Somalia Posted February 22, 2012 Waxaa meel fiican maraya howlo dayactir ah oo beryihii u danbeeyey lagu wadey wadada Laamiga ah ee marta bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha Puntland. Mashruuca jidkan lagu dayactirayo oo qayb ka ah mashaariic 4-ah oo ku jira barnaamijka horumarinta degmooyinka ee JPLG ayaa waxaa fulinaya shirkadda dayactirka wadooyinka ee El-Gar. Qaybo kamida wadada laamiga ah oo burbur xoog lihi uu ka muuqdey ayaa xiligan ah kuwo dib loo habeeyey kadib markii dhowrkii beri ee lasoo dhaafay ay shaqo xoog lihi ku socotey. Inta u dhexeysa Hotel Nakhiil iyo xarunta dowlada hoose ee degmada Boosaaso ayaa maanta laga dheehanayey isbedel xoog leh kadib markii goor hore oo saaka ah Daamur lagu shubay. Dhinaca kale waxaa dhowaan la qorsheynayaa in iyadana Laami laga dhiga wadada isku xirta Airport-ka iyo xarunta dowlada hoose ee degmada, wadadaas oo dhowr todobaad kahor loo diyaariyey sidii Laami loo saari lahaa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee heshiiska jidadka magaalada Boosaaso laamiga looga dhigayo oo lakala saxiixday 2/2/2012 ayaa u muuqda mid si weyn wax uga bedli doona bilicda iyo isu socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka ee magaalada Boosaaso. Waxaana mashaariicda dayactirka wadooyinka ee Boosaaso ka socda si aad ah usoo dhoweeyey bulsho weynta ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaaso iyo guud ahaan gobolka Bari. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr_Osman Posted February 22, 2012 Theres a long way to go for Bosaso. This is not enough to bring the city to have respectable roads. There needs to be about 10 road pavings before it is even semi decent. However I commend the bosaso community on getting this started it is well over-due Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted February 22, 2012 That actually looks good very nice work dawlada hoose eeh boosaaso Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr_Osman Posted February 22, 2012 Xaaji Xunjuf;792514 wrote: That actually looks good very nice work dawlada hoose eeh boosaaso 1 road will not change Bosaso, there needs to be at least 10 roads that are paved before it is semi decent. If they can finish the 4 road paving in the city i'll be satisfied because the city struggles badly in the road sector. After that the Road Committee needs to get together and plan 2 road pavings annually for the city. With that sort of vision and correct management Bosaso will be paved within a decade. Its just poor planning on corrupt officials at the local level who are only how to manage their back pockets. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr_Osman Posted February 22, 2012 Please note this road paving is a community initiative, this has nothing to do with the local government. They only did the gravel part under the JPLG program, the paving is strictly a community and business driven initiative. Its quite sad when the community can deliver more services to itself then the alleged administration!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites