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Gal-Mugdi Back To Their Old Tricks Again. Attack On Galkayo Airport

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Carafaat;792554 wrote:
Waxaan inaa hogaamiyo peace mission of Burco and Lascanood folks to Galkacyo. Dhexdexhaadin ogol ma ka tahay?

Lol:) nabadaa naas la nuugo leh...oo waa arrin wanaagsan ee marka hore Buuhoodle nabad ka dhig...Kaalkacyo as locals pronounce it waa magaalo Soomaaliyeed, wax macne ah ma samaynayso dacaayadaha iyo cantarabaqashka ay shakhsiyaad qabyaalad la jirrani meelaha ku qorqoraan...laba cidoodna iskama lahan keligood dad kale oo Soomaaliyeed baa la deggan. Waa in amase maammullada la mideeyaa, amase nabad lagu wada noolaadaa iyadoo xushmo iyo xaq-dhawrba jiro, meeshaan wixii ka dhacay waa la ogyahay dadka meelaha faanfaanaya yeysan isyeelyeelin ma ahan taariikh lagu faani karo ee Ilaah ma soo celiyo wixii 1991-kii ka dhacay! Heshiis-nabadeedkii 1993 wuxuu ahaa mid gogol-xaar ah, waxaa habboonaan lahayd in mar kale la isa soo hor fariisto, koleey Faroole laga sugi maayo oo isagaanba magaaladan tegi karine. Dadka degaanku haka tashadeen aayahooda!

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Carafat, as usual is talking hot air, with all its problems, the City of Galkacyu is a booming business place and a place of learning. It has great prospects for the future and a dynamic population. Its problems are man made and incompetence of those who claim leadership on both sides.

However its divide is not as broad as some think.


It will become an important Hub in any future of Somalia, a place that connects the North-South of the nation.

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Duke, the topic of this thread is about a disputed Airpport! Never in the history of mankind has an Airport been disputed, attacked and changed hands so many times. Even In the old days in the divided city of Berlin Airports, roads and infrastructure were not disputed by East and West.

And you are claiming here that it is ok, business is booming and its not as bad as it looks. Cajiib walee!

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Carafaat;792972 wrote:
Duke, the topic of this thread is about a disputed Airpport! Never in the history of mankind has an Airport been disputed, attacked and changed hands so many times. Cajiib walee!

Nonsense adeer, this airport and Galkacyu City as a whole has been in the hands of the SSDF and later Puntland since 1993, never has it ever changed hands, never was taken over or been under another admin. Thus throughout the existance of Puntland it has been part of the State assets. Maybe you chew with the wrong crowed lad. Its been an asset of the state even when Burco was changing hands between the clans of Tuur & Siilanyu, thus spare us the bull and try again..


Galkacyu City is part of Puntland State, there is no dispute, Galmudug exists and have an area of the City. Much like many cities & towns even in America that straddle States.. Also the peace of this City has lasted for many years and insha Allah it will develop further..

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Wiilka Somalia wuxu ka dacwooniyaa abtiyaasha/Baraxley ayaa so weerartay Airportka. Adiguna waad kasii dartay oo Iminka ma waxa ku fanisaa abtiyashay ayaan airportka ka qabsaday.


Have you no shame! bragging about clannish divided city, with one neighbourhoud controlled by one clan militia and another in the next. Its the 21st century and some still seem to think as if cities are like pastoral land one can simply divide the admins amond reero. Result, yet another part controlled by a third clan.

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Carafaat;793054 wrote:


Have you no shame! bragging about clannish divided city, with one neighbourhoud controlled by one clan militia and another in the next. Its the 21st century and some still seem to think as if cities are like pastoral land one can simply divide the admins amond reero. Result, yet another part controlled by a third clan.

If you think the truth is bragging or that the facts I outlined to you were insults directed at my relatives highlights only your inadequacies in terms of understanding issues. As I have gathered from your various posts on this topic this Galkacyu thing is a big issue.

Again, as I have stated to you, this City has an admin, it functions and its a reflection of the Somali Civil war, hopefully soon it will be over and better days are on the way.


Also as I have stated to you before, you don't understand anything regarding this region and people.. Try again lad.

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Duke, first of all Galkacyo City has not one admin it has atleast 2 admins and third admin was recently declared. Check your facts.


Second Mudug is a Somali region and its people are Somali's. Just like Somalia needs one goverment. Galkacyo needs one local goverment, one police force and not multiple clan militia's.


Strange that you are so eager to share Muqdisho and one central goverment in Somalia and are not calling for one admin Gallkacyo. Is that because your lot forms the majority and thus you clanish instincts stand in the way of any goodwill?


Duke, Galkacyo is the place where your lot should show your leadership skills and your sincerity for Somalinimo.

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^^^Thats much better less prancing around. Mudug and its people had the first and longest lasting peace agreement signed between two powerful rebel groups at the high tide of the war. It has kept and endured, it will be built upon by the people in due time.


Its a fact that Galmudug along with Puntland are signers of the Road Map, which aims to have a lasting settlement for all of Somalia.

My poor lad, its clear you get confused with tabload news and ignore the real facts. Ask anyone President Calin, Gen Qaybdeed, Mohamed Farah Jimcaale, Ali Hashi Dhoore and 10 others leaders from Galmudug were welcomed in Garowe last week and thus your whole argument is null and void.


Try again

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They were welcomed in GAROWE indeed. Unfortuantly there is an ugly clan line in that city marked by the simple fact thaty the 2 admins, while the people are one, one city. Why can't you say its wrong and there should be one admin NOW, how many more assasinations, militia figghting have to die before you realize what is right and what is wrong today! Rather then using the peace agreement of 20 years ago as excuse to do nothing and wait for anothjer assasination and more lawlesness.

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Carafaat;793072 wrote:
They were welcomed in GAROWE indeed. Unfortuantly there is an ugly clan line in that city marked by the simple fact thaty the 2 admins, while the people are one, one city. Why can't you say its wrong and there should be one admin NOW, how many more assasinations, militia figghting have to die before you realize what is right and what is wrong today! Rather then using the peace agreement of 20 years ago as excuse to do nothing and wait for anothjer assasination and more lawlesness.

Again nonsense. I have stated to you that the people of Mudug share many things, religion, kinship, nationality like many other Somali's. They have differences, minor political ones that has been exasperated by the Somali Civil war. Thus if their leaders are willing to meet up in all places Garowe and work out the national political issues together with other parties, does that not rubbish your whole argument?


As for one admin for Galkacyu, that's a minor issue compared to what these men were discussing last week. As you were soldier.

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Dukey, let me put it diffrently. Galkacyo and you are being loyal and solidair to an alliance that has been not so loyal to Galkacyo latelty. In fact ou are being hold captive and while Mudug is regarded as the ignorant hinterland of Puntland. Where even the small Qardho has a bigger say and stake in the State, while you are declaring youw own city as a hostile frontline instead of a metropolitan city and capital of Central Somalia.


Never mind. You won't undestand sxb. You are being true to your Mudugian ignorance.

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Carafaat;793088 wrote:
Dukey, let me put it diffrently. Galkacyo and you are being loyal and solidair to an alliance that has been not so loyal to Galkacyo latelty. In fact ou are being hold captive and while Mudug is regarded as the ignorant hinterland of Puntland. Where even the small Qardho has a bigger say and stake in the State, while you are declaring youw own city as a hostile frontline instead of a metropolitan city and capital of Central Somalia.


Never mind. You won't undestand sxb. You are being true to your Mudugian ignorance.

Aside from insults, what have you just stated? Adeer give it a break, you keep moving the goal post and only end up confusing yourself. Galkacyu is fine,Mudug is ok and Somalia is coming back.. Insha Allah Khair.

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Sxb, if you think 3 clan administration is one cit y is fine, if you think assasinations of elderes, sheicks and business men is fine, if you think clan militia's attacking eachtoher is fine and that yoou think piracy is fine which also big business in Mudug. Then we disagree on what kind of Somalia, we actually want.

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