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The Corridor Of Power Galkayo To Bosaso. The Story Of Puntland. By Dr Osman

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I think it is well over-due that I congratulate this state on the amazing progress it has made on the political front. It wasn't to long ago when the state wasn't even in the picture in-particularly the sal-balaraar era or better known as the aideed age. It was also in political isolation during the Abdiqasim Hassan Salat tenure and the state wasn't even recognised by the then incumbent TNG. I think everyone who follows Somalia politics knew very clearly Abdiqasim Salad stance on our state and he said its non-existant and referred to it as "balaayo-land".


On The Federal Front


Its been a tough road, a tough journey, with tears, blood, and struggle for Puntland to rise out of obscurity(1991-2004) to dominating Somalia since 2004 and Beyond. We have not only set up the TFG system in 2004, we are the first ones to dismantle it and replace it with an official Somalia Federal Government. What does this mean to other somalis? this means that this is no longer a transitional government that can be changed at tandem the test and try era has come to a final close. Beyond august 2012 this will be the official somalia government.


The official government to be born in mogadishu august 2012 will be better known to somalis and the greater international community as the third republic, the government will be built in spirit of the garowe principle. We have decided on what sort of government we would like to see for Somalia and it will be a Parliamentary democracy, and the power of the state will be given to the prime minister who will have executive power, while the president will be head of state for ceremonial purposes. Similiar to the Ethiopia system with a strong p.m and a weak president.


We have decided how the parliament will look like and it will consist of two assemblies. A upper house for the regional governments and lower house for the constituency. This sort of system will provide a check and balance for the future Somali government so there isn't a misunderstanding between regional entities and the federal government. The big question on everyone lips is who will be more powerful the regional governments or the federal government. This has been answered and power will be vested into the regional governments.


So its been good start to the year 2012 for Puntland. We have just inked one of the greatest agreements in Somali history and finally broght an end to the political battles between somali clan families. We will all walk together hand in hand as brothers in the spirit of the garowe principles. History will remember as the clan that was a peacemaker in Somalia similar to how history remembers Yasin Osman Keenadid as the father and creator of SYL who brought somalis together.


On the regional front


Puntland is doing steadily and progressing on it's own regional government. We are well under-way for setting up the state's first multi-party parliamentary democracy. The state has moved rapidly on the local governance front in setting up functional local councils in remote towns. Today Puntland has 15 functioning local councils which are Bosaso, Garowe, Galkayo, Qardho, Badhan, Eyl, Burtinle, Buhodle, Qandala, Bargaal, Bandar Bayla, Jariban, Waciye, Isku-shuban, Ufayn.


Puntland is heading towards good governance practises and there is more training sessions and meetings occuring to enhance stronger institutions in the state especially at the local and also at the regional level. Puntland is attending conferences worldwide such as kenya meeting for somalia health sector building and also the London Conference. It is currently on a diplomatic visit to Djibouti to streghten bilateral ties between the two states,


Puntland is strongly shifting its focus away from the corridor of power(Galkayo-Garowe-Bosaso stretch) and is getting involved on the off-the-road project. This is major regional shift of policies and It's about time. On the other areas of Puntland and in-particularly ssc regions the state has failed miserably and needs to begin an outreach campaign to bring back the locals in those areas. The sanaag issue and its wadaad politics is out of control and nearly spilling over to the commercial capital Bosasso. I think oil and mineral exploration in those areas with the support of their elders will bring them back into the fold of Puntland and guarantee peace for the region in the longer term and we should shift our policies to be a resource based one to entice the locals back.


As for neighbouring regions and in particular galmudug who is threatening the most military strategic city in Puntland Galkayo, there needs to be a god damn resolution agreement and not a ceasefire agreement as has been for the past 20 years. As for Somaliland politically it has collapsed and has re-joined Somalia however its militias are on the offensive and Puntland needs to respond in the same manner,

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Dr_Osman;791195 wrote:
Maxamed Farole In-Action Like Father Like Son

Actually he is talking quite sense, must be from the mothers side. :D

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Carafaat;791658 wrote:
Actually he is talking quite sense, must be from the mothers side.

Yeah and his Mother is not who you think...But that's you, as usual clutching onto straws..

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rudy-Diiriye;791248 wrote:
all see is clan cheerleaders, twisting their mini-skirts with their behinds!! Where are the facts!

Any grown male with an Usher display photo should not aim beyond his own mental borders.

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kingofkings;791667 wrote:

U see thats the problem with you cheerleaders! u judge a book by its cover!! so u think that your uncle is like the holy grail and everything he says is like the shizzel my nizzle! I had no idea that my avatar was the pic of f-head Usher!! lol. Some how, sol assigned me that and i rolled with it. But now, i gotta have a meeting with Libaax!! lol


Did u every see me talk about my uncles!! If i tell u who they are, u will kiss my feet!! I know most pple in sol dont know shyte about me. But i aint like that. I judge a person by their karti and and knowledge. its just pathetic when a grown up human, shakes their bootys to a tribal dance!! thats just freaking immature behavior.


Whats better, is to think out of the box and believe that u & tribe can not have the whole pie, and as a somali nation, we all need to share it.


Can u share??

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rudy-Diiriye;791706 wrote:
U see thats the problem with you cheerleaders! u judge a book by its cover!! so u think that your uncle is like the holy grail and everything he says is like the shizzel my nizzle! I had no idea that my avatar was the pic of f-head Usher!! lol. Some how, sol assigned me that and i rolled with it. But now, i gotta have a meeting with Libaax!! lol


Did u every see me talk about my uncles!! If i tell u who they are, u will kiss my feet!! I know most pple in sol dont know shyte about me. But i aint like that. I judge a person by their karti and and knowledge. its just pathetic when a grown up human, shakes their bootys to a tribal dance!! thats just freaking immature behavior.


Whats better, is to think out of the box and believe that u & tribe can not have the whole pie, and as a somali nation, we all need to share it.


Can u share??

Mashallah, tell us, who is your uncle..

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see thats the difference between u & me is! I like to fight my fights, but not run around faning about my older clan folks. I am the man now, so u got stand & fight against me if u aint into somaliweeyn & willing to scarifice for it to the last drop of your blood!


can u dig that! or do i have to repeat that in sign language!!

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rudy-Diiriye;791724 wrote:
see thats the difference between u & me is! I like to fight my fights, but not run around faning about my older clan folks. I am the man now, so u got stand & fight against me if u aint into somaliweeyn & willing to scarifice for it to the last drop of your blood!


can u dig that! or do i have to repeat that in sign language!!

you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag, yet you have the nerve to threaten people. now that's what i call an empty threats. Furthermore, with regard to your last sentence, as mention before, you can't be a man, because what man has usher as an avatar. go away weird troll. kulaha, i want to fight, go fight your weird persona.

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Rudy, politically speaking somaliland was on life support for 20 years and now its dead and buried in the coffin. So stop your protesting like faysal ali waraabe who is a politically failed misfit

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