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Al Shabab Has Threatened Puntland

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Al-Shabaab : Shacabka Puntland Waa In Aadan Ogolaan Shirarka Lagu Qabanaayo Garoowe

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Muqdisho (RBC) Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) oo saxaafada kula hadlay deeganka ceelasha biyaha ee duleedka Muqdisho ayaa ku tilmaamay shirkii ka dhacay Garoowe mid lagu baadiyeynaayo umada Soomaalida.


Mar uu ka hadlaayay qodob ka mid ah shirka wuxuu yiri


“Shirka waa la yiri dastuurka cusub 30% waxa ka yeelan doona haweenka, waa baadil lagu rabo in lagu maran habaabiyo dhaqanka iyo diinta ay lee dahay Soomaalida”


Wuxuu digniin u jeediyay shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Garoowe.


” Waxa aan ugu digeynaa shacabka reer Garoowe in aysan marti galinin shirka cadowga ay kala soo cararayn muqdisho in markasta lagu martigaliyo guryihiina ma ahan marwalbo kitaabaka qur’aanka ka soo horjeeda lagu martigaliyo guryihiin Shabaka Reer Puntland waa idiin doqonimo” ayuu yiri Cali Dheere.


“Waa in aad noqotaan kuwa u hiiliya kitaabka Alle, wax garadka iyo dadka kale ee wax garadka reer Puntland ka damqanaya sharafta iyo dadnimada waa in aysan waxaas oo kale yeelin” ayuu yiri Cali Dheere.


Sidoo kale waxa uu Cali dheere ka hadlay shirka lagu dabayaaqada bishan ka dhacaya magaalada Londan oo ku tilmaamay mid lagu curyaaminaayo umada soomaaliyeed.


Al-Shabaab oo dhawaan ku biirtay Al-Qaacida ayaa inta badan ka soo horjeesta shirarka Soomaalida loo qabto ee ka dhaca gudaha dalka iyo dibadiisa, tii oo ay ijirto iyadoo aan ka qeybgalin.


RBC Radio


Xafiika Wararka Muqdisho

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Oh go away dayniile boy your not even in the equation, you will be confronted and expelled from the nation. Why are the haters showing their ugly faces nowadays

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Dr_Osman;791280 wrote:
Oh go away dayniile boy your not even in the equation, you will be confronted and expelled from the nation. Why are the haters showing their ugly faces nowadays

the difference between pawns (al shabaab) and high profile leaders is that when it's all set and done, we all know the outcome of people like this particular loser; execution. so talk and make all the jokes you want. your days of terrorizing in somalia is numbered.

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