allocated for the recovering zones), security policy to support and increase AMISOM, and anti piracy policy (trial for pirates in Seychelles and will imprison them in SL and PL). All the political processes are left for the Somalis to sort them out.

Yep, and that is called the Garowe Principles which he stated over and over again must be implemented and that they would push the Somalis towards this :D

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Maaddeey;793359 wrote:
Geelle: Somalia and SL have to talk!

They will meet up soon before summer. That is major outcome of this process. I knew months ago about it. :D

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I must say, David Cameron pulled it off quite successfully ...this is the first time Somali leaders have been treated equal in the international stages, that itself was a great acheivement for me.

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Qaranki;793579 wrote:
Is Ban Ki Moon going to answer the question about Somalia's economic waters zone......

lol he totally avoid it.

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