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British PM: Our Plan is Not to Recognize Somaliland

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Ra’iisul wasaaraa dalka Britain David Cameron ayaa sheegay in dowladda Ingiriisku aysan marnaba ictiraafi doonin maamulka raba in uu Soomaaliya inteeda kale ka go’o ee Somaliland.


Cameron oo waraysi gaar ah siiyey laanta afka Soomaaliga ee Idaacadda BBC ayaa xusay in dowladiisa aysan marnaba qorshaha ugu jirin aqoonsi ay xiligan siiso maamulka madaxweyne Siilaanyo.


Ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka Ingiriisku oo ka jawaabayey su’aal ay BBC-du weydiisey oo ahayd diyaar ma u tahay inaad Somaliland u ogolaato madax-banaani? wuxuu yiri: “ Shirkani kuma saabsana aqoonsasho Somaliland, mana ahan qorshaha Britain”


Wuxuuna isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata yiri: “ Qorshaha Britain waxa weeyey in uu xiriir fiicani kala dhexeeyo dhamaan dhinacyada Soomaalida, saldhiggaas ayaanuna ka duuleynaa”


Hadalka kasoo yeeray David Cameron ayaa meesha ka saaraya warar mudooyinkii u danbeeyey laysla dhex marayey oo sheegaya in shirka London uu yahay mid loogu gogol xaarayo sidii Somaliland aqoonsi loo siin lahaa.


Khamiista beri ah ee ay taariikhdu ku beegan tahay 23/2/2011 ayaana la filayaa in uu qabsoomo shirka xal u helidda dhibaatooyinka Soomaaliya looga hadli doono oo ay dowlada Ingiriisku martigelisey ayna kaso qayb gelayaan dhinacyada Soomaalida laguna casumey in ka badan 50-dal iyo hay’ado caalami ah.




Horseed Media

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xiin, such stand was broadly voiced by the UK government before, so what is new?Don't be thrilled by what you already know-Somaliland is NOT getting recognized in this conference, but Of course Somaliland is easily accustoming itself to the prospect of convincing the world why it should be recognized after this conference.. There is a considerable obstacle standing in the way of recognition for Somaliland and that is the African union.There is very real-some would say likely prospect that the rift between Somaliland and Somalia will widen after this conference.So don't take solace in the prime ministers words.After the dust settles and everyone goes back to their respected region you will be posting more analysis stories why the London conference failed Somalia (you will forget the system was already broken before the confrence)....I will be the first one to campaign against Silanyo if he signs anything resembling union with the South...dead serious

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more important to talk recognition of SL than clean house.Feel good,eh.It stood alone for 20yrs & earned the respect of wider world,sure it will come.The fact that it's a thorn in your throat & can't accomplish anything without them even when the whole world babysitting & spent billions on you says it all.FAIL.

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You are correct in that we already know that the London conference will not help Somaliland's recognition bid. But the significance of the PM publicly stating Britain's policy with respect to Somalia is the fact it removes any ambiguity created by the noisy SL lobby in the British Parliament.


As your commitment to the dismemberment of Somalia, some have already sacrificed their lives for it as is the case with unionist cause---so your Diaspora activism pales in comparison.

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I will like to muse that Somaliland and Somalia are NOT ready for union at this point.Maybe ten or fifteen years down the road after the quest for recognition fails and Somalia gets its chattering clans into one voice.I will be disappointed if Silanyo throws the towel in so easily and hurriedly signs a piece of paper with a disorganized Somalia.Somaliland is today reaping the benefit of standing alone and faces its challenges far better than the south...let the show begin in London and see how this comes out....

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^^Perhaps the opposite is true. For Somaliland has reached a political sealing, where it risks internal implosion. The writing is already on the wall. Khatumo is a manifestation of that , a political development that could not be wished away. So to avoid that looming implosion, Siilaanyo would be wise to maximize the profits so to speak on the diminishing-in-value SL brand name he is sitting on in entering negotiations with other Somali stake holders. In business you are akin to a mature market, where Puntland's oil exploration, Alshabaab defeat, and Garoowe Agreements are akin to new markets generating values , and the investors have already made decision with their money adeer :D

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recognition will come later, the position of the british is clear they will follow after africa...the purpose for silanyo should be money...WARS ARE NOT CHEAP THESE DAYS..and the population of buhoodle need bath water. :cool:

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Any english sources?


The agenda for the conference was always about fighting piracy, terror and the road map etc etc. Having said that the UK Foriegn Minister meets the President of SL and calls him a president in his post meeting comments.


Not sure what difference this 'news' makes but Somaliland is attending a meeting where Somalia will be told it must do a, b and c and put into UN/IGAD trusteeship again losing the little soverignty that remains. Who is the independent one here?


Is putting things into perspective too much? Talk about not seeing the woods for the trees.

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^^^Not sure where you get the UN/IGAD trusteeship bit. Its hard to be a secessionist now days. The meeting is about SOMALIA and the British government wants to bring all Somalia parties (including Somaliland) together.

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