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UK PM David Cameron: We aint Planning To Recognize Somaliland Ever

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iT is getting clearer By the Day that No one is Going to recognize this small state which is at war with its own people.There is no Logic Behind it.There is a Major Consensus Among The IC that There can be only One Recognized Somali State.


However,There Many Ideas and solutions on the Drawing Board and It is up For a Realists Politicians To Apply it.One Being,For peaceful Negotiations and Reconciliation as well as giving massive economic Incentives as for reparations for what the Late Regime has done To the People of North Somalia.


The Other One,Being somalia backed by the international Community will Launch a massive campaign To reclaim what it considers its own Right This will ofcourse cost both the elites a lot of capital and human lives.This will draw somalialnd into a defacto Ethiopian Control and Draw them deeper into the hands of Adisababa.


The Thid one is the Most controversial one but if all options fail (By peace or war) Then what is left is Land swap agreement b.w Ethiopia and Somalia in which We Get back The Whole of Ogaaadenya and Parts of Fertile Oromo in exchange For Ethiopian access to the sea Through the Northern Provinces exclusively inhibited by the secessionist Elements With Awdal being a federal Autonomous Part of Greater Somalia.

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Xaaji, who informed you the war is over, when your dulmidoon militia are sitting close to buuhodle? I see you took silaanyo's fake baaqnabadeed seriously? misinformed flock of sheep.

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