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Xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle: Heshiiska Garowe Wuxuu Horseedayaa Dagaal Sokeeye oo Hor Leh (SAWIRO)

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Xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle: Heshiiska Garowe Wuxuu Horseedayaa Dagaal Sokeeye oo Hor Leh (SAWIRO)



Muqdisho (RBC) Xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle oo ka mid ah mudanayaasha baarlamaanka KMG Soomaaliya oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Muqdisho ayaa ka digay in heshiiska Garowe uu ka yimid shir “xaaraan ah” sida uu yiri uuna horseedayo dagaal sokeeye oo markale Soomaaliya ka dhaca.

Xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa sheegay in dadkii ku shiray magaalada Garowe aysan keligood go’aan ka gaari karin talada dalka Soomaaliya iyo dastuur u sameynta, isagoo sheegay in haddii sidaasi lagu sii socdo ay sababi karto dhibaato hor leh.

“Dadka ku shiray Garowe, ma waxay ahaayeen wakiilo Soomaalidoo dhan metela, waayo Soomaali ama waa gobolo ama waa qqabiilo marka yay ahaayeen dadka Garowe ku shiray” ayuu isweydiiyey Salaad.

Wuxuu sheegay in lixda saxiixayaasha heshiiska Garowe ay marooqsadeen talo ka dhexeysa in ka badan 10 milyan oo Soomaali ah.

“Haddii waxa ka soo baxay Garowe la isku dayo in la meelmariyo waxay horseedi doontaa dagaal sokeeye oo markale Soomaaliya ka dhaca, taasna waan ka digeynaa” ayuu yiri xildhibaanka.


Xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle

Dhanka kale, wuxuu xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle sheegay in dalku uu leeyahay baarlamaan KMG ah, haddii la sameynayo dastuurna ay tahay in baarlamaanku ansixiyo kalsoonina la weydiisto shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Xildhibaan Salaad Cali Jeelle

“Dastuur waxaa loo sameynayaa waa Soomaali oo dhan, marka haddii dastuur federaal ah la yeelanayo waa in Axdiga hadda jira saldhig u noqdaa, waana in shacabka Soomaaliyeed la weydiistaa kalsoonida” ayuu sii raaciyey xildhibaanka oo aad u dhaliilay golaha loogu magac daray “Golaha Daastuuriga” ee lagu go’aamiyey shirka Garowe.

War saxaafadeed uu shalay soo saaray Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed oo mudanayaasha baarlamaanka u doorteen afhayeenka cusub ee baarlamaanka, wuxuu sharci daro ku tilmaamay qodobada heshiiska Garowe iyo shirarkii ka horeeyey.

Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka ee raacsan Madoobe Nuunow ayaa diidan heshiiska Garowe, halka garabka taageersan Shariif Xasan ay qeyb ka yihiin heshiiska.

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His a classic specimen of the anarchist remnants of the moryaan era, dowladiid qashin. he can't create shit and won't allow other to progress.

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faarah22;791337 wrote:
His a classic specimen of the anarchist remnants of the moryaan era, dowladiid qashin. he can't create shit and won't allow other to progress.

And he was one of you heroes not long

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faarah22;791337 wrote:
His a classic specimen of the anarchist remnants of the moryaan era, dowladiid qashin. he can't create shit and won't allow other to progress.


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Very valid points by MP Salaad Ali Jaale. Thousands of people have died to bring down the communist regime of Siyad Barre which had the same views of Mogadishu as the current gang in Garowe & we are prepared to fight nail & teeth to bring down that criminal enterprise in Puntland if it attempts to enforce its clan agenda on the people of Banadir. What happened in '91 will be a walk in the park. Mark my words

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Recovering-Romantics;791584 wrote:
Very valid points by MP Salaad Ali Jaale. Thousands of people have died to bring down the communist regime of Siyad Barre which had the same views of Mogadishu as the current gang in Garowe & we are prepared to fight nail & teeth to bring down that criminal enterprise in Puntland if it attempts to enforce its clan agenda on the people of Banadir. What happened in '91 will be a walk in the park. Mark my words

Empty threats. What will you use to fight the government this time? Sticks?

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Recovering-Romantics;791584 wrote:
Very valid points by MP Salaad Ali Jaale. Thousands of people have died to bring down the communist regime of Siyad Barre which had the same views of Mogadishu as the current gang in Garowe & we are prepared to fight nail & teeth to bring down that criminal enterprise in Puntland if it attempts to enforce its clan agenda on the people of Banadir. What happened in '91 will be a walk in the park. Mark my words

are you serious? if you have the power to do any anything, computer warrior, go for it. i for one believe you can do it.

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Recovering-Romantics;791593 wrote:
Same way Abdullahi Yusuf was defeated & made a refugee in Yemen!

sure, why you are at it, look outside of the window and see if pigs are flying.

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