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Puntland Maritime Police Force

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AN26 Romania Airforce



AN26 german Airforce


I think it is safe to say puntland has capable airforce and that only what we have seen, theres reports of helicopters also

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In March last year the An-32-200 was offered to Greece, which had initiated a tender for some 20 light tactical transports. According to Antonov, an interest in the aircraft is expressed by Brazil, Bolivia and Egypt. Except for the outstanding thrust-to-weight ratio and well-tried airframe, the An-32 has a considerable price advantage over competing western designs, with flyaway price of $6-9 million (depending on version) against $12-20 million for the competition.

Their not cheap either. Puntland has a capable airforce of military aircrafts and helicopters. Not to mention the already existing tanks, bms, heavy armed vehicles, light technicals somali style and also bulletproof styled technicals, naval vessels such as port guard and other known operational vessels that are mid sized, plus 4 F350 that can be equipped with latest technologies to search out mine areas so enemies cant win by laying mines against puntland

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Puntland is strong military and you will see one huge parade this year with the state showing all of its inventory, manpower, equipments, technologies. Its the Powerful EAST SOMALIA well known to Somalis

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Damn look at the training, nothing in Somalia can compete to that. Look at that joke in hamar and those kids stand no chance to well trained puntland security forces. Forget somaliland its a joke, I saw their soldier in action and its laughable to say the least.


The PMF will definitely challenge PIS and SPU as far as training and special forces are concerned. Their training is top notch, equipment is good and moral and teamwork is at an all-time high.


PMF, SPU, PIS best working security divisions. Darawish need a huge boosting. The police are ok their carmo trained by well capable puntland commanders.


I just wish the darawish forces get a boosting in investments because they are the largest security arm of Puntland. But I guess we saw saw a glimpse of what the garowe division had in 2011 parade so its not worse then other somali forces. But we are definitely leading in Navy, Air, Intelligence and Police.


Darawish Can definitely hold their own against other somali forces there is no doubt about that but what I mean is comparing them to other high class specialized units in puntland like the PIS, PMF, AND SPU they stand no chance!!!

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I believe the darawish will need be invested into heavily untill Puntland is seriously threatened from external forces. I hope that comes because that will be a blessing in disguise for the state to really build the darawish up. I want to see heavy darawish investment and to bring the to par to the likes of the PMF, PIS, AND SPU. The polce is doing ok better then the darawish but not as good as the PMF, PIS, AND SPU units.


I think we need a Puntland defence force Academy as a key institution to build up and enhance the training of the forces. Once that is done we should call for investments from other countries and saying our oil wells are being attacked by external forces and therefore need to build up the defence force to protect our resources. I think that would be convincing argument after a few clashes occur here and there

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