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The Hermet

Mugdisho Clan Elders Reject Garowe Conference Proposals.

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Muqdisho can't be compared to Washignton DC. When Washington DC was made capital, it was made a district without dederal right because it had one house owned by Goerge Washington 4 cali beesteen and 10 slaves for his plantation.


Muqdisho is a city with nearly 2 million people(10 more people then Puntland), there is no Cali beesteen and no slaves to be traded. People in Muqdisho should have same rights as any other Somali and to be governed and ruled by a parliament willen corrupt thieves and pirates.


Let this Parliament rule Garowe village.

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Muqdisho can't be compared to Washignton DC. When Washington DC was made capital, it was made a district without federal right because it had one house owned by Goerge Washington 4 cali beesteen and 10 slaves for his plantation.


Muqdisho is a city with nearly 2 million people(10 more people then Puntland), there is no Cali beesteen and no slaves to be traded. People in Muqdisho should have same rights as any other Somali and to be governed and ruled by a parliament willen corrupt thieves and pirates.


Let this Parliament rule Garowe village, I say.

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Garoowe anaa leh banaadir waakula leeyahii wax jiraayo ama socoheeso maha.. Xamar lama kala laho waase loo xigaa ma maqasheen yes indeed saas ee ahaanee,, ummado dhan waa leeyahiin caasimadda weena degi karaan but maamulkeeda haloo dhiiiiboo dadkeedi

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Carafaat;791613 wrote:
Muqdisho can't be compared to Washignton DC. When Washington DC was made capital, it was made a district without dederal right because it had one house owned by Goerge Washington 4 cali beesteen and 10 slaves for his plantation.


Muqdisho is a city with nearly 2 million people(10 more people then Puntland), there is no Cali beesteen and no slaves to be traded. People in Muqdisho should have same rights as any other Somali and to be governed and ruled by a parliament willen corrupt thieves and pirates.


Let this Parliament rule Garowe village.

Muqdisho is a city with nearly 2 million people(10 more people then Puntland), there is no Cali beesteen and no slaves to be traded. :confused:


that garowe village is way more relevent and powerful than all of somaliland put together. if i were you, i would bury me head in the sand.

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Recovering-Romantics;791620 wrote:
Hahaha calling everyone a troll now? Admit it, kid. You have been beaten

he is a troll. Are you now a troll and blind? damn, i feel sorry you. anyway, i thought you were done trolling for the day. What happen, can't follow simple direction?

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Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar, currently the James Wallace Professor and retired Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College, leader of Hiil Qaran Somali political movement, who visited Mogadhiso couple of months ago, has fully endorsed Garowe I and Garowe II Principles. Also, he has clearly acknoweleged that the people of Puntland are and have always been the really incubators to Somalinimo i.e. Somali nationalists. Wholeheartedly, I second his thouthfull comment about Somalis in the land of udgoon.


Maraykanka (Allpuntland)-Prof.Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo kamid ah Aqoonyahanada Soomaaliyeed ee waxka dhiga qaarkamid ah jaamacadaha dalka Maraykanka ayaa si kal iyo laab ah usoo dhaweeyey qaybtii labaad ee shirkii Tastuurka Qaranka Soomaaliya oo Labo cisho ka hor kusoo gabagaboobey magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada dawlada Puntland kaasoo uu sheegey inuu ahaa shir muhiim ah oo loo baahnaa islamarkaasna dhacay waqti muhiim ah, Isagoona codsaday in hirgelinta shirkaas loo wada istaago lagana wada shaqeeyo baraarujinta Ummada Soomaaliyeed si looga boxo xaalada adag ee uu dalku ku jiray mudada dheer.


Aqoonyahanka Soomaaliyeed Wuxuu sheegey in shirkaas oo ay reer Puntland martigeliyeen uu si toos ah uga turjumaya himilada Soomaali doonka ah ee ku duugan maskaxda shacabka reer Puntland taasoo uu sheegey in ay tahay Soomaaliya meesha kaliya ee ay dawlad rasmi ah ka jirto islamarkaasna ay dadka Puntland dega kuweyntahay Soomaalinimo Jacaylka iyagoon wax dan gaar ah ku wadan Dadka kale balse un ka danqanaya mushkilada Soomaaliya ka jirta.


“Shirkani wuxuu ahaa guul Waayo in dalka gudihiisa lagu shiro oo weliba lasoo saaro go’aamo baa waxay tahay arin aad u weyn oo aan marna la heli karin, Runtii Waxaan rabaa inaan hawada Salaan u mariyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed weliba kuwa reer Puntland, Dadkaasu waa dad qaali ah oo la’aantood ma qabsoomeen shirarkaan iyo kuwo kale, Waa deegaanka kaliya ee xasiloon hadana si caafimaad qabta u raadinaya Soomaalinimo iyadoon madaxdeedu dan gaar ah raadinayn taasna maahan wax la heli karo”Ayuu yiri Prof.Samatar oo dhanka kalena sheegey in Bartamaha sanadkan isaga iyo aqoonyahano kale iyo Siyaasiyiin aad u badani ay u qorshaysantahay inay booqdaan deegaanada Puntland lana kulmaan bulshada iyo madaxda Puntlad.


Xafiiska Wararka Allpuntland, Gaalkacyo.

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Mario B   

Carafat, People who claim Mogadishu now are rulal people who gate crashed a city and stripped it and sold for scrap, the gov should return stolen property to it's right full owners special from "somaliland" if we want to maitain a "United Somalia"


I also don't believe any somali citizen can be denied rights in any town or city in Somalia, I hope we free somalis from clan territorial claims in the next 2 generations.


P.s Mogadishu runs all of Somalia, it shouldn't suffer from if you own a home in Mogadishu, then Xamar is your home.:cool:

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Recovering-Romantics;791590 wrote:
There's a world of difference between what some gang leaders worried about their term write on some worthless documents & trying to implement. Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia but its not an empty land where every ***** can lay claim to it. It belongs to a specific group. That same group that dismantled the Siyad Barre Regime & Abdullahi Yusuf & have left a psychological dent on the minds of Faroole & his gang. If you think the people of Mogadishu will give away their ancestral homeland without a nasty fight, you are utterly messed up in the brain. Faroole & the gang he comes from are guests in Mogadishu & they will have to obey the local rules & mandates of the city-state or get forcefully get evicted like in '91.

It's like talking to a brick wall.


IT doesn't belong to anyone. Read the charter. And for your information the "group" that live there are allied with Faroole, Abdullahi Yusuf and the rest. What kind of "psychological damage" can they inflict?


People like you are what's wrong with Somalia. Now that 4.5 is gone and the discrimination due to Faroole's work, Mogadishu could be claimed by cad cad, how about that? I am playing by your rules.

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Awooweyaal, most of you are adults. Would you kindly debate one another without calling each other names. This is becoming a fruitless excercise for everyone involved. Please respect the rules of the website and avoid the personal insults. If you don't have the skills to debate others in a civil manner, then don't post anything at all. You are off no use to SOL. We don't have the time or resources to edit all the silly outbursts.


Cayda hala joojiyo dhallinyaro. Cayi horaa loo yiri cid kaama celiso. Nacnacle laga adkaaday uun bay kaa dhigi cayduye, hala xishoodo.

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Cambuulo, adigana saas maa aaminsantahay. Angia Xamar xundunteyda ku duugan, but now I can't claim xuduntaas miyaa. Isbitaal Banaadir ku duugantahay ee mala ii soo faagaa banaanka maala ii soo dhigi doonaa if I don't belong qolooyinkaa meesha kusoo dhajisay? 058.gif


Xamareey xaal qaado.

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